
Tuesday, November 05, 2024

Ukraine to jail people for storing firewood

The Ukrainian parliament has passed a law introducing criminal liability for storing firewood without proper paperwork about its origin, local media have reported. The country faces an energy crisis in the coming winter, amid the ongoing conflict with Russia.

The Verkhovna Rada, the nation’s legislature, adopted the new rule last month, and it now awaits Vladimir Zelensky’s signature, the outlet Strana said on Sunday.


  1. Ain’t democracy swell?

    1. What democracy? That fucker cancelled elections.

    2. anon 5:01 no, he didn't cancel elections. the law says when they are in an active conflict they cannot have elections. that's part of their constitution, and was passed long before zelensky even thought of running for office.

  2. Maybe they are afraid that they will burn Politian's at the stake.

  3. Ok so is someone going to go from house to house checking how much each house has

    1. I thought I read an article about a swat team going to a house and pillaging the inside and killing a squirrel and a raccoon. I mean if they’re going to kill a defenseless little animal who knows what they’ll do for free firewood.

  4. RT is owned by Russia. Could be true.

  5. Why don't they just burn the pallets of cash the Bribem administration sends them?

    1. much of that is likely back in american politicians pockets

    2. because what we send is mostly equipment. burning hummvees don't last long.

  6. I was walking thru a park in the city and I could have sworn they were illegals chopping trees for firewood.

  7. If that shit ever comes to my neck of the woods, there will be an lot of missing enforcers suddenly!

    Chutes Magoo

  8. An example of the democracy the Democrats have in mind for us

  9. I think the Ukes would be a lot better off with Vlad Putin in charge of the country rather than wormy little kike

  10. Tell me again how Ukraine is worth saving.

    1. 1)we made a promise to protect them if they gave up their nuclear weapons. if we'd like to go back on that promise, that's fine, but we'd better pony up some nukes in exchange. that's fair.

      2)if we decide that we're just gonna stop protecting people we promised to, then everyone is simultaneously going to say "we need nukes, america no longer has our back". then EVERYONE has nukes, and the world is a hell of a lot more dangerous that way. and then, like the Dread Pirate Roberts "one they think you've gone soft, it's work work work all the time" we'll spend vast amounts of treasure and blood just to get back to where were are now. every asshole in a funny hat thinks they can get away with shit again, and then we have to put in all that work to remind them that they can't. it's a lot more work that the way things are now..they know not to get out of line and are afraid of us.

      3)it's from RT, and it's fake. and you should be embarrassed that you thought it was real, because it means you'll fall for any stupid shit that comes down the pike.

    2. 1) Ukraine never had it's own nuclear weapons. There were Russian nuclear weapons on Ukrainian soil in the past, but they didn't belong to Ukraine.
      2) It's not like a country can decide one day that they need nuclear weapons and can just suddenly start building them.
      3) Are there any news source out there that isn't fake? Name me one.

    3. when the soviet union broke up, each member state kept the nukes that it had on it's soil. so they were actually the property of ukraine. russia still held the triggers, but that was just a matter of time. the engineers that made the triggers i nthe first place were ukrainian.

      the equipment needed to make nuclear weapons was in ukraine from the start. it's sitting there. idle. they have the plans. the people who designed the warheads were ukrainian and they still live. they have plenty of uranium to enrich and the reactors to do it.

      sure, there are fake news sources. but RT is fake on purpose. it is the designated propaganda arm of the russian government. just as the russian orthodox church is a designated arm of the russian government wholly owned by the KGB/FSB. patriarch kirill is a self admitted KGB agent, and russian orthodox churches are used as safe houses for FSB agents.

  11. from RT, who still think that ukraine released genetically modified mosquitoes that induce only people who are genetically russian to become alcoholics.

    because the mosquitos made them alcoholics. or something.

    they also still believe that zelensky bought a few yachts...when they're still for sale..and his wife bought a bugatti..that they haven't made yet...and he bought a house in england..that is a museum owned by the british crown and not for sale.

    oh and his wife bought some jewelry in NYC..when she was in quebec.

    the same RT that used clips from the captain america movie to "prove" ukraine was making super-soldiers, and that was why they weren't winning.


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