
Monday, December 02, 2024

Civil War II and WWIII

Broadcasting from the nuclear bunker outside of the Pentex blast zone, I find myself in the uncomfortable position of accepting that I called it wrong. Who knew that the wandering Biden would stumble into a means of igniting WWIII to keep the government out of the hands of Donald Trump and his weird cabinet selections? I mean, Dr. Oz over Ben Carson? There are multitudes of criminal bureaucrats plotting their civil war to keep from answering for their treasonous acts, but they were, no pun intended, trumped by Joe Biden’s handlers when they approved long-range missile strikes on Russia proper.


  1. ATACMS have a range of 190 miles. which is a lot shorter than the missiles russia has been using from day 1.

    and no, ukraine doesn't need our help to program them or launch them. the programming procedure is written at a 5th grade level, and they're using google earth to get coordinates.

    it isn't going to be "world war III" because putin isn't suicidal. he knows the moment he launches we land a warhead right in his lap. none one addressed to the city his in, one that will land within 200 yards of him even if he's deep underground.

    also, every person in the chain of command in russia has kids in the places russia will york, boston, london, paris, ect. if the kids start leaving, then be worried,. they're not going home any time soon.

  2. WW3 will start in the South China Sea and CW2 will run concurrently. Get your preps done and brace for impact.

  3. There will be no nuclear exchange. Both sides have too much to lose, the time honored mutually assured destruction (MAD). There Soviets ain't all that bright, but they're not that stupid. And yes they are, and will always be, Soviets until they wise up.

    1. MAD worked when the primary antagonists were the U.S. and the Soviets. There are a lot more folks with nukes and all we need is for lets say Iran or China thinking they could change/improve the world order by trucking a nuke into Kiev or Moscow or Paris.

  4. I never thought Ukraine could win this war, simply given the relative size and economies of Russia verses Ukraine. The fact that they've hung on this long is more due to Russian mistakes than anything else. Unless Trump can get them both to the bargaining table, sheer force of numbers will be on Russia's side.

    Look at it from Russia's point of view. They took 25 million dead in WW2, and still managed to be our number one competitor until 1991, so if they have a million casualties in Ukraine, they figure they can absorb it and move on. After all, it's not the top Kremlin bureaucrats who are having their kids killed over there, it's a bunch of peasants.

    1. Ukraine has hung on this long because Uncle Joe and friends are supporting that clown in Kiev

  5. just one thing. remember all of the stupid assholes behind this shit.
    we going to want to hunt them down if it does happen.
    burning them alive comes to mind. I am sure others will come up with ways to deal with them. as for the Russians, this is not something they want . NO. it is the dumb fucks on our side that want it. for some stupid reason they think it will not effect them ????
    like I said. if it does happen. it will be because of something we or rather the assholes
    in DC did. old Vlad would be doing the world a favor if he nuked DC off the map !
    maybe a bit of northern VA while he is at it too.


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