
Monday, December 02, 2024

Okay, cool

New York state legislators have hinted at using unusual tactics to combat the incoming Trump administration, including holding back federal taxes and leaving the United States to join Canada.

State Sen. Liz Krueger, a prominent Democrat from New York City who is also the chairwoman of the state Senate Finance Committee, proposed the ideas as state Democrats only have weeks to counter President-elect Donald Trump before he takes office.


Of course all the Conservatives that live outside of the Blue cities in New York would be pissed as hell and I can't blame them. It's a good thing for them this doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of going through.


  1. Actually, we in Western NY are totally cool with the concept of NYC seceding .
    Considering where their water comes from, they might get a tad thirsty, but they could always blame that on MAGA .

    1. The problem is the rest of the state is thrown in with the city.

      I think states should have their own electoral college. Some states have larger populations today than the entire U.S. pop back in the days of the Founding.
      That certain cohorts within the country have acted to fracture the country, I think they should get it good and hard, but not to their liking.

      Not to balkanize the country, but to remove those who are anti-American. Of course, a country cannot exist with a country (sovereignty for indian rez is unconstitutional) therefore those people are put into prison for life. Or, forever removed from the jurisdiction of the U.S.

    2. If we are talking about secession, why do we need to respect current state borders? When the geniuses were talking about California secession in 2017, the state should have split north to south with western California leaving the states and eastern California leaving the state. Ever wonder where West Virginia came from?

  2. Grandstanding. Hold back federal taxes? How? Please tell me, I'd love to do it myself. And join Canuckistan? Really? Total bullcrap. But do try.

  3. But if New York leaves the Union where oh where will we go if we want to see "Hamilton" or "Cats"?

  4. Something these politicians overlook: what makes them think Canada would want the headache that is NYC?

    1. Canada being what Canada has become, I can see Ottawa welcoming them with open arms.

    2. Justine Castreu would welcome fellow commies with open arms. We could offer to trade some of the red zoos err zones for Alberta and Saskatchewan.
      Then again, we can offer to help them pack IF they promise to never come back.

  5. "No one knew initially how evil our nation’s healthcare had become. Who would have thought that illegal gain of function research would be funded in Wuhan by Fauci? Who would have thought that the mRNA therapy was patented before the release of the pandemic? Who would have thought that the “cure” would kill millions? Who would have thought that our doctors would receive bonuses for giving the clot shot " Answer: $

  6. Almost all counties in NY are Red. It's god damned NYC that keeps voting in the democrats. If anything I think the State of NY should be able to secede from NYC. Always NYC has taken taxes, ignored the counties and dumped it all in the city. Plus, as mentioned, they do love the counties water.

    1. Just like the Spanish Civil War, N.Y. Gov forgets everything they use and need is imported into the city. Heaven forbid that somehow motorways and railways and waterways get blocked.
      NY.Gov are pusillaminous and words are wind.

    2. In the 2024 Election New York was closer to flipping red than Florida was to flipping blue.

  7. .Whinny, loud mouth Liberal politicians like to toss bluster tantrums for attention. The ones you really have to worry about are the silent conspirators with lots of cash to undermine the system.

  8. From Canada thank but we’ll pass

  9. That dumb bitch doesn’t realize she made a case for doing away with the IRS. I get such a charge out of politicians when they self-own.

  10. Wait. What happened to "no one is above the law"?

  11. Even to crazy for us Cunaks

  12. And just wait until the first natural disaster happens in NYC and they can't bail their asses out and come crying to the Federal Government! I get so incredibly sick of liberal grand-standing and chest thumping!
    They will only "play nice" when they're in trouble. There's a reason they call them libtards!


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