
Monday, December 09, 2024

Daniel Penny acquitted in subway chokehold death of Jordan Neely

A Manhattan jury has cleared Daniel Penny of criminal wrongdoing in the chokehold death of Jordan Neely on a crowded subway — a caught-on-video killing that sparked fierce debate over the city’s mental health system and crime underground.

The panelists acquitted Penny of criminally negligent homicide — which could have put him behind bars for up to four years — in Neely’s chokehold death aboard a crowded uptown F train in May 2023.


  1. What was the blast radius when the judges head exploded?

  2. Tried watching the live feed. A black man with a bullhorn screaming directly into the ear of a white man standing next to him. The white people had no bullhorns.


  3. Penny should have never been charged in the first place and he wouldn't have been if the skin colors were reversed. I’d like to see Trump gives him the civilian medal of freedom shortly after Jan. 21, 2025

  4. And he'll be paying off the lawyers' fees and the time he had to take of work for the next ten years. Lawfare at it's finest.

    John G.

    1. Where have you been? Crowdfunding raised over 3 million for him before his trial even started.

    2. I hope it's set up as a trust fund for his benefit rather than giving him the money. If he's got money, the asshat father of the POS that died will have something to gain.

    3. Non@11:32
      Lawyers and courts cost a lot of money even if you win, and Penny's not done yet 'cuz civil suits are waiting in the wings.
      He's going to need every penny of that money.

  5. Daniel Penny has been jailed, impoverished, and still forced to endure another trial in NYC unless the civil suit is quickly dismissed.
    Good Samaritans are still strongly cautioned to keep away from NYC.

  6. I just read the George Soros has funded the BLM idiots to protest and riot. Please standby.

    1. Yeah. He's footing the bill 'cuz the DNC is too broke to start the festivities.

    2. Yep. Black Lies Matter was there, alright, spewing their black lies. (Yes, “Black Lies… was deliberate.)

  7. Here we go. We never see much civil unrest out here in North Texas. I wonder why? (sarcasm)

  8. George Zimmerman, Kyle Rittenhouse, Daniel Penny...I'm seeing a trend here; demonrat prosecutors and leftist judges overruled by jury nullification. The only loser was Chavin for St George of Fentanyl. Little off topic, but iI wonder if they'll catch the Insurance CEO shooter?

    1. I think they just caught him in PA.

    2. I watched the Rittenhouse trial - I do not believe that Judge was biased against Rittenhouse. He was just allowing the system to work. There was one point for example where as I recall he tabled a motion to dismiss, because if the "jury makes the decision to acquit" it's better than if I dismiss.

  9. Two suggestions for Daniel, one… lose the curls,
    two….move the f@&k away from NYC…

  10. This is an excellent example of why prosecutorial immunity needs to go away.
    Yes, along with qualified immunity as well.
    People make mistakes, there should be consequences.

    TMF Bert

  11. This trial was not about justice. This trial was about what the DA and the prosecutor trying to see what they could get away with. Time to prosecute the prosecutors. Did the DA lie to the Grand Jury? The state should have to reimburse Penny.


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