
Wednesday, December 04, 2024

Forget the fence and put in a moat, Gram

HIGHLAND PARK, Mich. – Highland Park resident Isabelle Gaddie has grown tired of drivers crashing into her fence as the number of crashes near her home has tallied up to 27.

She can’t catch a break, as it seems no matter what she does, drivers inevitably speed through the red light just feet from her home.


  1. All 27 drivers carried no insurance? What are the odds of that?

  2. Years ago, there was a house that had thst problem, except the drunks would crash into the house. They put a car sized boulder in their front yard.

  3. People in nearby town lived in the bend of a 90 degree curve, numerous drivers 'lost control' and ran into their garage. Recently they had the damage to the latest run-in repaired, moved their driveway entrance to the far end of the curve and had a guardrail running from 50 feet before their home to the entrance to their driveway. No dings in the guardrail yet.
    The woman in this story needs a five foot high 'it'll really fuck you up' guardrail instead of a fence.

    1. Build the fence out of wood, but use 10 foot long 2" sch 80 concrete filled galvanized pipe buried 4 feet in the ground as posts, and space them at four foot intervals...

  4. I was thinking tank traps.

  5. Recked the fence eh? I am no grammer police but these people are supposed to be journalist. Maybe a little DEI going on there?

    1. Itz uh well rittin artickle, izn tit?

  6. There's a house at a curve on Lincoln Drive in Philadelphia that was notorious for being hit on a regular basis. The owner finally fixed it with the boulder solution. Cars still crash, but not into his house.

  7. "Problem" house like that here at a T intersection that had several drunks crash into it over the years. At this point, there is a flashing sign and speed hump before the stop sign and heavy duty bollards placed at the edge of the property.

  8. 27 times, all with no insurance!? Another sure sign of societal collapse. Oh! It's Detroit! I should have checked earlier. Never mind, everything's fine.

  9. Wonderful place, known for its crime. Had a flint Mi.(another vibrant community)driver tell me that if he ever had a flat tire in Highland Park he'd roll it out on the rim. When I was a kid, Highland Park was still a fairly nice place, big brick homes. Its abutting Hamtramck which used to be well known as a Polish community and both were surrounded by Detroit.

  10. "All 27 vehicles were not insured, so the bill keeps coming to Gaddie for repairs."

    I think we have a bigger problem here...

  11. Install cargo ship sized pier bollards, seven ought to do

  12. Years ago while living in Sacramento I was dating a lady who lived on 2nd Ave. At the intersection of 2nd Ave. and Freeport Blvd. there was a house on the corner that for some reason people would miss the turn. The owners of the house hired a master bricklayer who would build masterpieces of art of a brick wall. It would stand for 6 months to a year before being hit again. The homeowners would call this master craftsman and he would build another. different, masterpiece to replace it. This went on for years. I just took a look at it on Google street view. The house now has a low wood fence. We will see!
    Uncle Dave

  13. A friend in Louisiana had that problem and built a 3 rail fence on 10 ft sections of 4.5" oil drill pipe (3/4" wall high tensile steel) sunk 5 ft in the ground at 6 ft intervals. Occasionally had to replace the., but usually o ly one at a time. ;-/
    John in Indy


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