
Tuesday, December 03, 2024

Gallup Poll on Guns Reflects Manipulation, Ignorance, and Denial

“Majorities Still Back Stricter Gun Laws, Assault Weapons Ban,” Gallup claimed Monday in a synopsis of its Oct. 1-12 Crime poll. “Support for a ban on handguns in the U.S. has dropped to a near-record low.”

56% want more gun control. 52% want an “assault weapon” ban. But only 20% want a handgun ban.

That last bit sounds like a bright spot, and we’ll get back to it. But before we do, we ought to look at who the respondents were and what they were being asked — and also examine if the questions were fair ones that considered what those polled actually knew as opposed to what they believed because it’s what they’ve been told by political, media, and activist influencers with a vested interest.


  1. Not that I place any confidence in polls, but it doesn't matter what percentage of the pee-pul want or don't want; it's what the Constitution and how the courts interpret the laws that matter.

  2. From what I see most people are emotionally reacting, instant gratification sheep who just want to be safe. If the guns are depicted by the control freak, progressives as more dangerous to the sheep than usefully defense tools then the polls are reflecting the consensus of the ovine's opinion.

  3. Yeah, 99% of people have no idea how hard it is to actually buy a gun, yet they want stricter laws. Last year I wanted another .22 rifle for fun at the local range. I had a very specific model in mind and told my wife I'd go get it and that would be my b-day present. She's like, no, I'll go get it for you since it's a present. Well, she came home, HOURS later, mad as a fucking rattlesnake. Comments from her were like "What the fucking hell do they gotta check my id over and over, do they think I'm lying?" or "I have a fucking carry license with a full background check already, why the fuck can't they just hand me the gun after I pay for it?!!!" or "what the hell is that damn form I have to fill out asking all those questions - do they do that every time?". I just sat there with a smirk and said "welcome to the dark side, honey, we got cookies". She literally had no idea what it took to buy a gun, yet prior to this she was all like I believe in the 2A but it's too easy for the wrong people to get guns. Now she knows better.

  4. You’d think by now people would realize you can’t trust a damned thing “polls” say. That’s just like listening to “experts”. Even I have a bullshit degree, and I wouldn’t take my advice or opinion on much. Other than on firearms and explosives and alcohol. Holy shit, I could be an ATF agent if I was gay! Eod1sg Ret

    1. You might’ve won the internet for me today with that one 1sg!🤣🤣🤣

  5. "Shall not be infringed" is pretty straightforward to me.


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