
Tuesday, December 03, 2024

‘Misrepresents the law’: DOJ refuses to dismiss Hunter Biden charges despite pardon — and prosecutors brought Bannon receipts

The special counsel appointed to prosecute Hunter Biden for felony tax crimes in California is refusing a request from Hunter Biden’s attorney to have the case against the president’s son dismissed despite President Joe Biden issuing a blanket pardon for any federal crimes his son may have committed over the last decade. Hunter Biden’s attorney’s moved for dismissal of the charges Sunday evening.

In Monday's response, special counsel David C. Weiss said the federal government opposes the request to dismiss Hunter Biden’s indictment, arguing that even when a defendant is pardoned by the president, no law or governing rule requires that the charges against that defendant be dismissed.


  1. If a tree falls in the forest with no one around, does it make a noise? Can you be pardoned from charges if there are no charges?

  2. funny as this tends to piss some people off just a bit?
    from what I heard and read his laptop is full of illegal shit this asshole has done and gotten away with. no reason for that small thing to piss people off
    doesn't matter really. either way his ass is toast. he have to go to court and tell all or face new charges. or maybe better yet, some of the other players take his ass out before he gets called to court. if the SS protection detail ever gets pulled, he done for.
    sooner or later, someone is going to get pissed enough to take out a few of these "golden assholes" I for one will not be sorry to see that happen.


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