
Thursday, December 05, 2024

Top 6 Home Defense with a Gun Myths

What is more frustrating than myths that get passed around with such regularity when no one pauses long enough to examine whether or not they are true? Maybe a case of the shingles, but other than that…

Here are some firearms and home defense myths that just won’t die.


  1. It's in the last paragraph: 92% of all successful gun defenses do not involve firing a shot. If the bad guy knows you're armed, he-she-it-they run like hell.

    1. Regarding the last myth. Dr. Arthur Kellerman was academically discredited for fudging his data with his so-called study. And he was obviously anti-gun before the study.

    2. I found it necessary to unholster on several non-consecutive occasions.
      No shots were fired.
      But it could have gone the other way each time.

      Stay alert everybody!

  2. I cheated the draw twice outside St. Louis but did not have to draw. Both times my potential assailant avoided a critical failure in victim selection.

  3. I have a Crimson Trace on my 45. At 20 feet that little red dot points out where the hole is going.

  4. I have worried about the damage to the house and the clean-up annoyance from a shotgun (I only have a 12 gauge, but it is a pump so I got that sound going for me.) So then to a pistol. I do worry about a loose bullet bothering the neighbors since our home has lots of windows. So then to ? I have a 22 but I don't feel that it
    a. Has enough stopping power if I hit the bastard.
    b. Makes enough noise to make a psychological impression if if I miss.

    1. Just me personally, but I would rather cleanup the mess a shotgun (as Clint put it “With the right load at the right range”) made throwing those chunks of shit off my opponent than risk an even worse outcome for loved ones.
      As for the 22lr, those little things will do serious damage. IF, under those extremely stressful conditions, you are able to place them exactly where they need to be. Think groin, orbital socket sized moving targets.
      Go buy you an AR, a few standard capacity mags and go practice with it more than once a year.
      As the article stated, Varmnit rounds break up fast.
      Don’t forget the ear protection.

      TMF Bert

  5. I have a 20 ga youth model so it’s short and maneuverable, loaded with 3” magnum #4 shot in the tube and buckshot to follow. I watched a video of the effectiveness of the turkey loads on hanging meat to simulate humans and it’s devastating.

  6. April 1991. Kingsville, TX. 2am. Girlfriend and I snug in bed. BOOM- somebody kicked in the back door of my apartment. I immediately went to GQ, got the Mossberg out of the closet and racked a round...Yelled: "It's gonna suck to be you!" They unassed the AO in a hurry..knocking over the kitchen table in the process. Cops came took a report. Girlfriend was freaked out and went home. I screwed a piece of scrap wood across the doorjamb and didn't sleep a wink the rest of the night.

  7. And why the hell isn't your go-to gun fully loaded and a round already chambered?

  8. "Girlfriend was freaked out and went home. I screwed a piece of scrap wood..."

    I assume there was a knot-hole in it.

  9. Good article. Old habiit, I secure the house every night without failure. All doors including heavy screen doors, windows locked and curtains drawn. Pistol out of the holster on the night stand and 12 gauge in the corner beside that. I cannot imagine going down without a fight. I wonder how many have died or watched or heard their family die and their last thoughts were, I wish I had listened, I wish I had a gun.

  10. As to the "racking the shotgun" I was witness to an escape from a prison where the perimeter patrol stopped two folks trying to check out early by racking the 870. They returned to the facility fence very politely and awaited the backup to be secured.


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