
Friday, December 06, 2024

Trump Needs to Make an Example of General Milley

In dealing with his enemies in the Deep State, President Trump could follow one of two paths. One would be the path of peace, reconciliation, and forgiveness. This would certainly be easier in the short term and also garner approval from insiders and the media. Alternatively, he could seek to clean house and punish the worst and most insubordinate offenders from his first term.


  1. I agree 100%. Then go after the others that have committed crimes. Create a DOGI - Department of Government Investigations.

  2. And by example, hanging.

  3. The BIG thing that Milley did that was actually traitorous was colluding with the Chinese without any authorization or knowledge of the President or Secretary of Defense. Also, interfering with persons who would carry out launch orders is too bad news, but not necessarily traitorous.

    I agree that Milley should be recalled and brought before a court-martial so that they can determine the facts and punishment upon the case presented before them.

    I also agree that the use of nuclear weapons, not as retaliation, but rather as a preemptive strike, should be reexamined, especially in view of Biden’s decomposition while in office. Would anyone want the power to launch vested in him alone?

  4. Trump can fire the asshole from the US Army, but he's already a 4 star in the Chink PLA.

  5. What many don't know is that retired officers remain under the UCMJ in retirement. Those Officers (morons like McRaven, as a good example) should also be recalled to active duty and put before a court martial for bringing contempt on the national command authority. Those, alone, could keep a number of Courts martial rather busy for a couple years.

    Milley should be given a fair trail and fine hanging.

    1. Hanging's too quick and humane: airdrop his fat ass on the front line of the meatgrinder in Ukraine, with a sat-capable body cam locked on his face, let him defend the Z-fag agin Rooskies /sarc.

    2. The path of peace, reconciliation, and forgiveness sounds good on paper, but it's viewed as weakness by the enemy.
      Which is why Repubs get fucked by demos most of the time.
      No mercy, no quarter.
      Treat them like they treat us.

  6. Now if Biden can just forget to pardon Milley...

  7. Is hanging still legal?

    1. Tennessee still has the death penalty. Extradite him for treason. Or let him go hunting, pretend he won a free trip. If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it can you still hear the screams

    2. Let him go hunting with Dick Cheyney.

  8. Trump tried going the nice guy route his first term by not pressing investigations and charges for Killary and others. Look where it got him, it was seen as a sign of weakness and should not be repeated!

  9. i hope that trump, ramaswami and musk clean out the traitors, not with a broom but with handcuffs.

  10. maga daddy trump - raffle off positions on the firing squad, sell tv rights to the execution. pay down the debt. yeah baby! oooo, running man! turn him loose on ft. benning, or bragg, or even rural usa. lol! reality show hit! damn, i'm rolling.

  11. Milley needs to be courtmartialed for calling the Chinese. There is a lot of other questionable behavior but I think calling the Chinese may rise to treason. Ignore the dems and rinos, fire if not prosecute whole levels of management in all parts of the justice dept. He probably cant dismantle the BATF, FBI et al but I hope he reaches deep.

  12. Milley is nothing more than a wannabe. Looking at all of the award ribbons there is not one with a V device for valor. His only combat action was he road in a armoured Humvee that was leading a heavily armed convoy through a fairly welled secured area. Get a Ranger tab and get Airborne qualified then move on. All about promotions. Just another pencil pusher.

  13. Calling the Chinese and letting them know he would give them a heads up about any actions should have seen him court-martialed on the spot. Biden not doing it makes him complicit in the event. Aid and comfort to the enemy and China see us as the enemy to be acquired and controlled. Do we draw and quarter any more?


  14. He tried playing nice last time.

    I pray he's learned his lesson.


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