
Monday, December 02, 2024

What goes around comes around, Biden

Joe Biden made the shock announcement Sunday night that he would issue a presidential pardon for his troubled son Hunter, calling his prosecution 'selective' and 'unfair.'

The bombshell U-turn decision comes just weeks after The White House denied the president would make the drastic move in the final months of his lame duck presidency. Biden, himself, said as recently as June that he would 'not pardon' his son. 


Critics of Joe Biden's shock pardon of his son Hunter have noted a key detail that connects the reprieve to the younger Biden's time on the board of Ukrainian gas company Burisma. 

The bombshell U-turn decision to grant Hunter a pardon comes just weeks after The White House denied the president would make the drastic move in the final months of his lame duck presidency. 

The document grants a full and unconditional pardon for Hunter's potential crimes committed 'from January 1, 2014 through December 1, 2024.' 


Now it's Trump's turn:

Donald Trump signaled Sunday night that he intends to use Joe Biden's pardon of his son Hunter to his own advantage, linking it to his own prospective controversial pardon of January 6 defendants.

'Does the Pardon given by Joe to Hunter include the J-6 Hostages, who have now been imprisoned for years? Such an abuse and miscarriage of Justice!' Trump wrote, in his first public comment since Biden announced the pardon Sunday.


  1. Shock? Ha! Question to ask, why now? If he had waited till just before the changeover, this would have been covered by the 'noise' of the other news stories.
    Hypothesis. Kamala is going to be our new prez, if only for a short time. Ol' Joe is much, much worse off than they're telling us (another big surprise!), and they won't have to do a late minute 25th. He'll have a fall/stoke/incapacitating injury. Lefties get to swoon over the first women, and this will be a final middle finger/FU to the Obama wing of the party.
    Standing by, I got plenty of popcorn.

    1. I agree Alan. It will happen soon. Kamel Toe will be elevated just to say Trump won't be #47. They are sick motherfuckers

    2. I was surprised by the timing too, not by the fact this degenerate did it. We all know he's a corrupt liar. (which makes him representative of his voters) You might be right about him resigning or having the 25th imposed on him. Why wait until Sunday when he could've used the holiday? Black Friday materialism and weekend sportsball circuses would have buried this in many people's minds, now it is the story to start the week.

      FJB. And every one of his staunch Democracist Party supporters too.

    3. I'm sure there's more to his brother gets one as well along with unknown conspirators'

    4. Jill Biden will never let joe step down so Harris can become prez even for 1 hour let alone 1 day or week. Jill hates her with the heat of a thousand suns.
      - WDS


    5. Joe pardons his brother, then resigns. Kamala pardons Joe, and they get away, scott free. Unless Trump appoints Hunter to fill an opening on the Supreme Court. Then, there would be a through investigation of the man, including the years he was pardoned for. He will not face charges, but his charactor and that of his dad and uncle will come out. Then the Senate can vote him down.

  2. Pedophiles look out for their own.

  3. Another reason for the "I'm gonna pardon my son" pardon: It was reported over Thanksgiving, Hunter told his father about a book he was writing that would go public with everything.

    Now, Hunter is no more an "author" than he is a "painter". This is his bluff to get paid to STFU by anyone that bought what Hunter was selling, and what he was selling was Joe Biden.
    - WDS
    Welcome back Ken.

  4. Since his pardon covered part of the future as well as the past, I would argue that the entire pardon is corrupted and not legally enforceable. Just like an overly broad search warrant, its defects make it null and void. Presidential pardons for future activity is nothing but a license to commit further criminal acts.
    If the pardon is still considered valid, since Hunter is no longer legally able to claim the 5th Amendment privilege for anything during that period, he will be forced to answer questions about the Biden crime family under oath. In which case, I anticipate something bad happening to Hunter. There are lots of his own family or those co-conspirators or those involved in the coverup of their crimes who don't want to be thrown under the bus. He better stick close to Daddy's side to stay under the Secret Service protective umbrella.

    1. yeah. accidents so happen at "just the right time" for some people. funny that ?
      if they pull his SS protection detail, the boy is fucked bigtime.
      as you have pointed out, there are a lot more "players' in this.
      there a good chance the clown will be dead before long. hot shot, car accident- he likes to drive fast, you know. and they can hack just about any newer car these days
      or a mugging gone bad. DC is still a rough town after all.
      but rest easy as the others are not going to let him "sing" about all he knows.
      then too,, people have been killed while under SS protection before. so this would be nothing new really.

    2. What part of the future did it cover, specifically? It was dated to cover to the day (or day before) it was issued. Insofar as the 5th amendment goes, a bad memory is sufficient. See pretty much all Democrat testimony: "I have no recollection of ...." Hunter's got the don't go to jail card, so if he claims no recall whatcha gonna do? He's answered. Sure, it's a new offence, he lied under oath. Now go prove THAT. Total timewaster given the huge number of other felons to chase.

  5. Biden's pardon nonsense may force a SCOTUS ruling to decide if this has become Obstruction of Justice. I seriously doubt a blanket 10-year time-frame pardon for any crime passes Big-C scrutiny.

    1. Pardons are Constitutionally provide for, there is nothing for SCOTUS to rule upon. Yall should read a bit more.

    2. Many years ago, I asked a retired legal scholar about the idea of blank-check pardons. This friend had once clerked for the Chief Justice of the State Supreme Court and we often talked law and politics. I learned a lot about legal theory from him. Anyway, he replied that pardons apply to specific criminal charges and/or convictions. There's no authority to pardon unnamed crimes committed over a decade.

      No one disputes that the President has authority to forgive a convicted person of any crime. The legal SNAFU here is that Hunter was never formally charged or charged with bribery. So it seems to me that Biden has broken the legal definition of a pardon. I think SCOTUS may have to decide this matter.

    3. Ha! I posted a reply to myself before the "Y'all should read a bit more" post became visible to me. I'm just airing thoughts about some really fascinating legal concepts at play here. It's funny that my unrelated ramblings were a perfect counter to that post.

      SCOTUS has ruled on Presidential pardons in the past. SCOTUS has not yet ruled on preemptive pardons. Ford preemptively pardoned Nixon. Ford's pardon was not legally challenged at the time, so it is not a legal precedent. After some thought, I now believe that Ford's pardon should have been taken to SCOTUS and the concept should have been rejected.

      A basic tenet of US law is that we are innocent until proven guilty. I'm wrestling with the legal concept of pardoning an innocent person. By definition, a pardon can only occur AFTER conviction. Even with a pardon, the conviction remains on the books forever. A pardon doesn't erase the crime, just the punishment.

      For the sake of argument, let's say that a pardon CAN be granted for an unspecified crime before conviction. Is such an "ex ante facto" pardon a signed admission that the President knew about the crime and was a conspirator? Can a signed pardon be admitted during discovery when any accomplices are charged? Are Ford and Dark Brandon guilty by admission?

      Are preemptive pardons now a Presidential tool to commit any Federal crime while avoiding prosecution? Should we declare the "Secretary Of Bribery" as the President's official agent of treason? Should there be a "White House Official To Be Pardoned Later"?

    4. Anon@2:16, we're waiting for your self educated rebuttal.

  6. If it wasn't clear that they don't give a F@#$ what we think, this should do it.

  7. Maybe Hunter will get a hot shot in his next batch of crack while he celebrates.

  8. He still has the rest of the family, relatives, and himself to pardon.

  9. IANAL, but, After January 20, Hunter can be subpoenaed by congress to testify about his father. Since Hunter has no legal fear of prosecution, he cannot plead the fifth and his testimony can be compelled. Sounds like another big “Ooops” for Joe Stupid

    1. Sounds good. But will the stupid part act in such manner? Its rhetorical, we already know the answer.

  10. Yeah, it's possible Joe was protecting himself and his crimes, but I honestly believe his degree of cognitive impairment might preclude his careful consideration of such.
    I think Joe has been a co-dependent parent of addict for so long, it was easy to convince him to sign on the dotted line to save his baby boy. The co-dependency is every bit as powerful and damaging as the addiction. I can recall so many examples of this over the years in family, acquaintances, and patients and their families. One more time at at redemption, one more chance, one more treatment center, put up bail one last time. The co-dependent will do it while alienating themselves from other family members, falling into financial ruin, and in the face of a hundred examples that tell them otherwise. They think they are saving the addict, but they just facilitate the spiral by "saving" them from the accountability that may be their rock bottom and path to sobriety. Why the hell would any addict quit with nearly unlimited funds and no accountability?
    It is a sad and infuriating mess on multiple levels.


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