
Friday, December 06, 2024

Whoops, my bad, dawg

ST. LOUIS (KMOV/Gray News) - A 14-year-old suspect accidentally shot his 16-year-old accomplice as they tried to carjack a man on Monday.


  1. OMG, the 'street cred'. Gets beaten up by a 73-year-old man AND shoots his own homie.

  2. This one had a better ending!:

    The story is here:

    1. Now lets' see if the store manager gets run up on charges, because both yoots were on their way out the door when he started shooting.
      That and shooting the yoot when he was already down on the floor.

  3. It’s St. Louis so strike up the band:

    I hates to see my bestess homie go down
    It makes me think I'm on my last go 'round

    Feeling' tomorrow like I feel today
    I'll improve my grip and make it all OK

    I gots dem Saint Louis Blues; just as Black as I can be
    I gots a heart like a rock cast in the sea
    Or else my homie wouldn't have died on me.

  4. No one needs mug shot to figure it out anymore. Just the name of the city 98% of the time.

  5. Remember when White kids went out armed and carjacked old people? Me, neither.

    Negros are a doomed race under permanent custodial care.

  6. Up by Fairgrounds Park. Of course, lit would be in the finest part of town, and among its most upstanding young inhabitants. And people wonder why the official rule is "never go north of Delmar Blvd."


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