
Wednesday, December 04, 2024

Yeah well, when you live in a shithole city.....

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- When Jimmie Blackstone signed up with a new internet provider, he said he was offered a $100 Visa gift card as a bonus.

After it didn't show up, he said he contacted the company, who told him it was used at a nearby restaurant that he's never been to.

Blackstone said he doesn't know for certain who stole his gift card, but he said since his mail sometimes arrives from the U.S. Postal Service already opened and at odd times, he suspects it could have been one of their workers.


I've never had mail stolen, I've never had a package snatched off my porch and I've never had my mail delivered already opened. Just sayin'.


  1. Its a Goddamned cryin' shame when even the Post Office has to caution to avoid using the outside blue mailboxes to send mail over the holidays.

  2. I get a lot of requests from USPS inspectors about stolen gift cards.
    Never mail cash or gift cards................................

  3. The answer is blowin' in the DEI wind. In 2022, Black workers made up 29.0 percent of the US Postal Service workforce — more than double their 12.6 percent share of the total U.S. labor force.

    1. This is very true. When I was younger, I thought working for the postal service would be a good dependable govt job. After applying and trying for years, I determined I was of the wrong color. Even after spending money on making myself look more attractive to the post office, they would never even interview me, not once. Gave up after several years of trying. Long before dei became a thing...


    2. Hear, hear. Our former carrier, of that persuasion, who probably wasn't born here was a disaster. The final straw came when mail concerning our financial affairs was delivered to another address and thus the person who initially got the mail had knowledge of our financial affairs they shouldn't have. Wrote a letter to the local postmaster and amazingly we did get a personal response. This mail carrier was replaced by a nice, asian, female mail carrier, who tends to her work and we have had no other mail-related episodes since.

  4. A letter carrier told me that Post Office employees hold envelopes to the light looking for money. Theft is so bad that I do not ship purchases to my address. I've never had a porch pirate but I have watched as the PO leaves my package on top of my mailbox across the street. I could write a book of PO improper delivery including registered mail I am supposed to sign for. they just stuff it into the mailbox and keep going.

  5. You see this sort of thing in more urban environments. My last neighborhood porch pirates were common. Oddly enough, not at my house. I'd crack up watching the Ring videos. Go ahead, grab my package of underwear or whatever weird part I bought.

    Where I live now isn't anywhere near as nice, and the way my house is built, you can't see if there are any packages on my porch unless you stop right in front.

    Far as mail goes, I don't get anything worth taking. 95% of it is junk or for the last four tenants here. Only thing I get that's worth opening is my pay stub and utility statements (that are already paid). If I get a package of any kind, the mail carrier (a fat black woman) will stuff it in the box rather than waddle her fat ass to the porch.

  6. I've never had any problem. I know my letter carrier, and the girls behind the counter at the po. If I get a large package they know to hold it for me

  7. Just yesterday, I received an Amazon purchase delivered to my doorstep by USPS. It was so beat to shit that I took pictures of it to send in with my complaint to both Amazon and USPS. They had it in their possession for less than 12 hours before it was placed at my door but it looked like it had been dragged through the mud for a week. I honestly think their line workers deliberately knock the snot out of packages for their own twisted amusement.

    Hire the turd world, become the turd world.


  8. Thirty years ago I contacted the IRS to ask when they were going to get around to sending me my refund. Turns out that it had already been cashed in a small 7-11 and signed “Mr Timbotoo and Mrs Timbotoo” which should have struck them as strange.

  9. It's my shit hole city! hahaha

  10. I have gotten an opened USPS package. My wife has sent mail that the recepient reported had been opened.

  11. When I lived in Houston (Very nice neighborhood) about 1/3 of my mail never got delivered.

  12. Not that long ago (5 dog years) we had the same middle aged mailman who knew us by first name and always had a pleasant demeanor whenever he delivered in hand. He retired after nearly twenty five or so years of delivering our mail and we got him a card and I personally congratulated and thanked him for his faithful and unwavering service. Since then, it’s been a hodgepodge of various diversity hires and I have never seen the same mail (person) for more than a few months. And yes, I have received open or obviously tampered mail as recent as a few weeks ago. I certainly don’t have the faith in the USPS that I once had..

  13. I have had all three. Consider yourself lucky.

  14. I have had packages stolen bu USPS employees, in the end they admit to it.

  15. In late 2022 a client mailed me a $2800 check. Forged signature, e-deposit via cell phone by a USPS employee. I got my $$$, verified that it was stolen to his company's bank, and they went after the guy. Nabbed him; he got 2 years in ATL.

  16. Auburn Al, mail sent out going missing. Two theft rings were responsible, one in Montgomery and one in Atlanta Post Offices. Now our mail shows up anywhere from noon to 6pm. We get a picture of the mail scanned at the local PO so we expect it that day. About a 50% hit rate that I expect to go during December. Elon should start with the Post Office and fire the whole crew in the major city PO's across the country.


  17. After returning from serving in the Middle East in 2003, I filed 3 years of tax returns at the same time with all being refunds worth about $4,500 total. All 3 paper checks were stolen out of my mailbox and cashed. Took a couple of years but eventually the IRS determined the signatures on the checks weren't mine and sent me new ones.

  18. Some years ago there was a postal employee in Chicago that had stolen items from the mail for 10 years before getting caught. Dumbshit kept some of the packaging used as evidence against him and most of the stolen items. Amounted to thousands of dollars stolen. Not to be outdone a new postmaster appointed under Clinton spent 500K redoing her office. Still took years to fire her.

  19. Mine come sliced open and neatly taped shut. Gifts removed.

  20. Theft is apparently rampant within the USPS, at least according to various things I've seen on TV. They also have inspectors who take it quite seriously and will bring down the hammer, but they can only do so much.

  21. Last time I ever trusted the USPS, my rent check arrived on December 28, due on the first of December and mailed in November... Had to cancel the check and started using Zelle to my friend, who was my landlord. Fortunately he was understanding...

  22. We operate a small organic teaching farm near the outskirts of Eugene, Oregon.
    The acreage is surrounded by goofballs in warehouse-pallet hovels covered in blue plastic tarps.
    After one bunch of addicts abandoned their squat, I looked through their mounds of rubbish.
    I retrieved a Hello Fresh box (for those prepared meals).
    I returned the box to the address on its label.
    The resident told us:
    * "Oh, we get several of those boxes every day... we didn't even miss it."
    I just looked at the Hello Fresh site.
    Apparently, each meal is about ten fedbux, with a delivery fee of about ten fedbux.
    Each box can hold a half-dozen meals.
    Extrapolating, a box of meals could run around fifty fedbux, with a delivery charge of another fifty fedbux.
    "Oh, we get several of those every day."


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