Body camera footage shows cops arresting the heir of a sugar fortune for domestic violence at his home. As cops in Palm Beach, Florida, have previously said, Alexander Nicholas Fanjul, 39, attacked his girlfriend after she told him to quit being irate that they were recently seated next to a gay couple at a restaurant.“I’ve been f—ing framed, man,” he said on footage dated the night of Jan. 28.
Some how I think the description "Sugar Daddy" fits
ReplyDeleteNobody seems to appreciate the gravity of the seating trauma this poor dude was suffering from. Second-hand gay is a real thing.
ReplyDeleteOn 2 separate occasions We've been seated near lesbos who don't have a clue about public decency, so I gotta say the guy has a point.
ReplyDeleteI don't want to see ANYONE swapping spit in plain view while I'm eating, thanks.
To be fair he drinks pretty decent beer.