President Joe Biden has banned all future offshore oil and gas drilling in a last-ditch effort to stop Donald Trump from keeping his promise to expand offshoring drilling.
It's a blatant move to try and sabotage the incoming Trump administration as the MAGA die hard has pledged to reverse Biden's climate change policies when he takes office in 14 days.
Trump campaigned on a 'drill baby, drill' slogan and has pledged to throw out all of Biden's green energy policies on Day One.
Remember just 4 years ago when the Left was bitching and whining about a peaceful transfer of power? Now they're doing everything they can to prevent that.
Just watch, in 3 years they'll try to use this to their advantage by saying that Trump didn't keep his promise to cut fuel bills by half, while failing to mention that Biden and his handlers pulled this shit to keep it from happening.
Man I love this blog. Been reading it for years, Kenny. Keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteI call BS on this one. No President can call 'keepsies in perpetuity' on their legislation. The POTUS can make laws during their tenure - future presidents can change them during their term.
ReplyDeleteMethinks the batshit crazy have splinters in the windmill of their minds.
No, the POTUS cannot make laws. That power is reserved exclusively to Congress. (Article 1, Section I). The President can issue Executive Orders, which are directives to employees of the executive branch, and are NOT laws. Any future president can rescind any EO. (except DACA, which the SC would not let Trump rescind, contrary to all precedent)
DeleteAnother thing the Biden administration can do is create regulation. Effectively the deep state implementing existing laws ... which feels a lot like the the bureaucracy creating legislation.
DeleteIf this is simple executive order, easily reversed. If it is bureaucratic regulation, harder to reverse. If this is part of the end-of-term swarm of legislation that congress passed, much harder to reverse.
The republicans have all 3 houses of government, if they can't fix this ASAP then it's only because they don't want to....
Most Republicans are Deep State Lobbyests cock suckers so don't hold your breath.
DeleteThey have had all three branch previously and didn't do squat with it, I do not expect it to change now.
DeleteI would just point out Biden is senile and did not know what he was doing. If they want to push back, then have Biden examined.
ReplyDeleteBut yeah, if the Republicans want to counter then our lawmakers can do it. Trump needs to use the bully pulpit and put people on the spot.
All this Biden exec order bullshit will be canceled day one. By Trump EO’s.
Deletehere the thing that still pisses me off. since when have E.O. become laws ?
ReplyDeleteI was taught that laws where passed by congress alone. not whoever happens to be in the big chair at the time. congress makes the laws. not the president.
I was taught that EOs only were to govern how the executive branck worked, not decrees or other that change existing laws for any and every thing.
DeleteWhat is done, can be undone
ReplyDeleteSecond that. It's all about who has more money & better lawyers.
The MSM keeps parroting this but they've been very short on specifics. I need someone to explain how FJB can permanently stop drilling without congress passing a bill. Trump was able to roll back some of obama's land grabs out west so i would bet he can do the same here.
ReplyDeleteUnless Congress legislates and votes to approve the ban and then Biden signs it, the ban is not a binding law. Trump can run Biden's E.O. through the shredder the moment he's sworn in.
ReplyDeleteWell, you can now layoff over 10,000 federal employees at BLM since they are no longer doing work.
ReplyDeleteThe only question I have is: Who the Fuck is actually running the govt and who has the nuke football?
ReplyDeleteThe “news” went for 4 years lying about the mental state of Biden. And if anyone dared ask about Biden tripping on stairs, falling off bikes, and going blank - the same damn news condemned the guy for spreading conspiracy theories. So all this is just crap too. Drill baby drill.
ReplyDeleteLet me ask you fellow patriots, when has senile joe and his kind beaten our new president lately? They don’t have the smarts and they certainly don’t have the will of the people. Biden will always be known, without his cognitive knowledge, as the dunce that made Carter look like a decent president. Hopefully he will have kicked off a lasting sense of patriotism with his total left wing idiocy and we can laugh at his memory. That’s his legacy. Make a decision to laugh because he has been the laughing stock.
ReplyDeleteIf the demonrats can ignore their pledge to border security, the rino’s can ignore the idiot biden and hand out permits. Just a thought
ReplyDeleteTrump should name a few oil derricks after biden
ReplyDeleteSteve L.