
Monday, January 13, 2025

California's electricity rates are rising. A state lawmaker wants your bill to show why

California has the second highest electricity rates in the nation that have outpaced inflation, and one state lawmaker has said he's filing legislation to help ratepayers understand why.

The new report released Tuesday by Califorina's Legislative Analyst's Office—the top financial and policy advisor for lawmakers in both political parties—shows the state's electricity rates are likely to continue to rise because of a combination of factors. The main contributors, according to the report, include the state's ambitious environmental policies, wildfire costs to utility companies, and the state's increasing demand for electricity as the state's policies attempt to cut reliance on oil and gas.


  1. So there’s an actual cost to all of their utopian libtard policies, unbelievable. They keep voting for it so they must not mind the outcome.

  2. We are sitting here right now in coats and electric blankets because we can't afford a $350+ electric bill. I have changed everything to lower the cost and it continues to rise. I even have a few solar panels. These bastards are making $750k dollars a year and they don't give a fck about anybody who has to work for a living or is on fixed income. You can't hate these assholes enough. This is why I was hoping for a civil war.

  3. They are shoveling horseshit on top of bullshit.

  4. The Cali-fornicating libtards in El Paso County, Colorado, decided that the over 100-year-old coal-fired power plant in downtown Colorado Springs was not only an "eye sore" but "dangerous" to the environment. Remember it is over 100 years old, and the local environment is in pretty damn good shape. So, they first spent millions converting it to natural gas instead of that "nasty - dirty" coal ... and then five years before it was to be demolished, it was demolished. There is no alternative source of electricity yet ... but the rates have almost doubled. F*cking clueless libtards.

  5. Here is one of several plans from one of many companies that you can currently shop for here in Texas.

  6. Will there be line items for gross incompetence or criminal negligence?

  7. Our rates are going up because PG&E is screwing us with the help of the CalPUC. PG&E also has been responsible for incinerating nearly 100 people in Paradise, CA and blowing up a neighborhood in San Bruno killing 8.

  8. Rates are high because the big 3 are essentially a monopoly, and CALPUC grants 90%+ of any excuse for a rate increase they request.

  9. Just wait until the State, County and City and PG&E are convicted for the the wild fires. Energy costs, Tax increases, Licenses, construction permits and property taxes will increase for Incompetence of state and local officials.
    Tax Payers in California should buy the KY Jelly while the prices are lower, cause you're gonna get screwed, again. But you voted for these Marxist assholes, you should shoulder the responsibility.

    1. We did not vote for this. We voted to recall his ass but the cal dept of elections decided a huge chunk of signatures were invalid. The corruption here is with elected and unelected slimeballs who are getting away with destroying basic rights and freedoms. People need to stop saying we voted for it. Our "failure' is letting them get away with it for far too long.

  10. I had a good chuckle at this: "Governor Newsom remains laser-focused on delivering both near and longer-term relief for Californians facing rising electricity bills."

    Laser focused. I don't think the author really understands the meaning of the term.

    The only thing Governor Hair Do Newscum has been focused on his entire adult life is the Oval Office. Thank the Lord the current wild fires have put an end to that fantasy and Califruitop[ia returns to its former conservative roots while bouncing Governor Hair Do Newscum from public life. The recall petition has more than enough signatures and I don't think he's going to escape this one.

    The only question left is who's going to run against him.



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