
Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Conceivably, you never have to leave your house again

DoorDash announced it will now deliver products containing THC and CBD right to your door.

In markets where hemp-derived products are available, customers will see the CBD/THC tab in the DoorDash app, according to a press release.


Seriously, some stores deliver groceries, banking and bill paying is done online, clothing is delivered by the USPS, doctors have tele-health visits, food is dropped on your doorstep, and now your smoke can be delivered too.


  1. Our society has become so lazy. That 15 min of instant gratification "get it now"drives me crazy. Now they can stay in their lazy pj's and lazy sweats and stay in their house.Just as well that way I don't have to see them or smell them.

  2. 🎵Some day I fear they'll find me,
    Stretched out on the bed,
    With a handful of Pringles Potato Chips,
    And a Ding-Dong by my head🎶

  3. That movie Wall-E w/ the round humans moving about in hover chairs wasn't far off.…


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