
Wednesday, January 08, 2025

H-1B Visas Have an Undeniable Fraud Problem

Shortly before Americans celebrated Christmas, two federal criminal cases affirmed long-standing warnings that the government’s H-1B visa program was ripe for fraud, and slow to bring accountability.

The cases in California and Illinois brought some long-awaited justice to schemes that have tried to help companies rig a system designed for narrow high-tech skills to instead hire foreigners for jobs that should have gone to Americans.


  1. H1B = turning our IT jobs over to India, a racist country that still uses the caste system and who will only hire other Indians once they get a foothold into any company.

    We need to force the legal guild to go H1B. It's too high priced and H1B would keep it's labor price down too. When H1B screws over the lawyers, then we'd see some changes. Until then white IT workers are the ones being screwed.

    1. Not just IT. They're also dug in like ticks in the medical and hospitality industries.

  2. Time to start deporting all those H1B Indians (dot, not feather). Make them train their American replacements on the way out. I retired just in time.

    1. Why not feather? They got their own nations to stay in...

    2. I'd expect that anyone who has the skills and can truthfully check the Native American box would be hired immediately. But most "feather Indians" grow up in poverty on extremely isolated reservations. They have to get a government grant and leave home to get any college degree, and often don't easily adjust to the city or even the suburbs. It's easier to stay on the reservation and be supported by the government, no matter how poorly.

  3. I was a programmer and by the end I could not recommend getting a programming degree unless your name was patel. Even the universities were cutting out the citizens for foreign students. I figured they paid more in tuition and made donations to schools for taking their kids. H1b visas are like bringing in the mexicans to harvest the crop. No special skills required that could not be found else where.

  4. The H1B system is basically a modern version of indentured servitude. Workers brought to this country sign on to a specific company at a specific wage. If they seek employment with another company, or demand a higher pay, their visa can be revoked and they can be deported. The same can happen if they under perform. Companies prefer H1B workers because it gives them a lower cost work force that can't afford to complain. Most are offered what seems to be a wonderful job at a great pay rate. They arrive and find they're on the lowest end of the pay scale, but their only recourse is to go back home. Not really much of a choice.

  5. Truthfully we need to shut down all immigration for at least 10 years, deport all non-citizens and clean up the system.. Only then should we consider opening a system of merit for people to come in... Oh and absolutely no immigration to replace citizens on jobs, housing, schools or government contracts or programs..

  6. This has been going on for forty to fifty years to my direct knowledge. In trade publications there would be "God for a dollar" employment ads that would specify very explicit requirements such as advanced degree, specific experience then stating a salary that a recent graduate would turn down. This was clearly a method to exclude US applicants and clear the way to import and hire immigrants. Much later after I was well established and had a reputation as a problem solver, I applied and interviewed for a position. The principal interviewer was a Indian national who clearly was opposed to me as a co-worker. Actually in retrospect glad I wasn't hired.

    1. There was an interview I had with an indian and I could not understand a word he said. I had the same problem where I worked. They say they speak english, but is it really.

  7. Every H1-B recipient from any of the WITCH companies needs to be investigated. I’d estimate that less than 0.5% met the qualifications for the program as written.
    Have had to train my own replacement, who could barely communicate and completely unaware of the basics needed to do the job.
    The only real satisfaction to be found in being let go was knowing the company was about to get a FAFO-type lesson in “you get what you pay for.”


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