
Thursday, January 09, 2025

LGBTQ people reveal outrageous reason they're buying guns

Across the nation, LGBTQ people are taking up arms, driven by fears of escalating political rhetoric, targeted legislation, and what many describe as the specter of persecution. 

As the Republican Party has pushed for increasingly restrictive policies on gender-affirming care and divisive policies, some LGBTQ Americans are turning to self-defense as their ultimate safeguard.

'It's all about survival,' said Matthew Thompson, a 36-year-old gay man from Oakland, New Jersey to the Philadelphia Inquirer.


'We're not looking to arm up and storm the Capitol. We just don't want to be put in concentration camps.'
Oh, for fuck's sake. Grow the hell up.


  1. I remember seeing a video a couple of years ago where they were doing a drag show at a business in the suburbs or getting towards the edge of the suburbs. Definitely not in the middle of a rural area. But anyways kids were brought along, usually by their liberal mothers. Some of the kids looked uncomfortable but mommy just pulled them along anyway. But a lot of the freaks were talking to the locals who weren't happy to see the circus. But they weren't violent or shouting. The thing that struck me the most was the trans attendees repeatedly said that the locals wanted to kill them. That was a tell for me. I think the freaks were subconsciously projecting what they really wanted to do to those that disagree with the agenda.

    1. "I think the freaks were subconsciously projecting what they really wanted to do to those that disagree with the agenda. "


      Filed under: 'Me thinks thou doth project too much!'

  2. I don't recall them worrying when there was talk about rounding up those who refused the suicide jab.

  3. Most Fags would love to be locked up in a "concentration Camp" with thousands of prospective buttholes.

    1. Sounds like you have inside info.

    2. Gays love prison. For them it’s like a fat kid with unlimited cake.

  4. Spoiled little children have better concept of the world than these idiots, grow the fuck up

  5. denying the right to life , liberty and the pursuit of happiness in deed extends to civil and moral humans only. The lunatics need not apply...

  6. They are mentally ill...insane...yet are allowed to buy guns?

    No problem, they won't train and they will still be outnumbered 98-2.

    1. Winner winner chicken fer dinner.
      They are not childish but mentally unwell.
      The fact that the so called “mental health professionals” will not officially diagnose is quite interesting.
      As for being prohibited I believe one has to be diagnosed by one of the MHP’s before that bit kicks in.

      TMF Bert

  7. Sodomites should emigrate to Sodom. Go, or die. Problem solved. Or give up the is all a choice.

  8. The usual guns for me but not for thee nonsense.

  9. Think they'll get waivers in filling out form 4473? Alphabet people have pasts, just say'n.

  10. 'We're not looking to arm up and storm the Capitol. We just don't want to be put in concentration camps.'... we're going to waste the money on housing them.

  11. I wonder how many of the letter people will commit a felony in the box where you have to check "Male" or "Female". Unless you are named Hunter Biden lying on a 4473 is still punishable by up to 10 years in the big house. The left talks about how easy it is to buy a gun, but the ATF is not a department you want to go three rounds in a courtroom with.

    1. The ATF won't bother them. They only go after straight white males.

  12. some key relevations in that article, "I don't want to be put in a camp," "if no one else is going to protect me, then I will". congratulations, you now know the government doesn't care about you. my wife and I know several gays that are actually pretty quiet, conservative looking people that are well armed.

  13. This is about, “Project 2025”! It was shared with me, “they’ll round up the gay people and
    put them in concentration camps, then kill them all! (She’s a very far left believer)

  14. what they call concentration camps. are really mental health facilities. you know, state mental hospitals. build more and put the honest, hard working people here to work building them. if we were to get Greenland, that would be a great place to build em. I'll help.

    1. If I was designing concentration camps...well, let's just say I wouldn't have an orchestra pit, a swimming pool, or a maternity ward in it.

  15. It would be a lot cheaper to transport these people by helicopter and then drop them off where they want to go. Who needs camps, takes up too much space.

    1. There's a lot of empty land in SW Texas. Might as well get some use from it

  16. Them buying guns might just be the dose of reality they need.

  17. So if "they" are afraid of the incoming administration because of what "they" are doing; means to me that "they" know that "their" actions are wrong.

  18. I'm hated by the right because I'm a socialist and a furry.
    I'm hated by the left because I'm a nationalist, investor, and won't simp for anyone's ideology.

    I tooled up when I left the 03s, and being both fit and well armed is more important now than ever before. The polarized globalist parties hate each other, and they especially hate people that go their own way. Knowledge is also worth skilling up in, and my chemistry degree is coming along well. People are just as vile today as they were several thousand years ago, plan accordingly.

    - Arc

  19. They still can't shoot straight.

  20. Meh. Just means there'll be deals on used guns in a year or so. Same thing happened around the riots and covid. Those that weren't into guns decided they needed one. A year later, the used gun display at my local merchant-o-death was brimming with deals. Picked up a few good ones.

  21. Trannies with guns: what could possibly go wrong arming mentally unstable people like this?

  22. They won't get a second shot off with their pistols, from all the limp-wristing.


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