
Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Lighting Then VS Now: Fire Before Electricity

Can you imagine life without light? Not being able to navigate in the dark. Simply not being able to find something you dropped in the dark. Today, we simply flip a switch and everything is illuminated. In the 18th century, having light meant burning fuel, and burning fuel meant entire industries of workers and inventors to make that possible. 

VIDEO HERE  (13:21 minutes)


  1. It's amazing how well adapted your eyes can be to the darkness if you get & stay away from light sources. If you stare at the fire or a bulb you'll never get there.


  2. I still think envirowackos should not be able to use or own modern inventions.

  3. Before candles, communists used electricity for lighting.

  4. Candles are often one of the items in the "free" box at garage sales. That's how I acquire mine.


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