
Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Statewide organization asks legislators to pass gun safety laws in Tennessee

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — Tennessee’s 2025 legislative session kicks off next Tuesday and several nonprofits are reaching out to state leaders regarding their concerns. One of those groups is Voices for a Safer Tennessee, which held a panel discussion on its 2025 goals.

“I definitely think that we are making progress,” advocate Katherine Merrill said, adding that the most difficult issue of the modern era is the number of firearms on the street.


I don't know how to tell you this, Kathy, but we already have to go through a background check. Unless you're just talking about gun thieves - of course, I'm all for them having to fill out ATF's Form 4473.


  1. Punishing the masses for the acts of an individual is how they take away all of your freedom, one after another.

  2. Yeah,, ya Gotsta have That Certificate to Keep and Bear..
    Then they run the cost up, make getting the certificate harder and make it expensive and difficult to qualify to teach it.

  3. What part of "no" doesn't she understand?

  4. Predictions for the upcoming legislative session:
    The Demanding Mothers will show up at every committee hearing; the majority of them from out of state.
    Then the head of the Tennessee Highway Patrol will show up in uniform, and on the state's dime, to shoot down any proposed legislation that in any way upsets the status quo.
    Finally any worthwhile legislation will die in committee, because the supermajority GOP is scared shitless of getting pinned down on a recorded vote on anything controversial.

    1. Good. As long as it get squashed. There’s no need to alter the Bill of Rights. The only ones who suffer under new regulations are the law abiding.

  5. I think any idiot pushing for new "common sense" gun laws should be forced to go buy a gun, just to see all the BS we have to go thru. 99.9% of them have no freaking idea of what gun laws already exist. Or that it takes over an hour to process what should be a simple transaction. That even with a license to carry (that required a thorough background check), I still have to stand around forever while three different store employees double check all the paperwork. Or maybe they all believe that the process is the punishment.

  6. Camel's nose in the tent. As others have noted, it then ratchets up until your rights are gone.

  7. The "racist" tag does apply here. The original license/ permit laws were passed to keep firearms out of the hands of Blacks.

  8. "Since my daughter will be staying overnight with your daughter, I have to know, is there a gun in your house?"
    "Of course not, I don't believe in guns!"
    "Then my daughter won't be coming. If you won't protect your own kids, why would you protect mine?'

  9. If you ask the wrong question, you get the wrong answer.
    The problem isn't the number of firearms on the street, it's the number of criminals on the street. Those people weren't killed by guns, they were killed by criminals.

    Their "solution" to violence is always to punish the people who DIDN'T Do it.
    Continually create more "laws" that don't reduce crime so that they can create still more "laws" that don't reduce crime. Eventually they'll have enough "laws" that you can be a criminal by not doing anything, much less violence. Didn't register/turn in your long owned but newly banned firearm? You're a criminal. Then they can send State Agents, armend with weapons of war to attack and arrest or kill you. All in accordance with the "law".

    I have been peacefully "keeping guns off the street" for over sixty years. It's people like me who they are really after.

  10. “Since my daughter is planning to spend the night at your house with your daughter, I need to ask; is there a gun in your house?”
    “Of course not, I don't believe in guns!”
    “Then I'm afraid my daughter won't be coming over. If you won't protect your own kids why would you protect mine?”

  11. " issue of the modern era is the number of firearms on the street IN THE HANDS OF CRIMINALS " get it right you dumbass - R


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