
Friday, January 10, 2025

Limited Lawfare and Its Uses

The outgoing Biden administration is wreaking slow-motion havoc on America. Plans and projects of regime transformation, regulations, and new rules to tie up the law in both straightforward and convoluted ways, and other actions to hastily circumvent MAGA, are being ginned up and rammed through as Biden goes out the door. These perversions of executive authority, at once reckless and carefully designed, plainly sweeping and seemingly trivial, are a fitting epitaph for the lawless and incompetent Biden administration. That doesn’t make them any more palatable, of course, and the question is what to do about it.


  1. Obvious answer: Biden's been ruled unfit to stand trail. Have the supreme court rule that also means he's unfit to be president, and everything he did after that is invalid and illegitimate. Of course, he was always mentally incompetent, from the time he was "elected", so maybe that could be extended to cover everything "he" "did" while in office.

    Simple, effective, legal, and more importantly, CORRECT AND HONEST.

    John G.

    1. That's Pie in the Sky, John. The Deep State and the Supreme Court will never let that happen. Biden laid a huge mine field for Trump with mines constructed by the Progressive Democrat Leagle cartel. That plan is to slow Trump's multi-point agenda to a point it'll just die on the vine. The Deep States contribution is the Congress. They are the traditional slow walkers.

  2. I can't put here what I'm thinking but I'm sure you can guess

  3. Excellent write up by Tom Swift for the American Thinker. Should be one of the top 5 most urgent, important operations of the Trump presidency. Send a powerful message right off, bet we would see a shit load of "whistle blowers" coming forth to avoid prosecution and turn states evidence.


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