
Thursday, January 23, 2025

Nap time!

Two Georgia women who ran a day care service were arrested after police accused them of dosing several young children with Benadryl and melatonin before naps.


  1. Hell yea. If you ever had to take care of little screaming, running around, crying, pissing, puking, shitting themselves kids you would be right up there agreeing that that was the best course of action

    1. Right, it's effective, kind, keeps beatings to a minimum, sounds like a great system. Doesn't EVERYBODY with kids do that?

  2. Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite.

  3. The one on top looks like her balls are itching.

  4. I went to 'Picture Day' at my granddaughter's preschool. After five minutes I was ready for a shot of Tullamore Dew Irish whiskey. I asked the woman who ran the place. "How do you manage to keep your sanity?"

    "Ear plugs and a few glasses of wine as soon as I get home."

  5. There soon will be plenty of TV commercials selling FDA 'approved' new drugs to help put your kids to sleep. At $1000 per dose of course.
    I understand Canada already offers that for free to its citizens.

  6. Go listen to the lyrics of James McMurtry's "Choctaw Bingo" - "Strap them kids in, give em a little bit of Benadryl in a cherry coke..." It's the only song I know of that mentions Berdan primers. By the way I've never been able to spot that Pop Knife and Gun Shop in Tushka.

  7. A parent of one of the children noticed his behavior changed describing him as “lethargic” and “irritable.”

    Just wake him up with a cigarette and coffee. Problem solved


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