
Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Nobody likes a meanie

A 24-year-old man in Indiana has been arrested for allegedly killing a 53-year-old man, shooting the victim multiple times and then telling police he was acting in self-defense because he was threatened by the other man’s “tone.” Kenneth King was taken into custody on Tuesday and charged with one count of murder in the slaying of Kenneth Lemar Richards, authorities announced.


  1. Kenny, you shot him multiple times even with the high cost of ammo these days? Didn’t your parents ever tell you that there are millions of ammo-less folks in China?

  2. "Kenneff's tone wuz 'disrespekful'.
    I haddadoo whut I haddadoo."

  3. Just another Kenneth-on-Kenneth murder. What this country really needs is common sense Kenneth* control.

    *Can we now stop using the ridiculous euphemism "Amish" for the demographic-whose-name-shall-not-be-spoken? Instead of asking, "Is it them again?" perhaps we should be asking, "What's the frequency?" IYKYK.

  4. I've worked as a mechanical operator at a national lab for 24 years. Security has always been cool with us... until. ... Twice now in as many weeks, 2 "guards" questioned my "tone" as "hostile" I'm an ex-sailor, mechanic, with hearing loss so my "tone" is loud and sometimes colorfully dirty. These "security guards" have a problem communicating with a man being a man. What would they do if confronted with a truly bad actor with ill intent... I'm on their side and they "feel" threatened by my "tone"???
    Boot to the head.

    1. They are utter pantywaists, intimidated by anyone who is not.


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