
Thursday, January 16, 2025

Pollster John McLaughlin: President-Elect Trump’s Peace Through Strength Message Will be Known as the ‘Trump Doctrine’

Pollster John McLaughlin said he believes President-elect Donald Trump’s “peace through strength” message will be as prominent as President James Monroe’s 1823 annual message to Congress which contained the famous Monroe Doctrine and will come to be known by Americans as the Trump Doctrine.

“As President Trump advances his peace through strength message, I think people will call it the Trump Doctrine,” McLaughlin said on Thursday’s edition of The Michael Patrick Leahy Show.


  1. What ever it is called it will be glorious! The pissin match is at hand, so to speak, and hopefully
    we millions have his back.

    1. Please define, 'have his back'. Because anything less than all in for the Republic is BSing.

    2. we are a nation of laws, not men. our job now is not to "have his back" but keep him honest, thank him when he's right and spank him when he's wrong.

  2. Beware superficial slogans. The original Hitler had "Kraft durch Freude"....Strength through Joy. Better fix that massive debt, the daily mass murder of infants in the womb, the meddling in other countries' affairs, the antichrist indoctrination in the schools....etc.

    Stefan v.

    1. The U.S. Constitution is silent on abortion. It is a state's right. The Constitution is not deficient. It is only for a virtuous people. That murder of children for convenience is an issue is due to the wicked amoral precepts of the people.

  3. So, Peace Through Diversity it is, crank up the H-1Bs and haul in the 100 IQ saviors!

    Either that or concentrate all that strength to bringing peace to the streets of the impoverished economic zone.

  4. D.C. is astounded by common sense. Hell, Trump could point out that water is wet and it would baffle most of Congress. I doubt four years of sanity will prevent future catastrophe.

  5. Don't know 'bout you guys, but the closer we get to 1/20 the easier it is to breathe. I hope I'm not expecting too much, but we can all hope!

  6. Peace through overwhelming fire power.
    The strength is in the implied use.

    When the caporegime in DC call his bluff, Trump better stand tall and deliver.

    1. If anyone can do it, it is Trump.

  7. Fuck a goddam duck. "Si vis pacem, para bellum" has been understood for several thousand years as true and wise for individuals and nations, and this asshat acts like it's a new way of thinking and acting.

    1. Beats hell out of "Hope" and " Change"

      or Biden's slogan, "Kiddies and Graft"

  8. what a coincidence. "america first" and "peace through strength" were the slogans of woodrow wilson and FDR respectively. each tried desperately to keep us out of a world war, and made it worse because they didn't stop shit when it was small. they waited until it was big and on our doorstep.

    buckle up people...


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