
Monday, January 20, 2025

Trump plans mass deportation raids across the country less than 24 hours after the inauguration

Donald Trump appears set to make good on a promise 'border czar' Tom Homan made to start his mass deportation program in Democrat-run Chicago shortly after his inauguration. 

However, the Windy City isn't alone, according to a person with knowledge of the plans, as multi-day raids will take place coast-to-coast.  


  1. Since that news story was posted on the 18th, the plans for the raid in Chicago were leaked, so there will probably be changes. Somebody in the Tom Homan's organization needs finding and firing. And maybe prosecuting.

    1. Sounds like excuse.
      Even Tom Homan often said how he will proceed. That includes him actually saying that they'll start with the big cities like Chicago.
      So what gives?

  2. Good get the illegal aliens out, no mercy and their kids too. Enough of the theft of this Republic from them. See’m report them , we have a mess to rectify.

  3. Mexican here. Good! Deport every one of them. Don't puss out when ever sob story is overplayed by the MSM.

  4. Deportation isn't the answer. These illegal alien fuckers are like boomerangs. Toss 'em out and most will do a 180 and be back. Better and more effective procedure would be round 'em up and grind 'em into dog food. Then the only way they'll contaminate American soil will be when American hounds take a dump.

    1. Think of the dogs!

      With the wall up and the border secure, they cannot come back. I'm for rather large trebuchets to be built in spots every few miles along the border.

      Bus the illegals down, load them up and 'twang', across the border they go.

  5. ADIOS illegal assholes

  6. He also promised 25% tariffs on foreign Mexico and Canada on day one. Don’t believe anything he says until you see it, and even then wait for verification.

    1. He's a negotiator - the tariff THREAT already worked nicely. The Mexicans started halting caravans to the U.S. before inauguration day, and Trudeau resigned in Canada. He just waved the weapon and didn't need to shoot it, meaning the threat is still available to use again later.

    2. I hope I’m wrong about deportations. I hope the man goes scorched earth. I hope.

  7. Target the money. Any business that employs invaders needs fined 95% of their daily revenue until the invaders depart. Take away the incentive.

    1. House just down the road from me got a new roof put on last Friday... A 6 man crew of Hondurans, I asked the foreman what he's going to do next week about workers, he gave me a dirty look and walked away..

    2. Absolutely!

  8. In addition to the removal of them- we need to eliminate all the govt handouts for illegals reducing the incentive to want to be (or come back) here.

  9. Cut off all employment and benefits; most will self deport. Shoot the rest because they have money thru drug cartel gang operations and other criminal enterprises ie. (chop shops, residential theft, child sex trafficing, etc.) And take your DACA anchor brats with ya.


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