
Tuesday, January 07, 2025

Unless your last name is Biden, that is

As Kentucky prepares to implement the new medical cannabis law, the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is warning residents that if they register for the medical marijuana program, they are legally not allowed to own or buy guns.

“They definitely need to be aware of the risks. If you lie on the form, it’s federal perjury. If you get caught with it, it could be time in jail up to 10 years,” said Matthew Bratcher with Kentucky Norml.


  1. Such horse shit, show me where in the Bruin decision that is constitutional, I know they don't care but it's still horse shit

  2. Fuck the ATF, can kiss my ass. They have less than zero credibility after letting that piece of shit skate. Laws are applied equally to all in a republic.

  3. "it could be time in jail up to 10 years" unless your name is Hunter Biden. Everyone should have a get out of jail free card that covers a ten year, career criminal, span for any and all offenses.


    1. "it could be time in jail up to 10 years"

      Not if I'm on the jury...

    2. And this is why we need to stop trying to get off of juries and start trying to get onto juries.

  4. We saw how well that worked for Hunter Biden.

  5. Just another bloated bureaucracy staffed by people who are more than willing to violate their oath to the Constitution and to break the very laws both in spirit and the letter of the law, in order to create violators and criminals in order to justify that organizations existence.

  6. You don’t need any forms to own or operate a gun. The only form comes in when a buyer fills out the fed form to purchase a gun. Don’t lie on that one.

    1. Tell that to the residents of Illinois, Massachusetts and New York. Try doing some research before commenting.

    2. Name calling accomplishes nothing other than making yourself feel better about being wrong.

    3. And given everyone is named "Anonymous", I have no idea who any of the comments are directed at. 8^)

    4. Welcome to my world. Now you know why I hate moderating comments so much.

  7. Trump must fire all these bureaucratic BATF ar*eholes immediately. Just abolish the entire BATF and their stupid rules. If for no other reason that this braininess idea won't pass legal scrutiny. Individual Rights as protected by the Constitution cannot be infringed unless you are a convicted felon. Using a prescription drug does not qualify as being an "addict".

  8. If only we had a scotus that believes in the constitution.

    1. We do, but SCOTUS can't enforce any of its decisions.


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