
Thursday, January 23, 2025

Yeah, good luck with that

The last secret files about the assassination of John F. Kennedy can now be published after President Donald Trump on Thursday ordered the declassification of all remaining documents about the 1963 murder.


  1. Fifty cents says the files will turn up "missing" or "unable to locate".

  2. Anyone ever hear of the word redacted

  3. Indeed. I don't know why anyone believes the deep state would've retained this information in full and unredacted, given the risk that comes from it ever being exposed. It's been over 6 decades, well more than enough time to clear the archives of anything incriminating, or even fabricate completely new and false replacement documentation (just to fuck around with future researchers who might actually pry such documents loose). Ordering their release now is a bad joke, as in expecting anything of value to be produced in such a release.

  4. Yeah...the files have been redacted, edited, altered and much of it destroyed with other parts fabricated. Basically the JFK files will be fiction.


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