You have no idea how hard it was for me to come back. I really enjoyed having the time to read some books, to get a few things done around here, and especially to just sit back and enjoy my coffee in the morning without a computer in my lap scheduling posts and finding news articles and other material.
So yeah, I'll be hanging it up sometime this year. I've been at it for 18 long years and it's gotten to the point that it's no longer enjoyable. Instead, it's become almost like a job, a job I don't like.
This isn't anything new, to be honest. I've been looking for an exit strategy for a couple years now, but any other time I took a break, I felt renewed, motivated, and looking forward to returning to stir up more shit. Not this time, though.
So when's it going to happen? Damned if I know. It may be a couple months from now and it may be at the end of the year. I will promise you though that when the time comes, I'll give notice. It won't be like so many other blogs when you go to the site and the blog is just gone. If it does just disappear, it'll be because Blogger pulled it, not my own doing.
Who knows, though? Like I was telling longtime reader and friend JD last night, I may just dump the news articles and continue to do a daily Good Morning post (I love those as much as y'all do) as well as gifs, memes and the occasional story about my younger years. Those are by far my most popular features anyway. We'll see how it goes.
Omg. I love your blog, it's my daily read, even when you're away I still double check. Especially the good mornings. But I understand when you get worn out and exhausted. Just please know, you do make a difference! 😊
ReplyDeleteThis 100%
DeleteEvery word that Jan said. I will miss it but understand also. Thank you for all you've done!
DeleteGiven the choice I'd vote for the second option as I enjoy those aspects of this blog as well.
ReplyDeleteI get more of the doom and gloom of this world on the other sites I visit.
But you do what is best for you and your life, I have enjoyed waking up and getting a fresh dose of Wirecutter takes on life for many years and I thank you for what you have given.
God Bless you and the whole family and have a Great New Year!
MSG Grumpy
You're my 1st blog stop, so I'd miss you. Jen and anony says it perfect for me. Carry on, as is your will.
Deleteyup, 1st stop here too!
DeleteHey, there's a couple blogs out there that haven't posted in ages...I still check them daily, just in case. Will do that here until the page goes 404 or Miss Lisa says you're dead.
You're a good man, Ken
Thanks for all the years of affirming my crazy thoughts with good evidence & pure entertainment.
Agree just do what is fun screw the rest....
ReplyDeleteI love the story’s from your younger days. They remind me of my own misspent youth, only you remember where the bodies are buried. Welcome back if only for a time of your choosing. F. Hubert
ReplyDeleteJust keep the store open and drop an easter egg on occasion,
ReplyDeleteCome here everyday. Definitely understandable. I’d imagine it’s a heckuva lotta work. Always like to read your stuff and opinions just to know people who have old school beliefs and ways still have a voice and are still out there. Be nice if you at least scaled back to one post a day and still stuck around. If not you’ve most certainly earned that right too! 🍻
ReplyDeleteOh no! Yours is one of the best out there and the second in my bookmarks for reading throughout the day. I'm going to miss your blog.
ReplyDeleteWirecutter, I hear you. I've enjoyed reading your blog site and the feedback you get from your writings, pictures and submissions. It appears to be a like A LOT of work, and how you've done it this long speaks volumes of your commitment. I understand how you want to get on with activities that don't include writing - searching and all of the activity keeping a blog site ticking.
ReplyDeleteThank you - from the heart.
Ken, thanks for doing this for so long. I hope you'll do the latter; tbh I only read the headlines and paragraphs you post anyway. I don't want to read about the latest outrage which has been perpetrated on my Nation.
ReplyDeleteCount me in with the others. Always look forward to your posts. However, if you must take that trip to Outer Mongolia.....enjoy the drive!!
ReplyDeleteYou are going to hear this a lot today, but I love this blog. It's not about the news stories and memes, it's about your take on them, that's why people keep coming back
ReplyDeleteBTW I grew up in the San Joaquin Valley in the 70's, you write about the California that once was and that I miss dearly.
Thank you for the perspective over the years.
Welcome back Ken. Yea, we missed ya but you needed some well-earned R&R so I'm glad you got your rest and are now ready to Go. :)
ReplyDeleteHey when you hang it up you will have time to write that book!! but we will all miss you.
Blogs like people's lives do have a limited life span. I guess it was bound to happen, it was a matter of time. I will be greatly disappointed when the day comes, when I find your blog is more. Alas! Your blog has been a daily read for me for almost the past 18 years. But know this Kenny, you have left your mark. You have made other people's day brighter with your humor, and the better with your interesting articles. You have made your mark in the world. Kudos to you! Please accept my most heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for your labors in making this blog what it is. God speed with whatever you decide to do. Again, thank you.
ReplyDeleteWelcome back Kenny, and sorry to hear you’re going to hang up your keyboard. Your blog is my first and last stop of the day, and is IMHO the best on the InterWebz- although you’ve enabled me to waste way more time than I should with other folks’ blogs. Keep up the great work until you turn out the lights, and thanks for doing what you do!
We are so fortunate to have had all these wonderful stories thus far. Thank you for the years and do what makes you happy. You deserve it. I can't imagine my life without knuckledragon it's been so great.
ReplyDeleteI've been blogging since 2002 and for years I was posting every day. Over the years it changed from something that was fun into something that felt like a chore. I didn't want to stop blogging entirely so I dialed back to weekends only and have found that I started enjoying it again since the pressure to produce every day was gone.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like you've reached that point, so dialing back while not quitting entirely is certainly a viable option.
work sucks. if it didn't they'd call it play. go enjoy your life.
ReplyDeleteI have been reading for about 12 years, and am also a transplanted Californian who ended up below the Manson Nixon line, you would be missed, but if it begins to feel like a job, you do what is best for you.
ReplyDeleteThat's the way of life, good things enter it and good things also leave. I am happy i was able to read your blog everyday. Your work for us is greatly appreciated
ReplyDeletehey thank you for your time you have shared with us.. we have no right to it. but damn I do look forward to it. you and OLD Reamus were my favorite for years. this has been a year of change for me too and I really dont have all that manymore years to grab by the ball and ride like hell so lets get to it. glad I could have your stuff around on this road call life!!!
ReplyDeleteHey, Brother, I understand how hard it can be to find something to blog about every day. Some days, like you said, it is work that we do not enjoy.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate what you do, and I hope you can keep on, but do what you need to do to keep on keepin' on. The blog is not your life.
Hey man, had you known then all that you know now, would you still have maced that occupy wall st (i think that was the one going on at the time) protester ? lol. its been a fun ride amigo
ReplyDeleteI have enjoyed reading your blob over the years...usually my first stop in the morning and then throughout the day. Understand wanting to will know when. I agree - your personal stories are always a great read.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoy your blog, your outlook & your stories!
ReplyDeleteBut ... a blog is work, you do it because you enjoy it or your getting paid.
Do what you have to do Ken, this is your life to be enjoyed in a manner that makes you happy!
You could drop the news now for all I care.
ReplyDeleteWell cool, that sounds great. And now you will have time to write the book!!!!!!! Love you man.
ReplyDeleteHuh. Yeah, if the news is what's causing you stress, dump it. Frankly, I get news elsewhere and though I enjoy you're selections, it isn't why I'm here.
ReplyDeleteAnd the news causes EVERYONE stress, so I can totally understand that. Sounds like dumping the news features is the way to go.
John G.
Welcome back! Glad your time off was enjoyable. Been a daily reader for at least 16 years. Thank you for all your hard work, it is appreciated. The memes, gifs, and personal stories are always worthy.
ReplyDeleteWelcome back and Happy Birthday. I’ll miss your writing and sense of humor, it’s been a long run . when you decide it’s time to stop I’ll lift a glass of good bourbon in your honor.
ReplyDeleteI think there might be many of your readers that would to continue enjoying some of your stories about growing up in Germany, exploring the mountains in CA, & so on.
ReplyDeleteEver think about writing it all down?
I believe that has been suggested a time or two.
Kenny, welcome back, Happy New Year and glad you got some me time....
ReplyDeleteLike we talked about yesterday I will miss your blog but understand what you said.. Do what's best for you and Ms Lisa, life is short and we shouldn't waste any of it.... Do what's best for you guys..
I totally understand. Thanks for the years.
ReplyDeleteSome years ago there was a blog I really enjoyed where there was a long break with nothing posted. Weeks later someone posted on his site that the guy'd had a heart attack and his friends found him dead in his apartment. Don't do that to yourself. If needs be, post "Thanks and goodbye" and go live your life. Either way, thanks for what you've given us.
ReplyDeleteI still have your signed picture you sent me in my basement bar Kenny. Do what you have to do. Enjoy your life.
ReplyDeleteTodd near Denver
WHAT??? A signed photo of Kenny? You lucky bastard.
DeleteYou will be missed Ken. I totally understand. Do what is right for you and yours.
ReplyDeleteGlad to see you back. I know how much work it has to be to maintain a blog and I was wondering which one of your sabbaticals would be the one that was the eye opener. I will miss my daily stop, first thing in the morning. And, to be sure, many of your stories and posts are the only really happy things I see on the web.
ReplyDeleteHope you can tone it back and keep a little content coming ever so often but if not, I surely do understand. We are exceptionally lucky to have had your content and character for as long as we did. I still get your burrito recipe out and whup up a batch now and then.
ReplyDeleteThe Lady Lisa needs you more than we do.
ReplyDeleteWell, good news, not so good news. You will be missed when you pull the plug. Is the book coming before or after?
Welcome back! I'd hate to see you go, but I get it.
ReplyDeleteGlad to see ya Ken, Happy New Year! Totally get it but would be gutted. Do what makes you feel best Brother!!!
ReplyDeleteWelcome back, Kenny! Frankly I'm surprised you have been able to keep it up this long. It's not a completely thankless task, but man it's got to be time consuming. You'll be missed when you hang up your spurs.
ReplyDeleteNothing on this physical earth is permanent. All things end. Jack Nicholson had a great line in "The Departed" where he walked into the club and one of his cohorts was at the bar looking glum. Jack asked him what was wrong and the guy said "it's my mother, she's on her way out". His response: "We all are, act accordingly".
ReplyDeleteIf the blog has become a chore, that is probably the best choice, although the webz will not be the same.
ReplyDeleteLike so many others have said, your blog has been a favorite (near) daily stop for me, though several different iterations and domains. I found "ogdaa.blogspot" through our favorite serial con-man, (you remember that lil' bitch?) in probably around 2010-2012. I guess Sammy the squirrel did manage to do one good thing with his life.
Since that time, I've always enjoyed your meme's, gif's, and the stories of your growing up and life at current. I **deeply appreciate** your work to keep us all entertained and laughing. The stories of your growing up, the crazy man you knew in the Army (was his name crazy Charlie?) and your various dogs over the years may be my favorites. Hearing you talk about your favorite dog has reminded me to hug my dog a few times.
Thank you for the work you have done. In addition to the amusement and general information you've shared, this blog has been something that "didn't change" over the last 15 years, and that's been nice as I've entered middle-age during that time, and have lost some of the most important people and relationships in that time. In other words, this blog has been a "beacon of stability" in my life.
On the other hand, I can only image the workload this created. If you enjoy it, it's fine. Once it becomes a burden, it's time to lay it down. I totally understand the need to hang up the spurs. You have more than earned a rest.
Thank you, good sir. I pray the years before you will be good ones, full of happiness and blessing.
-Just a Chemist
Enjoy your free time and remember it's the little things in life that usually brings us the most joy, so don't forget to go kick some pigeons.
DeleteEnjoy your free time and remember it's the little things in life that we get the most joy from, so remember to go kick some pigeons
DeleteI gave up on a lot of shit, it's up to the youngsters now. Hope I left a bad impression on them ... of government and humans in power
ReplyDeleteI very much enjoy your blog and thank you for the time you've put into it. Don't even recall how I found you to be honest, but its been years. I'll enjoy it to the end and then enjoy the fact that you're out there enjoying life after that. Great work . CharlieGodDammit looks like my boy did. Wish you the best man. DOL
ReplyDeleteHoping you have a great retirement from this wonderful blog! I've loved coming here at the beginning of each day for the past 7 years, enjoying all your posts and using the links you've provided to other blogs. Perhaps we will see some of your shortened blogs with memes, etc. Take care. :0)
ReplyDeleteAs everyone above has said, you are my favorite and I visit every day. But when it is not fun it is a job and in retirement a job is not what I want. :) I do a lot of woodworking and if it ever becomes a chore instead of a pastime then I will hang it up or maybe cut way back. Either way, the decision is yours. You have brought many smiles to my face and many chuckles. I thank you for all the hard work you have done and would love to see you stick around, but like I said if it is not fun then retire. :) Live long and prosper!
ReplyDeleteThank you again.
I'll be honest, your news is a bummer though totally understandable. Much like others mentioned your blog is my first, and often last, stop of the day.
ReplyDeleteMaybe dialing things back to a couple days a week could be a possibility? Having said that, I do respect your right to do as you see fit but would hate very much to see you go...
Any thoughts of auditioning successor(s)? See: for example of interesting multi-author blog. You keep doing what you like most, others (who would leap at the chance to have your reach) take over the rest?
ReplyDeleteKen, As I've mentioned before, I'm glad you decided to blog instead of work in a bait shop in your retirement ... but retirement means retirement dammit! I hope you'll throw us the occasional personal history story, those are always hilarious! - Don in Oreogn
ReplyDeleteGotta do what you gotta do, Ken. God speed and thanks for all the fish.
ReplyDeleteThe last three years have been the best years of my career...retirement is not over rated.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your time while you have it.
You will be missed, sir. There aren't a lot of sites that i hit every single day, but yours is at the top of the list. Thanks for all you have done.
ReplyDeleteWhen the fun is gone, it's time to move on. Thanks for all that you've done.
ReplyDeleteI trust you realise that giving up blogging will label you "the old fart who used to be a blogger" and people will reread your archives and give you earache until you start again!
ReplyDeleteYour blog, your choice, but I'll sure miss the bits you mentioned.
ReplyDeleteMichael in Nelson
I get it, but I'd hate to see your stories go away
ReplyDeleteWell we will all miss the irreverence since this is what keeps some of us functioning, but I completely understand. I think deciding what is best for yourself is wise, as much as we will miss it. But if it's feeling like a chore, then drop it.; Life already has plenty of chores that aren't optional. I think if you just decide to take it at a pace you still get satisfaction from, then everybody can be happy. All the best for the New Year, Kenny. I hope you had a great break.
ReplyDeleteSometimes ya gotta turn off this sh1tpot of a world and take whatever time you need to get the brain healthy again.
ReplyDeleteDo what's best for YOU!
We'll still be here when you come back
Thanks for all the years of free ice cream. My browser has one tab that stays here constantly. I'll miss you if you retire, but I'll understand. Even after you're gone, I'll still hit the bookmark just in case.
ReplyDeleteJust in case... I know what you mean...
Delete+ 10
I will miss you. It seems we have some common ground. My late sister taught at Modesto High, I live just outside of Tuolumne City, and I had relatives who lived in a trailer park on the bank of the Tuolumne River south of Modesto. Heck, my mother-in-law, and her parents are buried in the same cemetery as Florence Thompson.
ReplyDeleteBut, as a semi-retired old man, I understand that time is short and precious. Use it wisely in ways that give joy and peace.
Skip the news, unless something gets your imagination going. Most news items that you post are up on other sites. The stuff you say you like to do, it is very obvious. It is what makes your blog our daily read. Just do your fun stuff, that’s all we really want from you. We don’t insist on your soul, just your funny bone.
ReplyDeleteAll good things must come to an end, as the old saw goes. Thank you for many years of insights and entertainment. You will be missed.
When I don't like the movie, I leave. We'll miss you but when it's time to go, it's time to go.
ReplyDeleteFor all the reasons previous commenters have stated, you've been the top bookmark since my start of reading blogs... over several computers, pads, and different locations. Think it was Milfy Mondays that started it, but your perspectives, humor, advice, and historical dives have kept me coming. You and your commenters have brought me a lot of smiles, laughs, preps, great rabbit holes, like-minded blogs, and the interest and knowledge to acquire more tangible things... like 2A thingys. But you were the first and will always be at the top as long as you are active. Just know, here's another biped on which you've had an impact Thank you!
You are retired, dump what isn't fun.
ReplyDeleteMy great loss, and everyone else’s. Could you just do it part time!
ReplyDeleteMost marriges don't last this long. Just let us know when the book is done.
ReplyDeleteKenny, I love you man! And I understand about hanging it up. Just know that you have so many real friends here and if you need anything, let us know. Go enjoy your family and your life. You won't regret it.
ReplyDeletesunny in south MS
No one can fault you Kenny. If anyone is like me, your site is the very first thing I do in the morning. Hard to have a good start of the day without it. That said, nothing is forever and you have done us all a solid by hanging in as long as you have. I for one appreciate you.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear that even though I can understand it. Maybe just continue the parts you like. Or get guest bloggers from time to time, kind of like Instapundit does.
ReplyDeleteI feel ya, I started Blogging in 2006 myself and I am burnt the fuck out too.
ReplyDeletePhil @
I found your blog from a post on GrouchyOldCripple many years ago and have been a daily visitor ever since. You have to do what you have to do. I can't say anything different than what has already been said. Your site will be a daily check until its pulled.
ReplyDeleteWhen you are retired and something feels like work, just lie down until it passes...
I knew this day would come. There have been signs in the last coupla years.
ReplyDeleteI've been here since the original blog and *spammy* and the redoubt was going on.
Kenny, you've had a long ride. You done good. Reading books is one of the greatest treasuries in life. God bless you.
I do miss the midget tossing.
ReplyDeleteJust want to join in , I have enjoyed you for years and will enjoy whatever you do. I still have my Knuckledragging number sticker!
ReplyDeletewhatever you decide to do i would like to say thank you . you have brought a lot of joy to all the miserable souls that come here to smile
ReplyDeleteWelcome back! I, for one, would be most pleased if you would keep up with the GIFs and such. But you gotta do what you gotta do.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoy your blog. When you quit you will be missed. I will miss the occasional coffee snorted thru my nose.
ReplyDeleteGo ahead! You have put in an amazing amount of work over all those years. Quit the job. Either do only what you feel like, or some once a week, bi-weekly, monthly and best, say goodbye and Stop! Thanks for it all!
ReplyDeleteAnything and anytime you post, no matter how scarce or the topic, is better than nothing at all. Enjoy whatever you decide!
ReplyDeleteDamn it! Knucledraggin is my favorite! I’ll miss you
ReplyDeleteNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo,.....sad emojii... this and eat gruel dog are the only places I go anymore. I still miss Ol' Remus.
ReplyDeleteI've enjoyed your blog for many years now. I've always enjoyed your stories. An occasional story every now and then would be great! I understand your feelings and will miss you greatly if you do call it quits!
ReplyDeleteYeah, I've been wondering when you would finally hit the wall. You've been doing this for a long assed time and I've often wondered how the hell you keep it up. I started reading you back when you started every post with 'Fuck Obama' right after he got elected the first time. Found you through Gerard Vanderleun's site at American Digest. There's been a lot of water passed under the bridge since that time. Gerard's gone but you've just soldiered on. Pretty amazing and I take my hat off to you. I sure as hell would miss you if you decided to hang it up since you're one of my first stops of the day, but I completely understand. There's a lot more to life than staring at a computer screen and you seem like someone who knows how to live it. Go have fun and do it now - the years go by fast and it only gets faster when you get into your 70's. And thank you. Thank you for sharing stories that made us laugh and sometimes cry. No, not cry. Did I say cry? I meant, they made the room get kinda dusty. You know what I mean.
ReplyDeleteSuck it up cupcake. Your mission in life is to give us entertainment from our daily problems and doing a damn good job. Yeah you could drop the news but you do get comments that would have been editted out else where. Good job. Books. I always picked the books in school with the large print so I would not have to read as much.
ReplyDeleteI love your site. However you decide to move, I am just happy to have been here.
ReplyDeleteWe all love you and Miss Lisa. You post a lot maybe just a couple a day. Just to stay in contact and let us know that you are okay. You help me keep my sanity some days.
ReplyDeleteBrother Kenny, your time on earth is yours to do with what you wish. God bless you and thank you for the time and effort spent to keep the rest of us heathen informed and amused.
ReplyDeleteHaving been a long time reader; since about 2004, or so, I don't know what I would do without having your blog to come to every day. Though I would be better knowing that you made the decision yourself and not forcibly retired like so many we have seen in the last few months. Ultimately, the decision is yours as to what is best for you and Miss Lisa. You would be missed very much, but we would abide by your choice. Though I would much prefer hat you cut back, rather than hanging it up altogether.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your time and efforts to keep us informed and entertained.
Be well, Ken.
Whitehall, NY
Damn. That is not the news I want to hear!! You have THE BEST blog out there in the internets. Again - EL NUMERO UNO!! Hoping someone is an heir apparent. Hell, I even hate it when you take breaks.
ReplyDeleteKen, been around a long time and there isn't anything I could say that hasn't been already.
ReplyDeleteI do like the idea of a less frequent blog, but totally understand your perspective.
Lots of good blogs/bloggers have come and gone over the years, it's part of life.
One of the first blogs I followed was Kim du Toit's original blog who was missed by many and its nice to see him posting again.
My only request would be to Write the Damn Book! (Hell, that could be the title!)
If you go, you will be missed. Greatly!! But if you must've brought us a lot of enjoyment and many guffaws in my case. Many thanks for the time I've had knowing and enjoying your work. Not sure if a gradual withdrawal or just "rip the bandaid off" is better. Either way Best Wishes and thanks. You're the best.
ReplyDeleteI just teared up thinking that I might not be getting to check out Knuckle Dragger. Best to you and yours. No, really. Thanks for the good times. and the really good times, brother.
ReplyDeleteBeen with you for this long, compadre, might as well stick around to the end. LOL
ReplyDeleteHowever it works for you is best, man.
You've been prolific in your provision of jocularity, education, and upstanding views. It'll be a shame when u do decide to hang it up, but a ton of great memories. maybe keep the site for us to visit for good times sake. Thanks!!
ReplyDeleteYour blog will be sorely missed and you will as well. Consider compiling some of your great stories into a book as we love your writing, wit and humor very much. DG
Will hate to see you go. As a recently retired guy, though, I certainly understand the impulse.
You could just once a week… would hate to go cold turkey at some point
ReplyDelete"continue to do a daily Good Morning post (I love those as much as y'all do) as well as gifs, memes and the occasional story about my younger years."
ReplyDeleteHonestly, those are what keep me coming back. Dump the rest and merrily soldier on.
We get it. We will miss you but understand entirely. Mahalo for the laughs and insights...
ReplyDeleteYou could always pass it along to someone else to do the majority of the posts and just post whatever/whenever........
ReplyDeleteOh Kenny I'm so grateful for all the years and funnies you have provided. You deserve to take a break and if it's no fun anymore to give it up. Have a truly blessed New Year and do whatever brings you joy. Prayers up that you and Ms Lisa and Jack stay healthy!
ReplyDeleteI love visiting! I found it around '17-'18. And working full time plus I just dropped in a couple times a month. Then shortened my work schedule to 30ish h/w and made more frequent visits... Then some time after... a pic showed up of me! In a post about a horse falling out of a trailer on I-75... Yep! I was a vet tech at a horse hospital that said horse was at, and the horses "people" took a pic that ended up on FB and there I was....! Lol! I appreciate your efforts and wish you well whatever direction you settle on... Best wishes to you two and asshole Jack. I am a catahoula fan.... Annie in Ocala
ReplyDeleteBeen reading your blog for ten plus years. Enjoyed every minute of it. I know you don't know me personally, but for me, It'll be like losing a friend. Hope every thing works out for you.