ELGIN, Ill (WLS) -- A suburban family said a man living in the U.S. without legal permission, who had not committed any crimes, was taken into custody Tuesday.
It happened as U.S. Marshals and local law enforcement entered a home to serve an arrest warrant, reportedly looking for a different man at the home.
Sadly, this is the collateral damage that I expected: democrats pushing the illegal immigration issue by opening the border and bringing in 10 million illegals. That, as expected by anyone with a brain, will hurt those that have been peacefully participating in our society for years and years.
ReplyDeleteThere are a lot of criminals who are here illegally. We don’t want them here.
DeleteThere are a lot of good people who came here legally and work hard and play by the rules.
We don’t want them here either.
Sadly, I'm not at all sad about this. In fact, I see it as a wonderful bonus, like catching two fish at a time or getting two quail with one shot.
DeleteBy definition, the man "without permission" taken into custody is a felon, whether he is guilty of any other crimes since is beside the point. He broke OUR laws just to be here, so fuck him, send him and the rest of the felons back.
People coming here illegally are the same as the dickwad who breaks into your house. Are you going to treat the dickwad like family or have him or her arrested and escorted to their just reward in jail?
DeletePeople that come here legally and work for a living after arrival are what helped build this country. I welcome my neighbor.
I’m 100% for more White immigration. There’s already a whole continent for blacks, a countries for Central and South Americans, a whole region for the Muslims. Why are Europe and America forced to accept diversity?
DeleteI spoke the word
As if a wedding vow
Ah, but I was so much older then
I'm younger than that now.
~~ With apologies to Bobby Zimmerman.
“Without legal permission”
ReplyDeleteWhat a load of shit. Law breaker who evaded capture is more accurate.
Steve in Idaho
The net widens. Get every last one out asap. Age and status don't mean squat as long as they cossed the border without permission.
ReplyDeleteBeing in this country illegally is a crime. So, he actually is a criminal.
ReplyDeleteHe was intentionally un-housed and will be repatriated to his proper origin. Just wait until their UN debit cards stop being refilled, rent is not paid and the bills stack up.
ReplyDeleteI just love how they claim the man's rights were violated. The man had NO RIGHTS. The Bill of Rights applies only to US Citizens...not illegal immigrants or anyone from another country. The man came into our country without permission and expected to be allowed to stay? Imagine if I broke into Joe Biden's house, took up residence in the guest bedroom, and expected him to care and feed me. If he asked me to leave, could I claim I have a RIGHT to be there? Could I claim they have no right to force me out of the home if I did nothing wrong...other than break into the house of course? Well, the same applies for our country.
ReplyDeleteHey, we all knew we had an illegal alien problem years ago...but we didn't do much about it because it was a minor problem. But the libs opened the flood gates and let ALL the illegals in, to the point we had to finally take action.
Kinda like the green mold and soap scum in my shower. When I notice a bit in the cracks of the tile, I leave it alone. But when it starts to take over the entire shower, it's time to get out the bleach and the scrubby brush and go to work. Small issues get ignored, big issues get noticed and a solution implemented. The leftists had to push us to the point we took notice of what they were doing. There comes a time when the adults have to take action and actually spank the children. The libs are getting spanked.
Don't let your hate obfuscate reality. The Bill of Rights applies to everyone subject to the US jurisdiction. In other words it applies to everyone in the US except for people that are not subject to the US jurisdiction. Who is in the US and not subject to US jurisdiction you ask? Ambassadors, their families, foreign military envoys, etc. Everyone else in the US is subject to the US jurisdiction and all laws apply.
DeleteIf a German tourist comes to the US on vacation and is caught speeding, that guy will be subject to the US jurisdiction and will get a ticket. It doesn't matter what their immigration or visa status is.
The same applies to you. If you entered Spain illegally and murdered someone you would not be able to argue that because you are not there legally that you are not subject to Spanish jurisdiction and that you would just like to go home... You would be thrown in jail in Spain.
It works both ways.
Close, but no cigar.
DeleteThe 14th A uses "and subject (present tense) to the jurisdiction of the U.S.".
At the time of the 14th A, American Indians were specifically NOT included, despite being born on this continent, as they were held to be citizens of their tribes until the 1924 Indian Citizenship Act.
You are confusing the voluntary act of a person who wants to enter the US applying under our laws and regulations for permission to enter with "being SUBJECTED (by their own actions) to the (criminal) jurisdiction of the US".
Criminals have limited "rights" (protections from government actions), i.e. negative rights, but not unlimited rights, nor rights equivalent to those of of a citizen.
Access to Courts is another error often seen from the Left. Any person or company, from anywhere, can, if the other party agrees, have their (civil) case heard in a US Court. This is also not a grant of other rights to the parties.
John in Indy
"undocumented man who had not committed any crimes". Being in the country without legal documentation is a crime.
ReplyDelete24 years Dad was here, is the son one of those Dreamers they tell us about?
ReplyDelete24 years is a fairly long period during he could have gotten legal status. Too bad now.
DeleteWe have a friend who (we didn't know) was illegal, and a few years ago when Texas wouldn't renew her driver's license decided she'd better become legal. She got an attorney and it didn't take long at all.
Without LEGAL PERMISSION is the crime.
ReplyDeleteI live out in a rural area. There are fences and cattle on 3 sides of me. If a cow breaks through a fence, it's not my cow just because it is on my land. And if a calf is born, it's not mine either. I don't know who with 1/2 a brain cell thinks just because someone can get here that they belong here.
ReplyDeleteThankfully, Tom Homan has his head screwed on straight unlike all the commie reporters. "If you are here illegally, then you are a criminal." I don't care if the first illegal entry is only a "misdemeanor". First time. Buh bye.
ReplyDeleteI guess dad should not have raised a criminal. He can thank his son later.
ReplyDeleteBased on 2010-2011 U S Census Bureau stats, it was estimated there could be as many as 50 million illegals in the US. Homan has his work cut out for him, "Don't stop at 11 million Tom!
Back in 2010, there was an article by Ann Coulter, "Justice Brennan's footnote gave us anchor babies", which you should all read.
Anchor babies should be included in the deportations, the education they received through the free schooling or osmosis will be invaluable when they overturn the tyrannical governments at home and establish a Republic like the US (yes, that's sarcasm).
and don't let the door hit you in your ass on your way out.
ReplyDeleteThe problem with sending them home is the same as trapping raccoons and dumping them a mile down the road. They'll be back. But, if you take them far enough they won't be a problem.
ReplyDeleteOption 2 would be to dump them in the first country that complains about us deporting them.
Option 3 is supply Zelenski with a bunch of cannon fodder. Err lawnmower operators.
Could airlift them to the southern tip of Chile, drop to nearly skimming the sea surface and drop them in the water close to shore. They can learn to code on the walk back.
DeleteMake Option 3 known and they will self-deport.
Delete"Born in East L.A., Man I was born in East L.A." Cheech Marin tune...