Monday marks the beginning of the end - maybe. I thought about shutting it down completely but I figure to just back off a bit first and see how that works.
What you're going to get starting Monday are gifs, memes, maybe an afternoon video, and of course the Good Morning post, all at their usual times. I'll also keep the Friday morning history and afternoon military posts. That's pretty much it. Those are the most popular posts anyway and they don't take a lot of time or effort. I'll throw out a story about my younger days here and there and you'll get weird news stories that I run across and can't resist sharing, but I'm not going to continue to hunt down and post at least 12 news articles per day which will save 2 hours of my morning right there. Political posts are going down to maybe a couple a week, if that.
Basically, you'll be getting Knuckledraggin Lite.
I almost feel guilty doing this, but it's been 18 years and I just ain't feeling the joy any more so it's either this or just turning my back on it and walking away.
I do want to give my heartfelt thanks to all of you. You folks made the blog successful, not me. I wish you well.
Your blog, your rules.....................
ReplyDeleteI would suggest that you get SLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOWWWWW down. Only do 1 or 2 posts during the day.
Take it easy on your self !!!!
Gotta be at least 3 - Good Morning, gifs and memes.
DeleteThe blog being backed away from slowly is a good idea, Ken. After doing something for so long it would be hard to quit cold-turkey. We will miss it sure enough, but we'll miss you more.
I for one will miss your comments and your posts. A little is better than nothing at all... Godspeed my friend.
ReplyDeleteAppreciate all you've done
ReplyDeleteGod Bless
Thank you for all the work you do!! I've enjoyed your blog for at least 15 years or more. Understandable about cutting down. Looking forward to the "lite" version. Have a great weekend!!!
ReplyDeleteI, for one will continue to read. I enjoy your sense of humour and I hope the muse takes you frequently.
ReplyDeleteWirecutter, I've been lurking here for a few years, and you've always brought me smiles with the gifs and memes. The articles you post are great, and rarely picked up elsewhere. There are not enough letters in the words "thanks" to convey my gratitude after all this time. "Knuckledraggin Lite" will do for me from now until you fully retire!
ReplyDeleteNo one has stepped up to take over after a bit of training?
ReplyDeleteThat be like giving that asshole dog Jack away.
DeleteYou had a great run. Thank you for running an excellent blog. You will be greatly missed. Good luck to you in your future endeavors!
ReplyDeleteWell thats a buzz kill going into the weekend. Seriously though, your was the first blog i ever tripped upon. That was 10 years ago, give or take. I have truly enjoyed every minute of it. I can only imagine the amount of time you spend on this each week.
ReplyDeleteI know we (I) dont say it enough but you are truly appreciated. I hope you write that book one day. Im sure a host of your loyal followers will gladly pony up for that.
Thanks for all youve done.
No worries! Thanks for what ya have given us.
ReplyDeleteYou've got to do what's right for you. I appreciate all the work you've done, and will miss your more regular postings.
ReplyDeleteYou're up there with Ol' Remus and Vanderboegh and Van der Leun, in my opinion. Maybe you could use some freed up time to work on that book. I'll look for it.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the good times, this blog is a fun adventure for me and I'll miss it when it's gone.
ReplyDeleteDoing it this way might extend it.
DeleteThis blog is one of the highlights of my day. You deserve a break as you have well earned it. Thank you
ReplyDeleteKeeping the fun and ditching the work sounds like a great plan for a lot of things.
ReplyDeleteDo what you gotta do, brother.
ReplyDeleteJust a wild-ass suggestion here: if you might think it would help, perhaps some of us can send shit we write. It could act as filler and save you some time. Just spitballing.
As I said earlier today we are getting to miss you and your weird sense of humor,.... Your misfits and hangers-on, including myself, will have to find another way to humor ourselves through out the day...
ReplyDeleteSeriously though, thanks for the laughs, tears and fun..
Oh and would you consider keeping the I'm sure she's taken posts.. You know just for the hell of it..
Your pal, the real
Kenny, I started blogging in 1997. Several times since then, I’ve felt the creeping sense of pointlessness, the erosion of the fun, and the impulse to kick it all to the curb. If you’re really “out of gas,” then your readers will miss you. But I think you’ll miss it. The sense of engagement, of doing something that improves your readers’ lives – yes, mine too – is addictive.
ReplyDeleteI’ve stayed in the trenches despite those attacks of ennui. You’re one of the reasons. Whatever you decide, may God bless you and may life bring you all the best it has to offer. You’re a gem.
Yes, I was reading yours before I started mine. Now I'll have the time to read other blogs again.
DeleteYour blog is my first read, every morning. Not saying that to guilt you, rather to appreciate the amazing community service you've delivered for many years. We all appreciate that you've given us fair warning & that it's a helluva lot of work, and that you may still give us some of your precious time. Oh, and see how I said nothing about Writing the Book. No sir, not once.
ReplyDeleteYou do you. All things come to an end anyway! This is a great blog and we all appreciate it.
ReplyDeleteI came to this blog from a link over at woodstermangotwood about 10 or so years ago. I have looked forward to your posts on a daily basis. So glad you are not quitting cold turkey, you would cause a lot of suffering thru withdrawal for a whole lot of people. Thank you for all the work you have done. You made a lot of people happier. Thank you
ReplyDeleteJust want you to know that, although I may not comment a lot, this HAS been my daily stop for as long as I can remember. I *THINK* I found out about your blog from the old "Woodpile Report" and Ol' Remus, who is sadly also long gone. I hope you'll be able to continue posting well into the future, even if it's at a reduced rate. It's been a pleasure visiting here!
ReplyDeleteGreatly appreciate everything you've done over the years, Kenny. If you can get an update on Angel at some point, I would appreciate it. I lost my only grandson a year or two before her tragedy, and I've always felt a connection as a result.
ReplyDeleteI don't hear from her much. Her life has moved on and she's doing fine, teaching school.
DeleteShe did lose her Poppy a couple months ago though, I'm sad to say. I met him only once, but he treated me real well.
A big thanks for the several years I've been reading your blog. I'll miss it, but you deserve a break. Don't feel guilty, hey, there are politicians who don't work as hard at their jobs and some of them retire before 18 years are up.
ReplyDeleteSounds like Knuckledraggin' Lite will still be a daily read. I'll miss some of the weird news stories you find, but I think you'd have to offer a rehab clinic if/when you stop with the memes. The occasional story from your younger years is always a must read, as well.
ReplyDeleteTake care of yourself first, Kenny.
Thanks. Don't trip, if I find some really weird news, I'll share it.
DeleteI cannot tell you how much I have enjoyed your blog. It is one of my preferred sites and I read it every day. You have a talent to find relevant and interesting subjects. I do hope you remain ingot health and are able to remain for us for many years to come. Thank you for your efforts and God bless. Rebecca
DeleteI read your blog multiple times a day. Usually the first one I turn to. I have and will continue to enjoy your work - it is very much appreciated here in Northern Virginia. Glad you are not turning it all the way off.
ReplyDeleteYou retired once, but didn't really retire. It seems like a good time to really retire. Best wishes.
ReplyDeleteGod bless you and yours. I get it, just the stupid comments would push me over the edge.
ReplyDeleteHey, will you repost the pepperspray post that really lit this blog on fire.
Sometime next week. I've got to run that fucker down.
DeleteNever commented but read everyday for years. Thanks and look forward to any leftover dregs of wirecutter I can get. Relax a little
ReplyDeleteAppreciate the blog. I wish I had seen it sooner. God bless!
ReplyDeleteWe've enjoyed your blog for so long thank you . God bless you and your family it would be selfish of us to want anymore from you. Truth be said I wish their would be a book. Much luck and a happy life!
ReplyDeleteThanks for all you have done here ,one of my absolute favorites!!!
ReplyDeletehell yeah! take a breather, we'll be aa' ight!
ReplyDeleteThank you for all you've done so far and, yes, we'll be happy for any crusts you can throw our way!
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for keeping this blog running as long as you have. It's been a daily read, and I've enjoyed it. Best wishes for the future.
Looking forward to your continuing blog with memes, gifs, etc. Have been a daily visitor here and have enjoyed every visit. Take care.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate the effort it takes to run this blog and thank you for it-
ReplyDeleteI'm just here to pick up chicks.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for your time and effort. You are one of my pinned sites, and I enjoy the blog role also. Good selection. Take care of yourself, keep up your mental and physical health.
ReplyDeleteMolon Labe
I'm glad somebody takes advantage of that blogroll.
DeleteUsually my 2nd stop in the morning and always the wife's 1st. Guess we can start having morning sex again.
ReplyDeletePoor baby.
DeleteYour blog is the first place I stop in the morning. Thanks so much for the hard work. I understand the desire to just walk away, but maybe try easing off gently? I'd love more stories of your earlier exploits. Will miss you. Jen
ReplyDeleteYes ma'am, those are my intentions. I'm not going to post news anymore but for sure you'll get memes, gifs and most importantly, Good Mornings. And yes, I've got a couple tales I'm tossing around in my mind.
DeleteThanks for all the great posts and stories over the years. As a former Stanislaus county resident I can relate to many of your stories from there. Jim
ReplyDeleteI've had a LOT of Stanislaus County residents, both former and current, read my blog. It's cool when some of them validate my stories and how the county used to be back in the good ol' days.
DeleteWell sir, you will be missed! Just when things are about to get sporty. You ever need anything, you have my email and I ain’t that far away.
ReplyDeleteJust saying thanks like all the others. You find the best memes, man
ReplyDeleteKen- many thanks for all the education and entertainment over the years, in addition to limitless laughter. Lots of commenters here have become almost like friends and I'll miss 'em. Almost as important is having seen how you've continuously honored your Pop.
ReplyDeleteI would feel it a real honor to be considered your friend, and I think myself to be a better man to've known you.
Oh, and I still miss Milfy Monday and Titty Tuesday, although I know why they went away.
Best to Miss Lisa.
Rob J
Do what ya gotta do Ken. It's been a great ride, but all good things must come to an end.
ReplyDeleteKenny- So glad to know you. Your blog has brightened my day for many years.
ReplyDeleteDo what you need to, maybe finish that book?
As always, best to you and Miss Lisa.
Carry on, brother!
Kenny, i closed my business of 20years last July. First you'll feel the weight of the world lifted from your shoulders. Then you'll start to miss being busy about all of it. Then you'll write the last page and close the chapter. It's not good, it's not bad, it's just another chapter in your story. I hope you enjoyed the ride. Be sure to get on another ride though. One day there will be no more rides left. And that's Allright as well. We ride this world and try to make the best of it. Just know you brightened a lot of days for people and we appreciate it. Rock on brother!
ReplyDeleteThank you for all the years! It's time for you to make everyday a "Saturday!" Fair winds and following seas.
ReplyDeleteThanks Kenny, you have done a wonderful thing with this blog in all its iterations. So go and write the damn book!! Love you brother.
ReplyDeleteAppreciate you, Kenny!
ReplyDeleteThank you!
DeleteGet ya some YOU time while you can still enjoy it. You have the best site, by far, of those I read, and will miss it when you do pull the plug. Still think you should write that book, but we all do, I'm sure. Thanks for all the time you spent entertaining us, you saved what little sanity I have during my years on the road.
ReplyDeleteBeen reading for years now, but never left a comment. Thanks for all the laughs and news. Glad you are still doing the lite version! If it is time to call it good soon, I wish you the best in your hard earned retirement. It's been great times reading your blog.
ReplyDeleteI'll be stopping by just to check in on you. And if you would, would you occasionally let us know how that asshole dog Jack is doing? I kind of feel like he's my friend that I never met. Kind of like you.
ReplyDeleteThanks for everything.
He's laid up behind my chair right now, snoring away and recuperating from all his naps today.
DeleteI am going to miss you! Please let us hear from you from time to time. I count you as a friend. sunny225 in south MS
ReplyDeleteThanks, sunny. Be sure to check back next week for the new version. And I'll throw some commentary out there from time to time. No news, though - that shit's depressing.
DeleteThanks for what you've done so far. Let the blog serve you, not the other way around. I would definitely leave it up though. Peace.
ReplyDeleteFollow that Dream Kenny and none other shall say nay. Best Regards Ray
ReplyDeleteThank you for all you do and have done. You've been my first stop every day since I first found you, heading home after a workday with knuckleheads protesting in the street. I still laugh at "I gassed him". You and Lisa relax. And when you get relaxed Start on the damn book!
Fitty asked me to do the same. I've got to find it, so it'll be sometime in the next couple weeks.
DeleteI still laugh when I think about that pepper spray article. That and crazy Charlie LaFette (sp?)
DeleteI understand. This is the only blog I read so you will be missed. Do what ya gotta do man. Thanks for what you have done. Take care, Mike
ReplyDeleteIt's been a great ride, Kenny, thanks for inviting us along. I really appreciate the work you've put into the blog, and don't apologize for entering semi-retirement, you earned it. Beyond whatever you post on M+F, please keep us posted on happenings and what's going on with you, Lisa, and That Asshole Dog, Jack.
ReplyDeleteI'll do that.
DeleteKenny, You should have waited until April first and then said April Fools!, and did it anyways. We deserve it. We enjoy your humor and politics and now we have to whore around somewhere else. Thanks for the ride Ed.
ReplyDeleteFUCK!!! I missed a bet on that one. Sonofabitch.....
DeleteDamned im gonna havta get a real life. Well, its been a blast
ReplyDeleteIt ain't over until it's over.
DeleteKen, are you open to help keeping it active all day? I've got a day Job, so I'd have to be careful, but I'm sure others are willing to pitch in. Just tossing out an idea.
ReplyDeleteI've got family obligations I can't duck.
DeleteIt's been an awesome ride. I'm grateful you invited us all along.
ReplyDelete^ co bloggers work well at Instapundit and Small Dead Animals, but I'm sure Glen and Kate vet their co bloggers rigorously before approving them, and I doubt I'd pass a vetting process.
ReplyDeleteI am embarrassed that I’ve never taken the time to say how much I enjoy and appreciate your work. It’s been my first stop in the morning (except Tuesdays, before Ol’ Remus went on to his reward) for years. You bring humanity, history, and hilarity to the net - a rare combination.
ReplyDeleteI’ll keep at it, as long as you do, but you take it easy. 18 years is a good run.
Thank you so much.
I did have a weird format, didn't I? Thank you.
DeleteWeirdly great.
DeleteAnd a pox on the Zuck for kicking you off. I wasn’t sure you’d be there too long, given your style and their censorship against BadThink.
18 years! Clocking those years in my own life, I've been lurking most of those. Been here in NV since 2009, reading you before then. Always entertained, with a rare comment, and great advice in an email once. You've educated me on a broad array of subjects, opened an untold number of rabbit holes, directed me to so many like-minded blogs, and sparked my venture in the 2A. Started with none, but now got more toys than fingers! THANK YOU for opening those doors! And bless you, Kenny Lane. Like everybody else, whatever path you take, will be here till you're dark.
Ken, it's your blog, and although you've never pissed & moaned about it, it has to be a time suck. When something like that stops being fun, it's time to change things.
ReplyDeleteWhen I found this place, you were still in CA. I was pleased that you moved here, and even more so when you got the reception I expected you to get, and it began to feel like a home.
I've derived a lot of pleasure from the blog, and I thank you for it. I know I'm not the only one who came here sometimes after a shitty day, & had it made better by a laugh, a tear-jerker, or just a thoughtful musing.
If I ever get over your way & see you on the road, I'm damned sure going to flag you down. Just look for an old longhair on a 40- or 50-year-old Jap bike.
Thank you, Kenny, for everything. I know you're not leaving just yet, but many long & pleasant day to you & the long-suffering Miss Lisa.
--Tennessee Budd
Thank you, Budd. I couldn't have picked a better place to live. I love this fucking State. It's kinda scary though that I didn't have to change to fit in.
DeleteThanks so much, I like the sound of you keeping a lite version of this going. You should be enjoying your time and not allowing the computer to tie you down. When the site becomes a burden instead of fun it's time to make a change and I think you are making some good choices for what to eliminate. It'll lessen the moderation demands on you for one. You are keeping the fun parts going.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the ride mate. I enjoyed your posts.
ReplyDeleteKenny, you are my “go-to” every day. I understand if you are tired of trying and dealing with ungrateful assholes.
ReplyDeleteOne day I’m going to plan a vacation to Tennessee again and we will meet.
You are my #1 blog to read when I get home from work. Have always appreciated your words. Sad to see it on the way out but all good (great) things must end. I used to blog 10 years ago or so and had a 5 year run or so. It's tough to keep at it for sure. In any event, I loved the stories and the dogs. Hope you keep "Monday" going. That is probably my favorite.
ReplyDeleteIt's my favorite too. It's a guaranteed post as long as this blog is running.
DeleteWow. So you're really doing it. I was hoping that you were bluffing. I've so much enjoyed your humour, stories, and insight these past many years, so much of which I could relate to. Now I'm going to have to figure out how to fill those 45 minutes of my day.
ReplyDeleteBut then again, we're 65 years old. We survived dependent live as Army brats then went back to Germany as soldiers. We worked hard in life and paid our dues, now it's time to retire. A life well lived; A rest well deserved.
While we never met, I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't pass within 200 yards of each other during the our Army days in Germany. Somebody had to build that tower on Fliegerhorst Kasern back in '80. (I actually did work with one guy from World Com, Rick, who was part of that team around 2001). Or maybe during REFORGER?
I hope you enjoy the time off. I appreciate all of the effort you've put into this little community of ours. You have given me a lot of joy and entertainment these past many years, and for that I thank you very much.
Best Regards,
Life's been a hell of a ride, hasn't it?
DeleteI think the number of replies says it all. You will be missed.
DeleteWas hoping ya might change yer mind, Bro. Absolutely understand the why of it.
ReplyDeleteAh well, REALLY appreciate all the many efforts and time that ya put in! Liked the site from day 1. Spent many an hour here. I, for one, will continue to appreciate yer efforts. Can't tell ya when it was that I found ya, or who the culprit was that put a bug in my ear (so to speak), but I'm dam glad of it!!
Keep on keepin on! All the best🥃🥂!!
Y'all take care,
Mike in FLA.
Right on Kenny!
ReplyDeleteDon in Oregon
Thank you Kenny.
ReplyDeleteKenny! You have done more than yeoman's work for many years and brought this household a lot of joy...especially when dogs are featured.
ReplyDeleteI ran a private market-based blog for three years and know how much of an energy drain a good blog can be.
Go forth, have fun...and thank you for years of laughs - - with a few tears.
Da Perfessor
Kenny, Can't remember when I discovered your site, but it has been way over ten years. You have done great work! The effort you have put into it must have been tremendouus. Thanks for what you have done for all of us.
ReplyDeleteOh, and thanks for letting us down easy!
Mike from N. Texas
Sad to see you on the way out, but completely understandable. Thanks for weaning us slowly ;-). And many thanks for all the great thoughts and gifs over the years. I'll look forward to Monday & fridays all the more.
You'll be getting at least 3 posts a day all through the week.
DeleteKenny, you have been a mainstay for a long time. As Bob Hope used to say..."Thanks for the Memories" Best Wishes and Blessings Always. Tim
ReplyDeleteSo more like the old days before you retired.
You really do need a break.
Kenny, it feels as though my good neighbor and friend is leaving. I have really enjoyed your musings and stories over the years. I can only add my thanks to all of the others, and wish you the best. Bruce in NC
ReplyDeleteThe cycle (circle?) of life. Gonna miss ya. I've said before that I got reeled in at "How Charlie goddammit got his name". It would be cool to read that one again before you pull your shingle. Hint, hint.
ReplyDeleteEvery evening you were my read while eating dinner. I have read you over the years. Funny my best friend moved from Sac to some place in Tenn about same time you moved. Good luck. Dinner time will be different without you
ReplyDeleteObviously your blog is most appreciated, I visit it every day and have been for years. Family is the most important for sure. Glad you will still continue this blog and abbreviations are totally fine with most of us. Hope it never ends totally, great info you bring. Take care of you, we can deal with less. Thank you for all the years of some great posts. Hybo
ReplyDeleteYup, could not have said it better myself!
DeleteI was hoping you’d change your mind.
ReplyDeleteYou’ve been a daily read for at least 15 years I reckon.( I don’t really remember when/where I found you. maybe Woodsterman or 90 miles).
I’m thankful for your continued presence!
Only you know what’s best for you.
So do it without reservation.
Greatly appreciate your blog. You do what's best for you. Still looking forward to checking site daily for a while!
ReplyDeleteI hate to see you split but I understand. This place feels like an old coffee shop populated by old and new friends. Thank you so much for what you have done. Texson
ReplyDeleteThat's a very good analogy of this blog.
DeleteThank you, Kenny, for all you have done and contributed to making this blog. This has been my must visit website for the past several years ever since I've discovered it and it has been my favorite spot for news and entertainment. It will be missed by many.
ReplyDeleteI have been reading your blog for over ten years and it is the first one i look at daily. your mix of humor, absurd human stories, and enough hot women to keep guys going. Everything tapers down, or comes to an end. Best of luck to you and Lisa and that asshole Jack. I sent you some envelopes over the years to show my appreciation. Thanks for just tapering off some, it will make it easier for your loyal readers
ReplyDeleteI agree. I have been here since the Sammy tales and check several mornings a week. You are a gem Kenny and deserve the now less trying grind. Thank you . Jeff C in NC
DeleteDude you’ve got to keep at least one meme post a week.
ReplyDeleteGreat blog. An every night stop for me. You have earned the break. Consider keeping the "I'm Sure She's Taken" feature. You find some cuties!
ReplyDeleteYou have been my first read of the day since before I moved to TN. I have to say, having met you by chance at the local Wally-world was a legitimate treat. I still remember when I mentioned I was waitingForTheStorm, you looked up at the clear blue TN skies and said something along the lines of "Looks like you'll have to wait a while". I am chuckling even as I pen this recollection. Hope o run into you in town, but I get there less often since the COVID nonsense brought out my natural hermitness.
ReplyDeleteThanks for years of enjoyment. Enjoy your retirement. --dennis
Oh God, I remember that 'Duh' moment well. But talk about perfect timing - that was probably the only clear blue sky I've seen since I've been here.
DeleteThe few times we ran into each other were a pleasure. If you ever see me in town again, holler at me and I'll buy you lunch.
Thank you for your effort. It has been a regular watering hole of mine for several years. Love the memes; I am a collector. :o)
ReplyDeleteYour blog is my first read in the morning. Time is fleeting, enjoy life. Thanks for everything.
I'm not rightly sure when it was I found your blog, but by my reckoning it had to have been sometime VERY shortly after you first started if you have indeed been going 18 years. You were a regular daily read well before I got laid off, and subsequently relocated, back in early '09
ReplyDeleteLike many have already stated, you have been a daily read (usually multiple hits in a given day) since. It's been a helluva ride. I must say that it heartens me to hear that you are merely 'throttling back' and not departing altogether.
Accordingly, please don't feel too locked in to your '3 posts daily' commitment. Find a pace that suits YOU. Could be more, could be less, could be inconsistent. I don't think folks here would much care. We just like hangin' out on your porch, popping a cold one, and shootin' the shit.
You were my Sammy spy. I remember when that fucker filed a restraining order against me and I had to go to court, and mentioned your screen name when I was being questioned by the judge. When it was all over and I posted the documents after winning, you got a huge kick out of that.
DeleteTo be honest I *almost* wrote something about feeling a literal PART of the blog due to being 'named' in that bullshit. Felt presumptuous though.
DeleteAs an aside....the last time I was in St. Maries, I noticed that so-called 'Spartan Academy' thing he started was defunct; Building space empty.
Sammy: Now there's a name that brings up some (not so fond) memories. What a shyster.
DeleteHopefully he and his bride are currently enjoying the karma they so richly deserve.
Thanks for all you've given.
ReplyDeleteKnow some of the feeling, with a bunch of family stuff thrown in taking time.
ReplyDeleteYou do what you need to, guy, anything will be appreciated as much as all this has.
And boy, has it.
I am saddened to hear this, but happy you're not totally calling it quits. One of the things I like about this site is your evident respect and kindness toward all the 'dumb animals' who are at our mercy, and your contempt for the people who abuse them. But as you said in an above reply: "I've got family obligations I can't duck." Surely this means Lisa and your in-laws. Best wishes for them and their health . . and even your crappy dog.
ReplyDeleteYup, Lisa has more doctor's appointments than anybody I've ever known and her folks are depending on me more and more due to age and health issues. Family comes first.
DeleteI would like to think that my feelings towards animals are typical, but judging from the stories I see almost every day about people being cruel to and abusing them, I don't think I am. That's sad, isn't it?
Hey Man, I 've enjoyed reading your site but kick back and enjoy your time now. Good on you!
DeleteYes, it is sad. I feel worse toward those who abuse animals than who abuse people.
DeletePeople don't put complete and total trust into other people the way animals do. That's the kicker for me.
DeleteMost of my very best friends have tails & walk on all fours.
I'm a relative newcomer to your audience, Ken, but I check in erry dang day, mainly to de-stress from the avalanche of negativity everywhere else on my travels. Whether it's the Good Mornings that so many of us enjoy or the tales of absurd idiocy from Florida man and the Florida man-adjacent, I find your blog and the spirited comment section to be cathartic in a way I just can't describe. But all good things eventually do come to an end. Godspeed, and thanks for all the laughs, my friend.
How's the fishing, hope they're biting.
ReplyDeleteGetting out from behind the keyboard is probably better for you, when I get the second knee done I'm looking to getting out of the house more.
Sure am gonna miss you sir.
ReplyDeleteHeartfelt thanks in return. Your work has been much appreciated. Whatever more you can give will be very welcome. But know that what you have given has meant a lot to all of us. Thank you again!!
ReplyDeleteYou will be missed. Enjoy your retirement! I have looked forward to your column daily. Take care.
ReplyDeleteWell Ken, I came to you through Small Dead Animals, I saw the name of your blog and thought, well that sounds like something I'd probably enjoy, and boy, have I ever!
ReplyDeleteThe item that i have enjoyed the most are your stories from your life, you have a way with the pen my friend. If I had the resources, I would gladly help you put those essay's into book form as they are superb!
PS - don't know if you've seen the Rick Beato you=tube station, but he just recently did a fantastic interview with Bill Strings (whom you turned me onto), check it out if you have some spare time.
DeNihilist (Leo Galozo)
I'll check it out, thanks. I don't remember who turned me on to Billy Strings. I may have just stumbled across his videos on youtube, I don't know. His Highway Prayers CD is pretty good if you haven't heard it yet.
DeleteBummer. Two more years and you would have gotten a pension and a gold watch. Thanks for all the effort you put in and the enjoyment I got out
ReplyDeleteThey give pensions and gold watches for volunteer work?
DeleteI remember reading you for years before I added a comment, thanks, for all the laughter and tears. Still wish I'd have asked "you" if you were "you" at Bass Pro, kids were in middle school, have one getting a masters degree soon. Losing you on the weekends (I work them) left a gap in my relax time after work. We will adapt. I do have to get out of here.
ReplyDeleteI'm not losing your bookmark. Have Fun!
A big heart felt thanks Ken! I never start my day without reading your blog first. Enjoy life!
ReplyDeleteI've enjoyed your blog for a long time and thank you. I'm looking forward to Knuckledraggin Lite
ReplyDeleteHas it really been 18 years?
ReplyDeleteI don't know how long it's been since you posted the one about the traffic blocking douche you pepper sprayed "Followed him all the way to the ground", but I read where someone reposted it, led back here, & I've been visiting ever since.
If you ever feel like compiling some of the stories you've told here into print form, I think you'd have a buying audience.
It would be a shame for it all to go into "electronic oblivion".
Thanks for all you've done.
I've enjoyed your blog immensely ever since I found it. A couple of posts a day is still a damn fine blog!
ReplyDeleteDam, its been 18 years and I've been following you for 15 of them. So, that makes us both OLD. I saw your earlier post on it and was hoping you would change your mind but I do understand. There is very little real good news in the world anymore and its a drain but your blog helped and I am grateful for that time you spent. My family obligations have gone thru the roof also with my wife and its hard to fine the time for myself and my dog, we are both slowing down also. I do hope things work out better for you and maybe in the future you might get bored and open the Blog back up. Safe travels and Vaya Con Dios my friend.
ReplyDeleteOnce upon a time, the Grouchy Old Cripple had mentioned your site, I forget when. Have been a daily reader and occasional commenter ever since.
ReplyDeleteHaving blogged personally and professionally, I know what a time sink this is.
Take care as you 'ease' into the next chapter!