
Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Judge blocks Trump's executive order barring transgender people from the military

Washington — A federal judge on Tuesday blocked enforcement of a new Defense Department policy barring transgender people from serving in the U.S. military.


  1. I have a solution. Allow them in, but keep them segregated, give them the worst possible jobs, and don't allow them to be promoted.

    1. I have one more thing to add. In the event of war, they are to be the first sent to the front lines as cannon fodder.

    2. frag 'em in the field

    3. Hey, thats what they did to me while I was fighting the vaccine mandate... finally made E7. Took me 5 extra years...

  2. This ain't one or two wacko judges going randomly off the rails. It's a national organized cabal of a hundred or so liberal judicial sleeper Manchurian candidates who've just heard the suggestion that they play solitaire and that was the signal to slow, halt or even better destroy president Trump's attempt to carry out his agenda. It even resonated with the SCOTUS head pussy Roberts.

  3. A TRANS person is a mental case. This Judge should be ignored by the Military as this is appealed. Any ruling by Trump is the ultimate decision for the Military as He is the Commander-in-Chief.

  4. Agreed. Trump should ignore all of these “rulings” and start arresting these judges for supporting corruption and terrorism among other charges. Playing nice against people who will ignore the Constitution and rule of law is a losing strategy.

  5. This will never stop until corrupt judges start disappearing. It's that simple.

  6. Use them in there own brigade and send them to the beach first.

  7. huh, judges run the military. that answers a lot of the recent screw ups

  8. Judge doesn't have an ax to grind or anything.
    Oh, no...

    1. Another one of Biden's DEI hires.

    2. Biden nominee, born in Uruguay and a lesbian. She hit the preferred demographic trifecta.
      The Harvard law degree was just a plus.

  9. Didn't Chief Justice John Roberts declare that Trump shouldn't consider impeachment until the appellate process was completed? Seems only consistent that Trump shouldn't consider complying with a rogue ruling until the appellate process plays out.

    1. Roberts is a Bush stooge who went to Epstein island and should be impeached along with the 3 cows put there just because they're woke.

    2. Rumors have circulated that there is something peculiar with the adoption documents for Roberts' son, and this could be a source of how he has been compromised.

  10. My calm and collected solution is to ignore the judges and carry on with the plan, we all know they have no jurisdiction ...
    My radical solution is to grab and bag these assholes in the middle of the night and push them out of a 15 floor apartment in down town DC...
    I think my way is more effective but maybe too abrupt for some..

  11. If the army has to keep the trans then the first thing they should do is make them do the routines that biden's handlers let them skip. If they get past that, send them to a shrink.

  12. If this sticks, make them all mess cooks, or latrine orderlies.

  13. Assign the confused ones to personally protect the lefty judges 24/7 365.

  14. Hm. Given that Klinefelters (XXY chromosome syndrome) is usually undiagnosed, especially in the less severe cases and particularly with the mosaic karyotype version, and may have a prevalence of even as high as 0.04% in the general apparent-male population... as in 4 out of every ten thousand... yeah, even if fewer than average of those would pass the initial testing for recruitment, that's a few hundred completely random soldiers who've always thought themselves straight males that could be hit by this if it happens to be found in a medical checkup.

    And that's just one of several known conditions that could cause this. There's some on the "always thought themselves straight female and has given birth naturally" side too, though believed less common - but not like anyone's been routinely checking for those.

    So on those grounds, I could see this specific wording being too discriminatory with regard to existing servicemembers.

    Completely other thing about the mental health side, gender reassignment and such; and selective recruitment, don't see any problems there.

    1. It doesn't matter. Note that the courts didn't tell Biden he couldn't kick people out for refusing the jab.
      The courts, our entire government, is being exposed for the joke that it is. I am looking forward to the day that it finally collapses. It's inevitable.

  15. Where do these judges think they get the power to order the president to do anything? Seems to me the only possible actions they can take are to rule something unconstitutional or not. If found unconstitutional, then only agencies under the jurisdiction/ administration of the executive branch can enforce such ruling - oops!

  16. Food service, motor pool, uniform tailoring, interior decorating; there's probably a bunch more they could do without someone having to share a foxhole.

  17. "The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour..." Article III Section 1 US Constitution

  18. If they stay in the military, don't get in a foxhole with one. All that bright hair coloring will make for easy targeting in low light conditions.

  19. In the army at least, if you have a medical condition that prevents you from being deployed overseas for more than year, you are automatically medically discharged -- with the exception of trans. Remove the exemption, and medically discharge anyone who requires medical convalescence for more than a year.

    After receiving special treatment, receiving standard treatment feels like discrimination.

  20. Y’all are missing the obvious: the left doesn’t give a shit about “trans” inclusion. They’re just using trans bullshit to tie Trump’s administration up in court challenges. Shoot one down, another one pops up.

  21. Public execution, same day....judge, and all so called trannys. This shit gotta stop now.

  22. Federal judges take an oath of office. After their impeachment and removal from office for ignorance and incompetence, most of these clowns should be investigated for treason. They really don't care how much damage they do to the Constitution and separation of powers.

    - Red Alert!

  23. Uh, correct me if I am wrong, but the POTUS is the CIC of the US Military. If these mentally ill deviates have an issue, it should be directed to their Inspector General or JAG. Federal courts have no original jurisdiction in .mil.

  24. Let's be honest. Impeachment will never happen. The GOP doesn't have 66 senators. Even if it did, at least one would turn RINO.


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