
Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Top notch police work

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — A woman was arrested Monday after stealing a man’s phone and transferring $700 from CashApp into her account.


It took them that long to figure it out? Let's see, he had 700 bucks transferred from his account to hers... I'd say they had a prime suspect.
He's not real bright either if he handed the woman the phone that has all of his personal and financial information on it, then he left her alone with it.


  1. If someone had access to my phone they would be able to ...
    Make a call?
    I love my dumb flip phone. Not even email on it. Oh, it has a cheap low res camera, they could look at pictures of my bowling scores.

    1. I'm with you, John. My personal phone is a ruggedized flip phone that I can shove in my back pocket and forget about. It's not easily broken, so it fits MY needs. In fact, when someone asks why I don't have a smart phone I pull out my flip phone and rap the side of the table with it. The reaction of the questioner is always the same: they recoil like a vampire being shown a cross.

      A second reason I don't have a smart phone is that I work in computer security. The most unsecure devices we deal with are smart phones. Based on conversations I've had with bank security teams, the banks provide phone apps because its what the public wants, even though the banks know they're a ticking time bomb. It's a calculated risk on the bank's part and the expected losses are factored into their calculations.

    2. Another flip-phone holdout here.

      I know there are smart-phone users who are sensible about it, but too many people, especially kids, are constantly zoned-out in public on those things. It's like watching someone pick his nose and inspect the result.

  2. My 1963 rotary wall phone can't be stolen because whoever wants to pry it off my wall will have to get past my Remington 870 first.

  3. She was the kind of girl who'd eat all your cashews and leave you with nothing but peanuts and filberts. - - Raymond Chandler

  4. That is why my handheld computer that masquerades as a cell phone has everything disabled on it except the call feature and texting. The only feature I would add is a map program if I did a lot of traveling. The damn things are too easy to break or lose to have anything of importance on them. Plus Wi-Fi signals are not secure, last time I checked.


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