
Tuesday, December 04, 2012


"You keep talking about doing your recons, WC. What are we supposed to recon?"

Recons. You recon anything that might be of value to you when the shit comes down. Sometimes it takes a little work, sometimes you can do it as you're doing your errands.

The easy shit first: Where's your police station located? Your local FBI/DHS/ATF offices? Where's the parking lot where the they park their personal vehicles. How's it secured? How about their radio antennae? Is their mast easily accessible so you can cut their comms if needed? How about cell phone towers, because when their radios don't work they're going to be using their cell phones.
Stuff that is such a common part of our lives that we don't pay attention to it anymore may come in handy someday.


Some of the things that involve a little work include: Establishing and preparing ambush sites at strategic locations, figuring out how to cut their comms, finding escape routes, establishing message drops, finding out how many police officers are on the street during the various shifts, finding out when the shift changes are (that's important as hell) and last but not least, finding out just where exactly the ATF/DHS/FBI agents live. It's not that hard to follow somebody home. If you have a name, let your computer do the work.

WHAT???!!!??? Find out where they live? Why?

So when it comes time to go active, you know where to take the fucking fight.

But.... but.... but.....

No buts about it. They made the fucking rules, you just play by them. They want to kick in your door at 3 AM and terrorize your family and shoot your dog, turn it right back around on them.

But we don't do that sort of thing.

Fine, then don't. But I doubledamn guarantee you that if their houses start getting raided, you're going to have a shitload of ex-agents. So yeah, you just go ahead and wait for them to come to you. You'll feel so much better when you're locked up or dead and your kids are traumatized for life and Fido the Cocker Spaniel is laying there dead on the floor because he barked at an intruder.
Hey, I'm not advocating starting any violence, I'm just advising you to be ready whenever they start the violence. If the government wants to declare war on the American People, give it back to them in spades.

Do your fucking recons and most importantly, update them constantly. It's not that hard.


  1. Good reminder. We should always be doing this anyway. Posted and linked.

  2. Dude, Remember to breathe.....Chop chop, "Women" also...

  3. Bad idea to talk about it around people you don't trust. Trust with your fucking life, that is. And the lives of your family.

    Think OPSEC and COMSEC. If you don't know what they are, google them and learn lesson 1: Keep your fucking mouth shut.

  4. FYI: don't cut the antennae cables as they are easily re-tipped and re-attached. Use a high power rifle to shoot the box that the cable plugs into. Spare cable is usually easy to find but LNB's are expensive and usually not carried in spare stock.

    Also, a broadband signal generator is fairly easy to build and not that expensive. If tuned to the correct frequency a radio and/or cell phone will not work within the signal generators range. FYI these are illegal to use...


  5. Excellent reminder, this has become much easier since many petty tyrants drive home in company cars.

    Just take a drive around your local AO and check some plates.

  6. I'm not advocating it or nothing, but remember Hue City, Tet '68. There were some, um, disappearances, ya know what I'm sayin'?

  7. Mark12A - not sure if that comment was directed to me or not but at this point in the game we need people to talk about it to let the fucking feds know that we're not just idly standing by.
    Once it starts, you're absolutley right - keep your fucking mouth shut.

  8. Sandman - the local paper is a wonderful source of information regarding cops. Like I said, all you need is a name. Go to your favorite people locator and you've got an address. If they pay a single bill of any kind, that information is yours for the taking.

  9. Makes sense. I have been spotting and marking patrol routes, as well as food supply warehouses, for a while. Big cities make it easy, as they drive company cars home. They are also all in one place, with a central office. Look for emergency generators and power stations. Some sugar and a length of chain can make things fun. Don't forget to snipe those traffic cameras. I see them on almost every stoplight now.

  10. Wirecutter...not directed at you. I was drinking coffee the other day and overheard some mullet-headed brain donor talking about how many firearms he had in his house and what he intended to do when TSHTF. I wouldn't have this guy anywhere near my cell, but would sure pass shit along to him as disinformation. When the Obots consolidate their power, you can be damned sure there will be plenty of quislings around. They'll all be useful; some for passing along bad info, and others for object lessons.


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