
Friday, November 13, 2020

Wisco thinks I should start a Macon County chapter

It may seem odd, but members of the Men’s Therapeutic Cuddle Group say the practice has helped them cope with everything from childhood sexual abuse to the loss of family members when they were young.

The two-year-old group draws men from various backgrounds: a 37-year-old Mormon who works as an airport gate agent, a 57-year-old married father of three, a 62-year-old retiree. There is a range of sexual orientations.


  1. Sorry, not interested... only men I will cuddle with is my father(deceased) and my brother and my nephews, family basically. I will commensurate and listen, cuddling is out.

  2. Go hunting or fishing with a buddy.

  3. Wow, just Best part of that article was I learned I have only one more free one from that site. Hope to never use it.

  4. I'm not homophobic per se but, I'd probably bean one of those fairys if they tried to "cuddle" with me. I'll pass thank you.

  5. I’ll only join if it’s totally nude and streamed live on CNN.

  6. i think that the closest ive ever come to a cuddle buddy group was that first paid weekend pass in basic training. in juarez. we didnt work out any past issues but luckily didnt catch any future ones either. the amount of fun and depravity available to a young man with a pocket full of money in juarez is incredibly theraputic. with or without the buddies to get in the way.

  7. Grow a pair for cripes sake! Will men ever start to be men again?

  8. Possibly the gayest article I've ever read that was pretending not to be gay.

  9. Another thought...Joining Clampers would either straighten them out, fuck them up for life or kill them.

  10. How many raccoons do you have? Gerbils will not suffice!

    1. I just kills me that I totally understand this reference... from an email waaaay back in the infant days of the internet. Thank for your that little trip down 25 years back.
      -Just A Chemist


  11. You are not going to believe me, but my brother in law is a Doctor and he had a client who asked him to join this therapy group. He passed. The group of men dressed in diapers and would cuddle. No shit. Freaks.

  12. Didn't read the article. The leader made my skin crawl all by itself.

  13. Didn't read the article.
    I clicked open the link, took one look at the pic, and noped the fuck out'a there....

    Timin AK

  14. One of the great losses of the current panic is the male bonding ritual of shaking hands. When we were getting a new roof recently the salesman and I just automatically shook hands, laughed, and said, "Fuck it."

  15. I can only imagine women being women that the writer, Aneri Pattani, had to empty her emesis trash bin several times to finish this story.

  16. I stopped reading at "a range of sexual orientations" That was even too far. I shoulda stopped at men's "cuddle group". I was tryin my best to imagine you - in your kilt - steppin up to hug the hell out of somebody's bad childhood. Just can't.


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