
Tuesday, March 01, 2011


My sitemeter only gives me data on the last 100 visitors (because I'm a cheap bastard and won't pay for full service) but this is the first time in  months I haven't had a hit from an arab country in I don't know how fucking long.
Maybe it's because I haven't posted a camel toe, Obama, muslim porn, babe, or drunk chick picture all day. Ya think?
Fucking scumbag hippocrates.........

Whatever works.....

Loud and Rebel Proud, motherfuckers!!!!!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Fat Kid Avoids Ridicule By Swimming With Shirt

We must all make sacrifices.....

I DON’T WANT TO HEAR ONE MORE GODDAMN THING ABOUT MY CARBON FOOTPRINT: Obama Flies Personal Trainer from Chicago to White House Every Week.
“With a schedule as hectic as President Obama’s it must be hard to stick to a training regimen without help — but why does he insist on having his old trainer fly out from Chicago to D.C. regularly when Obama and his wife exhort the rest of us to drive less? And in a recession?” Those kinds of worries, like taxes, are for the little people.

Just sayin'

You ever notice how fucking huffy people get when you go into a restaurant and tell 'em you only want white people touching your food?

Gotta be Mexico

I'm getting a headache just looking at the picture.


muslim hottie

And of course we all know the muslim mating call, right?
"Baaaaa. Baaaaaa, baaaaaaa.

How to starve an Obama supporter

How do you starve an obama supporter??
Hide their food stamps.........
under their work shoes.

Who cares that it's unconstitutional?

WASHINGTON – Anxious to ease deepening political tensions with the states, President Barack Obama on Monday told governors he wants to speed up their ability to enforce his signature health care law on their own terms. But his concession goes only so far: He warned he won't allow states to weaken the law.

Better late than never

AP - International pressure on Moammar Gadhafi to end a crackdown on opponents escalated Monday as his loyalists fought rebels holding the two cities closest to the capital and his warplanes bombed an ammunition depot in the east. The U.S. moved naval and air forces closer to Libya and said all options were open, including patrols of the North African nation's skies to protect its citizens from their ruler.

Am I the only one that noticed that before Obama decided to get off his ass and offer some support to these folks, they were merely protesters? But now that Wingnut gave them his blessing, they're suddenly rebels or opposing forces.
But I can see why he took so long to back them - didn't Gadhafi call him "my son"? He wanted to make sure that an overthrow stood a good chance of being successful before throwing his buddy under the bus.

Man piss outside?

Why nobody asks me to go camping twice

Another "Aw Fuck" moment in time

Dinner time!


And all good things must come to an end

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Obama the traitor

The person in this video is a professor (Ph.D.) at Yavapai College(pronounced yeah-va-pie)in Prescott, Arizona. He puts a different spin on what Obama is doing to help Arizona and he repeats the important parts and speaks slow enough to allow you to follow what he's saying; must be why
he's rated highly by his students - 3.8 on a 4.0 scale.
This may be the best video produced on the illegal alien problems that are being experienced.

Thanks to Tom for passing it along

Guess I''ll be getting audited this year

The Internal Revenue Service has announced that it will give a free pencil sharpener to all taxpayers who pay their taxes on time.

It can be placed on your desk as a constant reminder of the service they provide to you each year.

Thanks, Rob.

Muslim porn

Yeah, it's missing something.......


I spy with my little eye.....

Oh shit oh dear

Man, I went out today to get gas and about locked up with a stroke.
The price of gas has gone up 30 cents a gallon since I filled up last Monday.
Holy crap......

Again...sigh... whatever... (rolling of eyes)

SEOUL, South Korea – North Korea threatened Sunday to attack South Korea and the United States, as the allies prepared to start annual joint military drills — maneuvers Pyongyang says are a rehearsal for an invasion.

The North has routinely issued such war rhetoric against South Korea and the U.S. The latest warning, however, came nearly three weeks after the rival Koreas failed to reach a breakthrough in their first dialogue in months.

Does this offend you? Good.... Me too.

A mullah kissing a young boy.
Notice that nobody else in the picture is outraged? Had this happened in the US at this time there would be an arrest and serious screaming.
In 20 years? That's your fucking future, America.
Do what ya gotta do or welcome it in. It's your choice.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

It's pitiful when your dog skunks you

So I'm posting, researching, answering emails and trying to eat all at the same time when I hear a godawful dogfight a ways off. One of the voices sound familiar so I get up and check and guess what, just fucking guess who snuck off.
I figured it was him and I knew he was fighting at least a couple of coyotes by the sound of things so I grabbed a maglight and a 22 and headed for the park along the creek in the middle of town.
By the time I got there shit had settled down so I hollered. Nothing. Nothing from the coyotes, nothing from my best bud. Fuck, my Charliedog was killed. I rustled around and found an open reed call and blasted a challenge call. Nothing. Again. Nothing. I'm pissed, panicky and crying. I just lost my best dog, the one that sleeps next to my bed, the very same one that loves on me every single evening and every single morning at sunrise????
Just about the time I was fixin' to pull on my gum boots and wade the brush for some fur to bury, guess who shows up covered in blood and all proud of himself.......
He leads me back to the coyote he killed and wants to go after the one that got away, but I pulled him off and took him home.
Fucker, he's killed more coyotes than I have this year.
But I'll say one thing for him, he took the 3 stitches in his neck without a twitch or whimper and even licked my hand when I was done.
Man, I love that tough sumbitch.....

Know your enemy (again)

So I'm already getting hammered for leaving out y'alls favorite anti-goatfucking sites.
I know it's Saturday night and we're all in a drunken stupor but I need links, not just names of authors.
You seem to forget that I'm an Okie - not only am I drunk but I'm semi computer illiterate. So I'm trying to post, answer emails (QUIT SPEAKING TXT GODAMMIT), find coyote shooting spots on google earth and rub my nuts all at the same time.
Fuck, I still can't believe Waylon's dead......

Armed pro-Gadhafi gangs roll in Libyan capital

AP - The embattled Libyan regime passed out guns to civilian supporters, set up checkpoints Saturday and sent armed patrols roving the terrorized capital to try to maintain control of Moammar Gadhafi's stronghold and quash dissent as rebels consolidate control elsewhere in the North African nation.

Hey! How come all them goat-fuckers get all the fun? We got the same kinda shit going on here and we don't get to shoot nobody. The only difference is our dictators name changes every 4 to 8 years.
(grumble grumble bitch whine and complain)

Know Your Enemy

Folks, I've added a new category to my sidebar called "Know Your Enemy" just above my blogrolls and it's for websites and blogs that are soley devoted to the spread of islam and the threat of creeping shari'a here in the US.
There were a couple of blogs that I included from my blogroll - Pam Gellers' "Atlas Shrugged" and Robert Spencers' "Jihad Watch" - but I will keep them in my blogroll for a couple more weeks until y'all get used to finding them in their new place.
A few words about the new additions:
Act for America is an organization that is dedicated to educating us about islam and what it really means.

Stop the Islamization Of America (SIOA) and Jihad Watch are written by Robert Spencer who is considered to be an authority on islam and it's threats to us as Americans. As a side note, SIOA just recently had the honor of being listed as a hate group by the pinko Southern Poverty Law Center for exposing islamic threats. How fucking cool is that?

Atlas Shrugs is written by Pam Geller, also a nationally known blogger (as well as a cutie) who has brought some serious fucking attention to the Ground Zero Mosque and is credited for the mass protests against it.

The Religion of Peace is only half of the name of the next blog. The rest of it is (and a big stack of dead bodies). It is a list of the atrocities and lies that muslims commit every day. Great articles and an up-to-date list of the bullshit that is carried out by this religion of peace.

Islam Watch? The name says it all.

The Opinionator describes itself better than I can - Straightforward talk along with unabashed and uncowed commentary on Worldwide News, radical Islam, Islamisation, Immigration, and current events with special attention given to USA and UK topics.

And last but not least:
Bare Naked Islam. This site is THE site to go to for straight-up researched shit about islam. It runs shit down in a way that even I can understand, sober or not. You want to know about what the koran says about fucking animals? About sexually abusing women and children, halil slaughtered meat, killing infidels, or anything else? This is the place to go. Lots of links but be careful where you go. If you click on beheadings, you get videos of beheadings. Same thing with the videos of halil meat.

Okay. These are sites I go to every motherfucking day and I hope you do too. I'll be adding to them so check back when you get a chance.
Have fun, kids.

Build your own "Justice Shed"

Use this diagram to build your own Justice Shed and you’ll have a safe spot to keep ne'er-do-wells and suspicious-looking folk you wrangle up off the streets.

Five or six times? Accidentally?

Panama City - A man is in critical condition after shooting himself in the head five or six times at a Panama City gun range.
The Bay County sheriff's office says the shooting was self-inflicted but doesn't know yet if it was accidental or on purpose.
The man walked into Jays Guns and Accessories on Highway 390 near the old airport to use the range just before one o clock. First responders got the call half an hour later that someone had been shot multiple times in the head.
Paramedic's rushed the man to Bay Medical.
Jays Guns and Accessories is divided into a gun shop and a shooting range. Major Tommy Ford of the Bay County Sheriff’s Department told NewsChannel 7 no one was in the range with the man at the time.
"The employee of the shop was watching from the shop side separated by the wall. There were no other customers in the store and no other subjects shooting in the range area at the time."
Authorities haven't released much information about the man yet, but we do know he is in his mid twenties and carried an out-of-state driver's license.

Six times and he survived? Always use enough gun, folks. Always. You just can't trust those 9mms to get the job done - ask Jared Loughner and Gabby Giffords......
No, I don't know that it was a 9mm that the wanna-be dead guy used but I couldn't resist the jab.

Good ol' muslim porn

Easy now, Abdul. Wait your turn, you can go right after the prohet Mohammed's done. CALM THE FUCK DOWN, ABDUL!!!!!!

Tore up from the floor up

Fucking drunks, I swear....
"I'm gonna get rashe.... ra.... racial here....."
This is better than Saturday Morning Cartoons.


Dr James David Manning hammers Oprah

I have loved this guy since the first time I saw him 2 years ago.
Hey, anybbody that displays a sign outside his church (in Harlem!!!) demanding that The Obamessiah shows his birth certificate has my respect. The man has balls.......

Damn! Those people are cousined up hard......

The Last Crusade–Danish psychologist Nicolai Sennels says Muslim inbreeding which has been prohibited in the Judeo-Christian tradition since the days of Moses, was sanctioned by Muhammad and has been going on now for 50 generations (1,400 years) in the Muslim world.
This practice of inbreeding will never go away in the Muslim world since Muhammad is the ultimate example and authority on all matters, including marriage. The massive inbreeding in Muslim culture may well have done virtually irreversible damage to the Muslim gene pool, including extensive damage to its intelligence, sanity, and health.

Lowered intellectual capacity is another devastating consequence of Muslim marriage patterns. According to Sennels, research shows that children of consanguinous marriages lose 10-16 points off their IQ and that social abilities develop much slower in inbred babies. The risk of having an IQ lower than 70, the official demarcation for being classified as retarded, increases by an astonishing 400 percent among children of cousin marriages.
In Denmark , non-Western immigrants are more than 300 percent more likely to fail the intelligence test required for entrance into the Danish army. Sennels says that the ability to enjoy and produce knowledge and abstract thinking is simply lower in the Islamic world. He points out that the Arab world translates just 330 books every year, about 20% of what Greece alone does. In the last 1,200 years years of Islam, just 100,000 books have been translated into Arabic, about what Spain does in a single year. Seven out of 10 Turks have never even read a book.

Only nine Muslims have ever won the Nobel Prize, and five of those were for the Peace Prize. According to Nature magazine, Muslim countries produce just 10 percent of the world average when it comes to scientific research (measured by articles per million inhabitants).

Mental illness is also a product. The closer the blood relative, the higher the risk of schizophrenic illness. The increased risk of insanity may explain why more than 40% of the patients in Denmark’s biggest ward for clinically insane criminals have an immigrant background.
The U.S. is not immune. According to Sennels, One study based on 300,000 Americans shows that the majority of Muslims in the USA have a lower income, are less educated, and have worse jobs than the population as a whole.

(AH HAH! So this is why Obama pushed so hard for ObamaCare, what with all the 3rd world Muslim immigrants he’s bringing into this country…)

muslims openly infiltrating Obamas' administration

Friday, February 25, 2011

Your tax dollars at work

On an earlier post one of the readers commented that he works for the government and used to read my site at work but now the Department of Homeland Security had flagged Knuckledraggin for "various criteria" and it wasn't able to be viewed on government computers any more.
Then I see this on my sitemeter today........
I can understand me being flagged, but Funktards? Give me a fucking break here.

Fuck you, you piece of shit.

WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama has signed a three-month extension of key surveillance provisions of the Patriot Act.
The law extends two areas of the 2001 act. One provision allows law enforcement officials to set roving wiretaps to monitor multiple communication devices. The other allows them to ask a special court for access to business and library records that could be relevant to a terrorist threat.
A third provision gives the FBI court-approved rights for surveillance of non-American "lone wolf" suspects - those not known to be tied to specific terrorist groups.
Obama signed the three-month extension of the provisions Friday. They were to expire Monday.
Lawmakers will soon start debating a multiple-year extension of the provisions, which have drawn fire from defenders of privacy rights.

Does this mean I could be arrested as a domestic terrorist because of the books I've checked out of the library on Waco, Ruby Ridge or the fucking BATF?

People own guns because they're racist......

I was going to post a picture of a syphiletic toothless asian prostitute that was missing her nose but I figured hell, this has better shock effect.

Yessir, that'll teach him

WASHINGTON -- The United States shuttered its embassy in Libya on Friday and readied stiff financial and other penalties against Moammar Gadhafi and his loyalists, ending days of cautious condemnation by all but calling for the unpredictable leader's immediate ouster.
Gadhafi's legitimacy has been "reduced to zero," the White House said as it announced the steps.

Decoy dogs for coyotes

Thanks to Claymore for this video. I had heard of folks using dogs to decoy them in but had never seen it.

No wonder he's president. He's smart.

Washington (AP) - President Obama says the the biggest challenge facing the US economy is an unemployment rate that remains unacceptably high.

Yeah. Right. Uh-huh. Suuuure.......

I fired off an email a while ago and when the 'email sent' confirmation page came up, there was this advertisement on the right side of the screen. I had to laugh.
I knew it was pure bullshit because there ain't that many white women in Riverbank.
Seriously. I know both of them.......

If mohammed had never been born

Thanks to the DaleyGator

CharlieGodammit as a pup. Hard as fuck.

No, it ain't him. I don't think. Maybe. It damned sure could be...... it sure does look like him as a pup. Jesus, maybe it IS him......

Archery is good for the younguns

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What the fuck?

My neighbor came banging at my door at 2:30 this morning. Can you believe that shit? 2:30 in the morning? Lucky for him I was up test firing my 30.06, huh?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Yeah, whatever......

Last night my daughter walked into the living room and said, "Dad, cancel my allowance, stop paying my college tuition, rent my room out, throw all my clothes out of the window, take my TV, stereo, iPhone, iPad, and jewelry and give them to charity. Sell my car and take my front door key and throw me out of the house."
Well, she didn't actually put it like that. She said, "Dad, this is my new boyfriend, Mohammed.”


A hot clothing sale tip (Mossy Oak)

Hey guys and gals, I got a hot tip today that due to a published illegal hunting incident with a Mossy Oak or Redhead rep, BassPro is clearing their inventory of all Redhead Mossy Oak clothing.
I don't know the details of the incident nor do I give a flying fuck but I have been known to take advantage (and share) a bargain.
Go to and in the "search box", enter "Redhead Mossy Oak" and find some super fucking bargains on the clothing. I don't know how long this will last, so jump on this shit while you can.
Then contact me and ask where you can send a couple bucks to buy me a beer.

How fitting.....

Good. They're blaming each other. Stupid motherfuckers....

BENGHAZI, Libya – Foreign mercenaries and Libyan militiamen loyal to Moammar Gadhafi tried to roll back the uprising against his rule that has advanced closer to his stronghold in Tripoli, attacking two nearby cities in battles that killed at least 17 people. But rebels made new gains, seizing a military air base, as Gadhafi blamed Osama bin Laden for the upheaval.

What can I say?

I had just climbed out of the shower and into my fuckinoff clothes (camo bibs and a Tshirt) when Dad called, said he was broke down. I pulled on a pair of lace up ropers (fuck socks), grabbed my wallet out of my work pants and headed on down the road.
When we finally got to his place, one of the aunts was there along with both nieces and their men and when I walked in, they all started laughing at my attire.
"Uncle Ken! I swear you are the biggest Okie! I can't believe you wear overalls out in public."
I crammed a biscuit in my mouth. "Hey, they're comfortable. Plus it makes it easier to scratch my balls in public." That sent both girls into gales of laughter, their boyfriends nodded, my aunt turned bright red, my mom just shook her head and Pops pointed out that I was doing just that at that very moment.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I know, I'm slacking.

Folks, please forgive me lack of posts tonight.
I had a rough motherfucking day and I just can't get my shit together enough to deal with this.
Check back tomorrow evening at this time, I should be fucked up enough to have a sense of humor.

Lewis and Clarks' air rifle

This is something that I never knew!
We actually owe much of our history and western States to an air rifle.
Thanks, Yolo. I appreciate you sending this in.

Now he's a bird dog

I came home tonight to a shitload of feathers in my backyard and CharlieGodammit laying there looking all happy, burping and farting, feathery down still around his mouth and some scratches on his muzzle.
By the color and size of the feathers and a talon, he nailed a hawk which kinda sorta pissed me off. Not that I'm into the "birds of prey" mystique, but they do keep the bluejay and magpie population under control and I hate both of those kind of birds, the noisy fuckers.
But he jumped and killed a fucking hawk and he still has both eyes? Damn.......

We're known by the company we keep, right?

Oh jeez........

A man and his wife were awakened at 3:00am by a loud pounding on the door. The man gets up and goes to the door where a drunken stranger, standing in the pouring rain, is asking for a push.
"Not a chance," says the husband, "it is 3:00 in the morning!"
He slams the door and returns to bed.
"Who was that?" asked his wife.
"Just some drunk guy asking for a push," he answers.
"Did you help him?" she asks.
"No, I did not, it is 3:00 in the morning and pouring rain out there!"
Well, you have a short memory," says his wife.
"Can't you remember about three months ago when we broke down, and those two guys helped us? I think you should help him, and you should be ashamed of yourself! God loves drunk people too."
The man does as he is told, gets dressed, and goes out into the pounding rain.
He calls out into the dark, "Hello, are you still there?"
"Yes," comes back the answer.
"Do you still need a push?" calls out the husband.
"Yes, please!" comes the reply from the dark.
"Where are you?" asks the husband.
"Over here on the swing set," replied the drunk.


Back off, Harry.

CARSON CITY, Nev. -- U.S. Sen. Harry Reid took aim at the world's oldest profession Tuesday, telling state lawmakers the time has come to have an adult conversation about Nevada's legal sex trade if the state hopes to succeed in the 21st century.
The Democratic Senate majority leader made the comments before a joint session of the Legislature as brothel owners and lobbyists - and working girls from the rural establishments - looked on from the gallery.
In his autobiography, Reid, a Mormon, wrote about growing up in the mining hamlet of Searchlight, Nev., and learning to swim in the pool at a bordello. His mother took in laundry from the 13 brothels around town.
But when the nation thinks about Nevada, Reid said, "it should think about the world's newest ideas and newest careers - not about its oldest profession."
He received a smattering of applause when he first suggested Nevada outlaw bordellos. By the time he finished with the topic, his remarks were met with silence from the representatives of a state whose identity is woven tightly with gambling, alcohol, quick marriages and prostitution.

I firmly believe that legalized, regulated prostitution doesn't hurt anybody - not the patrons nor the women that choose to work there.
Prostitution is going to exist whether it's leagal or not. So would you rather it be in an environment where it's clean and safe (for both the patrons and ladies) and medical exams are required, or out on the streets where HIV and other STDs are rampant, beatings are frequent and the women are doing it to support drug habits?
I'm just sayin'......

Humbling my ass. You're an arrogant piece of shit.

CHICAGO – Former White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel was elected mayor of Chicago on Tuesday, easily overwhelming five rivals to take the helm of the nation's third-largest city as it prepares to chart a new course without the retiring Richard M. Daley.
Emanuel trounced all opponents with 55 percent of the vote — a margin that allowed him to avoid an April runoff. He needed more than 50 percent to win outright.
It was the city's first mayoral race in more than 60 years without an incumbent on the ballot and the first in more than two decades without Daley among the candidates. Daley and his father have led Chicago for more than 43 out of the last 56 years.
Emanuel called the victory "humbling" and said the outgoing mayor had "earned a special place in our hearts and our history."

Chicago, you've been known for your crooked politics throughout the past two centuries and you had a chance to revolt using your ballot, make your voices heard, and break the cycle. Instead you just perpetuated the bullshit that's ruined your city.
I hope you suffer greatly for this, you fucking dumbasses.