
Thursday, March 08, 2012

See? He's good for something.

The election of President Barack Obama in 2008 triggered an explosion in the number of militias and so-called patriot groups in the United States, the Southern Poverty Law Center reported in its annual tally of such anti-government organizations.
There were 149 militias and patriot groups when Obama took office, compared to more than 1,200 today — an increase of 755 percent, the nonprofit civil rights organization reported.
There were 149 militias and patriot groups when Obama took office, compared to more than 1,200 today — an increase of 755 percent, the nonprofit civil rights organization reported.

The spike in these groups can be attributed to a combination of factors, including the sluggish economy, radical propaganda and anxiety over the election of a black president, Potok said.
Full article here


Get yer Free Radical Propaganda here, Folks!!!!!


  1. That report was put out by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Just a collection of Marxist rabble. They think 2 white guys talking 'bout the weather is a plot to lynch blacks. They have less credibility than Charlie Sheen at rehab.
    Wonder if they included the New Black Panthers in the armed militia count.
    Didn't think so.

  2. Kenny, I was full of shit about Kali banning hollowpoints and frangibles.
    It was some other state, or I was shitfaced...whatever.
    I just re-read the whole fuckin' 12000 section in the Penal Code an' it doesn't say shit about ammo 'cept no lead areas and tracers.
    Sorry homes.

    RIP Neptunis Lex.

  3. I went through that entire section too and came to the same conclusion. But that fucking penal code is so confusing.....

  4. I don't think they had an 'explosion', they've always been there but it's just how they count them. Some militias I'd have nothing whatsoever to do with, others I would. Just depends on what it is and who's in it.


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