
Saturday, December 08, 2012

Situational Awareness Primer

 First and foremost, it needs to be noted that being aware of one's surroundings and identifying potential threats and dangerous situations is more of a mindset than a hard skill. Because of this, situational awareness is not something that can be practiced only by highly trained government agents or specialized corporate security countersurveillance teams. Indeed, it can be exercised by anyone with the will and the discipline to do so.
An important element of the proper mindset is to first recognize that threats exist. Ignorance or denial of a threat -- or completely tuning out one's surroundings while in a public place -- makes a person's chances of quickly recognizing the threat and avoiding it slim to none. This is why apathy, denial and complacency can be (and often are) deadly. A second important element is understanding the need to take responsibility for one's own security. The resources of any government are finite and the authorities simply cannot be everywhere and cannot stop every criminal action. The same principle applies to private security at businesses or other institutions, like places of worship. Therefore, people need to look out for themselves and their neighbors.
Another important facet of this mindset is learning to trust your "gut" or intuition. Many times a person's subconscious can notice subtle signs of danger that the conscious mind has difficulty quantifying or articulating. Many people who are victimized frequently experience such feelings of danger prior to an incident, but choose to ignore them. Even a potentially threatening person not making an immediate move -- or even if the person wanders off quickly after a moment of eye contact -- does not mean there was no threat.
Much more HERE

Thanks to WiscoDave for the link


  1. A very good article on being aware of your surroundings. In the everyday world we live in, it could be the person asking you the time, selling door to door, helping you pump gas,walking past you in the store and now behind you as you walk to your car,etc.. We tune into how people dress, walk, look, carry themselves and adjust accordingly. Eg. You are walking along the sidewalk and approaching you are two younger, buffed kids,pants hangin off their ass, smokin/jokin as they look at you. Are they "good or up to no good." Do you look away as the pass, do you lock eyes, do you cross the street, do you walk between them, move or make them move? Do you nod your head and say "sup?" (whats up). What you do depends on your gut feeling, your training, physical fitness and whether you are armed/oc spray etc. Additonally, are you sure of yourself or do you live to fight another day. It all sounds a bit involved but all this happens in an instant.


  2. Sheeple on cell phones: major White Zone, boarderline comatose! Remember sharking? Women wearing tank tops and such using cell phones were targeted. It was amazing to watch their reactions after the act was committed, many still didn't know what to do.....cover up or stay on the cell phone?.....much less think to ID the retreating attacker! DON"T BE THERE!


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