
Wednesday, May 20, 2020

How to finish killing a business

Restaurants in Washington state will be required to keep a log of each dine-in customer to facilitate contact tracing during phase two of the state's coronavirus reopening plans.

As part of the requirements, the log must be maintained for 30 days and must include each customer's telephone number and email address, and what time they came in to eat, according to officials.


  1. That would be a big NO!

  2. This was rescinded about a week later. Like filling out a gambling receipt in an adult business, aliases would end up being used. Freedomistas will freedom.

    1. Oompah Loompah governess of New Mexico: "Oooooh! I'll make them do that here, too!! Hold muh beer!"

  3. HA HA HA HA HA HA!!

    We need your name, address and phone number if you would like fries with that.
    Fuck That.
    Inslee is a power mad tyrant. Ya gotta know his little FanBois up around Seattle are just lapping this shit up though. Fuckin' Commie Rat Bastards.

  4. What? No recording of Social Security Numbers. drivers license info, credit/debit card numbers, fingerprints and net worth? These stateguvs are slacking.

    lil jack

  5. Is this the United States of America or Nazi Germany or the USSR?

  6. Where I worked there was a man for some reason, People started writing his name on equipment everywhere. It became a fad, you would find his name hundreds of miles away from his home terminal. Since the equipment traveled all of North America so did his name. He was called on the carpet locally, to answer for the vandalism, he couldn't tell them who was doing it. This also happened to a few others with their names or nicknames. A few people liked to tag things with their own names or logos. At any rate, I liked the man. I will use his moniker every chance I get. -H.H.Greene-

    1. ..................................................
      : ...... :
      : .:||||||||:. :
      : / \ :
      : ( o o ) :
      :-------@@@@----------: :----------@@@@---------:
      : `--' :
      : :
      : :
      : K I L R O Y W A S H E R E ! :

  7. I don't know about anyone else, but if I have to sign a log giving details of who I am, as required by Governor Duffus, I'm not inclined to comply. This comes to mind.

    Not that I'm advocating violence. This tyrannical behavior needs to end. I think a recall petition is in order.


    1. I think one of the prime indicators of things getting real squirrely will be if the people of any State try to recall these terrible governers and the governers either try to ban the people from congregating to vote or just straight up ignore a legit recall. Or if said govs ignore an duly passed impeachments from their legislatures.

  8. john and mary smith 123 1st street phone 642 8812(oic u812)

  9. "Obama, Barry Obama"
    (202) 225-4965

  10. The only person who makes slavery possible is the slave(H/T to Boston T. Party). I live just across the state line from Spokane County. The local Satrap, Sheriff Ozzie, will march right in line with Commissar Inslee. It will make for great entertainment to watch how the Freedomistas will react to this edict. Red Jay would do well to remember what just happened to his Fellow Traveler in NYC with Hizzoner's snitch website. I believe one of the replies to Di Blasio's edicts was: " a bag of d****s". It's time to identify as Simon Jester.

  11. Email? I don't know how to use a computer. Phone number? I don't believe in phones. Tools of the devil, don't you know. My name is Helen Waite. If you need more information than that, go to Helen Waite.


  12. Fortunately Numb Nuts has backed-off of this draconian requirement. He got a lot of bad press after announcing these idiotic rules..........Ed in WA

  13. Joe DiMaggio and I had lunch with our friend Christopher Reeves.

  14. Even though the edict was rescinded, how appropriate your placement of this post was in relation to the previous post - The Shit I Post on Facebook.

  15. Waitress number one: "It's weird how I just has a party of Lazarus Long, Adam Smith, Cainan Abel, and John Galt! Who names their kids like that?"

    Waitress number two: "Probably the same folks who named the folks at my table!"


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