
Friday, May 01, 2020


Mary Beth Pagnella, who has lived with profound hearing loss most of her life, prides herself on being an excellent lip reader.

But, amid the coronavirus outbreak, reading lips has become more difficult with state and federal officials recommending, and some requiring, people to wear masks in public.


I can sympathize with them. I've got some serious hearing loss and while I don't read lips, it really helps me to understand somebody when I can see their mouths when they're talking. Even somebody with a heavy mustache is harder for me to understand.


  1. Me too. My new doctor noticed right of that I was watching his lips.

    1. "real hard of hearing folks" don't stare at women's boobs, because if we did, we wouldn't be able "hear" her tell us to not stare at her chest. Wait. What?

    2. "My eyes are up here pal!"

      "I've made my choice lady."

  2. I had no choice, was deaf enough the doctor I do my physicals with told me after 20 odd years he could not lie enough anymore to cover my hearing loss for my cdl.

    Turns out it was the best $4000 I ever spent. Had no idea how much I was missing.

  3. Yeah me too. Got my 1st hearing aids in 1980

    Everyone reads lips to a certain extent, those with "normal hearing" just don't realize it.

    1. "Everyone reads lips to a certain extent, those with "normal hearing" just don't realize it."

      You beat me to it.

      My younger brother has always been 'hard of hearing' so we made sure we were facing him so he could 'hear' us. The older I get the more I need to be face-to-face and in a room without background noise.

  4. I've been deaf in one ear since I was 6 and have worn glasses since I was 10. I can't say that I can read lips but if someone says something to me when I have my glasses off I automatically put my glasses on and ask them to repeat themselves. Then can hear them perfectly.

    P.S. Rush Limbaugh says loss of hearing is the only disability you can have that people get mad at you for having. I have found that to be the absolute truth.

  5. I don't wear a mask. And I like to watch women speak and I watch their lips. And still have to check out their tits and butt.
    Butt, one thing I have noticed is about 95% of the mask wearers don't have the slightest idea of what they are doing with a mask.

    I see bearded men with a mask over the beard. There's no filtration there, unless you count the beard with last week's soup in it.

    And the older ladies who will make sure their mask doesn't "feel" like a mask. My MIL wears her N-95 sideways so the elastics go around her ears instead of her head. So the nose-piece is over on cheek and the other cheek is not covered. Well it doesn't seal any air from getting in.

    Then there's the mo-mos who wear their mask with their nose hanging out. WTF?

    Of course this whole stinkin' exercise was created to see how high Americans would jump. And they jumped pretty high. Even people who "said" they thought it was all Bull shit still wore a mask.


  6. Same here, Between 81mm Mortars for three years and a range accident I have High frequency hearing loss. Especially female voices, it is so bad That I tell strangers and when I worked co-workers and supervisors that if i was NOT looking at them chances are very good that I did not hear them

  7. On Covid 19 or as I call it the Wuhan Fluhan. It is all a crock i think the Chinese Closed the city down to spook the rest of the world into doing the same In order to gauge the worlds reactions and culpability. Well as we all have experienced the world OVERREACTED. I also do not wear a mask or gloves. First of all all these homemade and surgical masks are not effective unless you are using an N-95 mask in a clinical environment. All these people wearing surgical masks don't realize that at least 30% of the air they are breathing in is coming in from the SIDES of the mask and NOT through the front. So much for wearing a mask did anyone else see the guy at a Michigan demonstration with the M-17 gas mask on (with hood BTW) That Michigan Governor is asking for a violent response and if she keeps pushing she is going to get one. The beach that Governor (NEWCUM) locked down in California The shriff of that county has stated he will NOT be arresting people on the beach.


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