
Tuesday, June 09, 2020

BLM Protesters Vandalize Abraham Lincoln Statue In London

Days ago we noted the absurdity of Black Lives Matter (BLM) protesters defacing of all things Mahatma Gandhi's statue outside the Indian Embassy in Washington D.C., which led to an apology by the US ambassador to India Ken Juster who condemned the "awful violence and vandalism" against ironically enough a historical icon of peaceful, non-violent resistance.

Well, the mob of the super-woke (and apparently historically illiterate) has struck again - this time in Parliament Square, London, where a large statue of Abraham Lincoln was subject to vandalism amid weekend George Floyd inspired protests.


  1. Reminds me of the movie from 2006 Idiocracy

  2. Yeah, well, in this case they may be on to something, although perhaps by accident. Lincoln was a stone-cold son-of-a-bitch. He said, "My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that."

    He's worshiped for having "freed the slaves" via the Emancipation Proclamation, but that only applied to slaves in areas under rebellion. That is to say, those slaves in areas NOT under Federal control. So slaves in Georgia were freed before slaves in the Union states, who had to wait nearly three years for the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution to be ratified.

    He could have got on the train to Richmond any time before the shooting started to sit down with Jefferson Davis to try to calm things down, but would not condescend to do so. 750,000 lives later (estimated military and civilian battlefield deaths and from disease)…..

    Never mind, that he stood by whilst Sherman and Sheridan burned, looted and killed their way thru Georgia, South Carolina and the Shenandoah Valley, actions that would have constituted war crimes had it been Lee leading the march. As Commander-in-Chief, that's on him.

    Finally, and to my mind his worst failure, he had no plan for what to do with the slave population after the shooting stopped. The census reported 4 million slaves in the United States in 1860 and they all became so-called citizens five years later. Citizens, really? How? Where? What shall be done with all those people? Nope, nothing. He may have won the war, but he flat-out failed to plan for the aftermath. I believe that many of the problems we have to this day go right back to that failure of vision and leadership.

    I may be wrong about some of those figures, I took a quick look around the innernets and that's what I found, but I don't think they're off by much.


  3. Look in california arsonists are trying to torch homes flying american flags.

    They hate us and really want us dead


  4. If you hunt and kill Antifa people, are you a serial killer or are you performing a public service? Asking for a friend.

  5. The world changed on 9 /11.
    I remember that old world and this isn’t it.
    Now someone is trying to do it again.
    Now we have a fake pandemic trying to change the world ,
    And pointless mobs of rioting Democrats burning cities
    And inflaming race riots based on lies and trying to change the world.
    Billionaires funding violence and revolution.
    Well, it might change the world, but you are not going to like it.
    All the things you say we are, we just might _have to become_, to stop this.
    We have done it before.
    Push us far enough and we will show you the monster we hold back.
    We are virtuous, not because we are harmless, but because we are monsters and we don’t act monstrously.
    We are righteous because we are actually, LITERALLY right and you are wrong.
    You might get to “have a conversation” , but it will be about things like *repatriations*.
    And ethnic nationalism.
    And women’s voting rights.
    And welfare.
    And murdering babies in the womb.
    This isn’t you pushing into a Brave new world, this is you burning down our home.
    You’re looking for a trigger in the dark and won’t you be surprised to find our finger already on it.
    I . Am. Sick. Of. This. Shit.

  6. Animals also vandalized the 54th Massachusetts memorial fucking savages don't know their own history.

  7. The Liberals are still pissed that Lincoln took their slaves away from them. They sure hold a grudge


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