
Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Tales from a small business owner and victim

My father founded our family pharmacy the year I was born, 1955. Originally, we were located near the White House until we moved to Upper Northwest Washington, D.C., right near the border of Maryland and the capital. We also expanded into groceries.

We've been doing business in this neighborhood for 55 years. Our customers are an international group and we have enjoyed knowing and seeing all our familiar customers, for so many years. We were here even when Washington, D.C., suffered from the 1968 riots following the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. But it wasn't until the current protests and riots that our family business was attacked and looted.

The night of Sunday, May 31, was a nightmare.


  1. It almost feels like crushing small business out is part of the plan.

    1. It is.

      Jeremy P.

    2. Small business has already been crushed by the lock down.

      This looting and burning is just putting them out of their misery, poor bastards.


  2. If i were him i'd be getting a brighter flashlite lol

  3. It does seem that the plan is to crush small businesses. I cannot say what I would do had I been the owner. I know what I would like to have done, but the world is presently upside down. The criminals are protected and a law-abiding gun owner who shot a looter in one of these blue hives might stand to go to jail for a whole myriad of charges. I do believe I would roll the dice and take my chances protecting my livelihood to the best of my ability though.

    1. "I do believe I would roll the dice and take my chances protecting my livelihood"

      With respect, you would NOT. You do NOT value any material thing or things above the life of another human being. You value the lives of every person equally, only with extra value on the lives of those who have suffered the most. (That would be negroes, and those we really really can't criticize.)

      IF you completely WITHOUT ANY INTENTION tragically and inadvertently did something that POSSIBLY contributed to taking the life of another person, it would only be because YOU WERE IN FEAR FOR YOUR OWN LIFE.


    2. I wonder what Reginald Denny's response to Mike_C would be.

    3. speak like a leftist liberal. I am so sick and tired of that attempt at a counter argument.
      How do we get the things in our life?
      Did they just drop from the Heavens like manna?
      NO they did not....people went to school, obeyed the rules, got training and got jobs. Worked their way up from lower positions to higher paying roles or jobs. And we spent our blood sweat & tears and toiled to do so...stealing my things or TIME from me is stealing part of my life. If you are an older person you may not have more time or ability to do so, it may even break you causing heart attacks, severe mental depression or other serious physical ailments.
      NO ONE has a right to take what is mine, what I gave up part of my life for, possibly missing the milestones of children in the process and other sacrifices.
      All decisions in life have consequences, so should STEALING and\or causing property damage.
      If someone chooses to take the easy route, they need to know the consequences may not be pleasant and may be fatal.
      I think there would be less problems in general if we went back to some of our basic morals and ways of dealing with the miscreants of society...we have been to nice, too understanding and willing to understand why they acted out.
      I will tell you why...they have no morals, no upbringing, values or anything and think they deserve to take whatever they want from whomever they want whenever they want and it has to stop!

    4. I can assure you that Mike_C is anything but a leftist liberal, PoppaGary.

    5. Thanks, Kenny.

      @PoppaGary: I agree with what you have said. You sound like the kind of person that I respect and want as a neighbor. What I was getting at (perhaps obliquely) was two things. I'm sorry if my sarcasm got in the way of comprehension. (And the sarcasm was not directed toward Jeffrey, in case anyone was wondering.)

      1. We have no privacy. Anything posted online, or in an email, is around forever, and will be used against you in a court of law. And posting under a handle does not make a difference.
      2. Unless you are certain that you live and will remain [1] in a place where it is legal to use lethal force to defend property, never come out and say "*I* would use potentially lethal force to defend property." One might say, "I believe that it is ethical to use force to defend property [2], and that the law should reflect this." But I think it is not a good idea to go on record saying that you personally would do it.

      Some people are going to call me a coward over this. That's their right to have that opinion. Personally I am of the persuasion to never make it easy for the enemy. They already control the newsmedia, much of academia, almost all of our "entertainment" and about half of our courts. Parenthetically, I never thought I'd see the day where I considered fellow Americans enemies, but unfortunately I think that day is fast approaching.

      [1] as to local and state laws, they are changing rapidly. What will happen when Texas goes blue?

    6. Hey Mike C. I knew exactly what you were trying to convey when you replied to my initial post. Sometimes things are "lost in translation" in comment, texts, emails, etc. The bottom line is legally, one doesn't shoot someone for destroying ones property, but for ones self preservation. I also understand and appreciate the points TSquared and PoppaGary were making.

  4. His math is bad. If he started in 1955, thats 65 years in business

  5. I didn't say anything about taking a life Mike, but if I did, it would definitely be because I felt myself in imminent danger of being fatally harmed.

    1. Perfect. We have to say it like the cops say: I was in fear for my life. Period.

      Because we are reasonable, honest people our side tends to try and explain, to show our reasoning process. That’s the kiss of death. The other side are a mass of low IQ idiots, midwit Good White true believers, and a small number of predominantly high IQ Special People manipulating the idiots and true believers. For the bottom two classes it’s like a religion: working whites are evil, brown people are holy. No debate or even thought allowed. For those at the top I’m not so sure. I think some are true believers, others are in it to burn things down (because of all the suffering their people - real humans, not us cattle - went through) and others just like the power.


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