
Monday, June 29, 2020

Looks like it's a done deal in Nashville

NASHVILLE, TN (WSMV) - The Metro Board of Health voted Friday to require anyone out in the public in Davidson County to wear face coverings or masks.

The board made the vote during an emergency meeting. The motion passed 4-0.

"We need to do all we can to save the lives of Nashvillians," Dr. Alex Jahangir, Chairman of the Metro Board of Health said.


  1. Looks like they included the same "exception" that Gov. Blackface did in VA..:
    "By those who cannot medically tolerate wearing a face covering. No person declining to wear a face covering because of a medical condition shall be required to produce verifying medical documentation"
    So, you just have to say "No Face Diaper - Medical Condition" and go about your business..

    1. The ADA:

      1. Requires reasonable accommodations who cannot wear a mask due to medical,conditions

      2. You cannot be forced to reveal any medical condition. SCOTUS recognizes a Constitutional right to privacy

      3. Your right to privacy is included in HIPPA

      So in conclusion, fuck ‘em

    2. I understand, but " go fuck yourself, Nazi" has a much better tone to it, and would make me feel so much better.


    3. Well, this is an interesting situation. Here is a gentleman who also goes by "Mike C". But for those of you playing at home, look for the underscore (_) to differentiate between us.

    4. BoBo, everyone in Nashville should become just a little bit claustrophobic !!!

  2. This presupposes that someone would wish to "save the lives of Nashvillians." I'd prefer to shorten my commute.
    -Just A Chemist

  3. So the Metro Board of Health has decided that they're gonna save lives with masks. I'm sure the germs are really nervous, now.

  4. The Mayor of the city I live in issued an Executive Order back in March requiring masks in all public spaces/businesses in the city. There's an official looking notice, with the seal of the city printed on it, posted on the door to the grocery store I shop at detailing same.



    1. They're even advertising for and hiring "code enforcers" in various parts of FL to write tickets fining individuals and businesses for failure to follow local "mandates" because the Police are refusing to enforce it.

  5. It is hard to tell if the doctor is lying or just really stupid and uninformed. Masks do nothing outside of surgery. NOTHING. It is like putting a chain link fence up to stop mosquitos.

    Masks are about control and hysteria, not science or health.

    1. The china virus is estimated to be between 50 and 200 nanometers in diameter-even my dog knows that is damn small. Finding something porous enough to breath through while still stopping the virus from passing through is like trying to build a better mouse trap. Ain't gonna happen.

  6. If I lived there: Dear Metro Board of Health, "$*@#!$@ and the horse you rode in on"

  7. "The goal is to change behavior..." Hey, fuck you and the goat you rode in on.

  8. Neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock: Face Masks Pose Serious Risks to Healthy Individuals

  9. Has anyone, anywhere filed a lawsuit challenging these inconsistent and arbitrary edicts? I understand quarantining people who are sick but I don't understand how forcing masks on healthy people can stand up to Constitutional scrutiny. I'm really surprised that someone, somewhere hasn't challenged this. I just know that if this was something that Progressives disliked there would be lawsuits galore. It would be in front of the Supreme Court by now.

  10. "The board made the vote during an emergency meeting. The motion passed 4-0."

    Four entitled assholes that need the tar and feather treatment.

  11. I suggest we all wear masks.

    Make them the likeness of your favorite, politician.

    I'm looking for a Gretchen Whitmer mask.


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