
Tuesday, June 09, 2020

When you live in a fantasy world

Nine members of the Minneapolis City Council announced their support for disbanding the Minneapolis Police Department at a rally Sunday afternoon in Powderhorn Park.

City Council President Lisa Bender said, "our commitment is to end our toxic relationship with MPD and to end policing as we know it to recreate systems of public safety that actually keep us safe."


The problem with people like this is they think everybody has good morals and are basically good people. They don't understand that most criminals are psychopaths, have no conscience whatsoever and really don't give a shit who they hurt.
It reminds me of an article I saw in the Modesto Bee a few years back when a Norteno gang kid was asked by a judge if he felt any remorse at all when he damned near beat an elderly grandmother to death for a few bucks. The little bastard just shrugged and said "So what? It wasn't my grandmother."


  1. Plenty of bad cops in the world. Having none will make you pine for the day you had the bad ones. Rule of the best armed will be the new abnormal. Minneapolis really wants to be Mogadishu.

    1. Most of the Somalis in this country live there already. Let them have it.

    2. They already have Somali cops and one of those Somali cops shot and killed an unarmed, innocent white woman

    3. And yet there were no week long memorial services and state funeral for Justine Damond like there were for George Floyd. I wonder why.

  2. Soooooo
    It sounds like the city council wants to "disband the police" and then, and I quote, "recreate systems of public safety that actually keep us safe." Or, a *police force*. I swear, these people are so f'n stupid, or so f'n two-faced, it hurts my head to hear them talk. I'd move, but there is no where left to move to.
    -Just A Chemist

  3. Its going to leed to a 2 tier system. Thoae who can pay for 24/7 security and those we will have to live under the protection of various warlords who 'protect' an area.


  4. It's the usual thing.
    City Council Person, "We want to replace the police with a government funded group of individuals, licensed and trained, to go about ensuring the safety and integrity of our communities through the strict enforcement of laws and equality those laws provide."

    Lady, that's called "Police".

  5. Not to get theological here, but I'm a pastor so I'm going to anyway. The Bible, and just plain common sense, bear out the fact that people are basically self-centered. Tell me that you really want to pay taxes and I'll call you a liar. Fear of consequences motivate most of us. Morality is also a motivator. I won't slug an old lady even if I can get away with it. But to say that every one of us will do the right thing without the motivation of negative consequences if we don't is ludicrous.

    1. Do you seek God because you fear hell or because you love God with all your heart, mind, body?

      Only one is true.


  6. Libtards have no concept that evil people are running around out there. They're in for a shock.

    1. I disagree. They know. And they know exactly.

  7. The call to defund the police is BS, the left wants to replace the police with a force more heavily armed and supplied but politically loyal to the them. Think of an internal security force of ANTIFA/Gangs basically imposing 'political conformity' everywhere. Don't fall for the BS 'Social Worker' crap, trhis will be the most violent part of society just like in Cambodia/USSR/China. Buy guns and ammo NOW!

    1. Bingo, that is exactly what they want. Need a "police force" that absolutely will not hesitate to go house to house looking for guns? Stuff that "police force" with antifa and somalis and you'll have holes in you for "resisting" when you open the door. What, you don't agree with the council that rainbow people deserve a daily parade? That's too bad, hope your store doesn't burn.

    2. They want Obambi's "National Police Force". Such a force would not be of, and for the community, but would have their loyalties to their masters in DC.

      Remember, Obambi didn't go away. He just moved down the street from the White House.

  8. Who yah gonna call when "When a naked man is chasing a woman through an alley with a butcher's knife and a hard-on,"


    1. Dial 1 plus the emergency help line.

  9. Naked man with a butcher knife, or gangs, or most crime problems, won't last five minutes against a well-armed populace once police are no longer there to protect the bad guys from the rest of us (aka the militia).

    Sheriff plus posse drawn from said militia solves all other problems. No "professionals" required. Everyone knows to behave because the posse members will eventually have to go back and live among their neighbors and be judged for their actions.

  10. Also on the Minneapolis City Council is this thing -

    Andrea is "the first black openly transgender woman elected to public office in the United States. She is a grandmother and identifies as bisexual and queer."

    This is today's Democrat Party.

    1. She needs to have HIV, and alien DNA to round out the ideal Democrat qualifications.

  11. I just don't wanna be harassed when I blow away a bare ass naked motherfucker with a samurai sword and a huge erection stupid enough to run at me in the street.

  12. They will defund the police but fund security details for themselves.

  13. It should at least be entertaining to watch-from somewhere else.

  14. You know reading these responses as well as all the other opinions regarding the popo I have to give my 2 cents worth. As WE have seen the pOpo will absolutely enforce any and all edicts, proclamations, and executive orders from mayors, council members, governors, and even the President. For example before all this covid 19 bullshit WE bantered back and forth about whether or not the Popo would confiscate guns if directed to do so. The confiscation of arms stands as the ultimate betrayal against WE the PEOPLE. I think most of US knew/know the answer. But now the answer is very clear. They sure will. Adding to the fact that PoPo are brutal even during routine traffic stops. IE road side body cavity searches, forced blood test for drugs et al. Ask your self this...You are driving down the road minding your own business and suddenly you see a cop car in your rear view mirror. No lights flashing but just there behind you. What do you feel. Did some Popo 5 miles ago had a license plate reader. You are mentally asking yourself What Did I do? What about that parking ticket I got 3 months ago? I thought I paid that. Heart rate goes up, you sweat, you are nervous. You are apprehensive. PopO is the last thing anyone wants to see in their rear view mirror. In any call for help the last to arrive on the scene are the pOPo. Chalk lines and caution tape at the ready. Just look at the looting videos. Here you will appreciate the full value of the PopO. Macy's, target, and on and on were looted, burned, and trashed some in broad day light. PopO???.....Car 54 where are you? And lastly, the Popo that took an oath to defend the Constitution from threats both foreign and domestic TAKES A KNEE TO blm et al and to top it all off WASH THE FEET OF THE negro.


  15. We already know where they all live. We are waiting for the police to be neutralized, and then we will neutralize them... Nice, right...

  16. There's a very simple solution to this idiocy. The entirety of the police force in Minneapolis needs to declare they have been exposed to the chinky flu and state that according to CDC guidelines they must stay home for the next two weeks and then see how they like the taste of them apples. I give it about five days before they start screaming for them to come back.

  17. I think that a lot of folks are missing the point on "Abolishing the Police." If one pays attention to leftist sources, its been talked about for years. The plan is not to have a American Baghdad or Mogadishu, it will follow along one of two probable models:

    1) The local police will be abolished and the county police will be expanded to fill the void. My understanding is Camden, NJ did this a few years ago. Basically, its union breaking more than anything, and will push any responsibility for future events to a different governing body.

    2) If they want to go full progressive, they will still have a police force, all be it with a different name, and some form of in field investigation body to determine if a arrest needs to be made. Think something on the order of Title IX in collages. They will basically have a infield determination of if a event passes a threshold to call the ones with actual arresting powers. And you can bet it will be a highly politicized process.

    Either way, you can bet that the crime rate will not go up. Either another entity will just fill in, or it simply will not be ruled a crime in the first place.

    1. I'd say in such a case crime will go up, but the crime rate will stay the same or decrease, because crimes won't be reported.

      And I see a chance for the cohorts of the mayor, city council, etc. getting cushy jobs running these programs or the city contracting out the programs to brand-new companies (owned by their buddies). Just another scam...

  18. Without the police, America is the wild west, that's ok for some of us....they have forgotten that people tired of innocent bystanders being shot down in firefights between the good guys and the bad guys, and therefore, the police were established to maintain the civility in the cities....liberals....they hate history, especially if it points out how fk'n stupid they are....that's why they refuse to pass it along or the revise it to suit their narrative....

  19. I think a lot of this crap is a Millennial problem. They don't seem to value the experience of their elders one bit. It's "okay boomer" time with them, they have to learn all that shit and drag along those of us who've lived long enough to know "shit from shinola". That said, this WON'T end well!

  20. I’m ready to get rid of the cops! Rotten bastards. Issue each citizen a side arm, box of ammo and s slap on the back. Given a list of suggested does and don’ts


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