
Friday, July 10, 2020

A vacation to remember

Hikers on the Grand Canyon rim Friday screamed in horror and shouted “no” as a 59-year-old woman plummeted 100 feet to her death, a video shows.

Maria Andrea Salgado Lopez of Scottsdale, Arizona, had been hiking off-trail and taking photos near Mather Point when she fell at 12:35 p.m., Grand Canyon National Park rangers wrote in a release.


  1. Gravity is rather uncompromising.

  2. probably had dirt on the Clintons

  3. I was there this past Tuesday and it's a shitshow. lots of freaks there this year (we don't have to work, lets go to the GC), without a lot of the normal tourist flow to thin the stupidity.

  4. She needed to hear a few stern NOs as soon as she stepped offa the trail. Shouting NO at her after she started falling? Kinda too late..

    1. "She needed to hear a few stern NOs "

      You're right. Or would be if we lived in a sane society. But no one with any sense is going to risk shouting anything at a stranger these days. Especially if that stranger is from a protected class. Because our culture has been handed over to (or rather hijacked without resistance by) persons whose entire identity is based on ethnic identity, paranoid aggression, and victimhood.

      Telling that woman that she was being stupid and needed to stop, in a sane society, would be telling an individual idiot to cease and desist. But in our racial/ethnic victimhood culture, it's an assault on women and an assault on Hispanics. Now female Hispanics are not high on the victimhood scale, they are below blacks, below sexual deviants, below Muslims, below The Real Victims, but they're still above white women, and really above white men.

      At this rate we're going to turn into Commie China. Watch this video (by a South African white guy who lived in China for over a decade). He's showing a series of staged events where it looks like a child, and later a young woman, is being kidnapped in public. No one does a fucking thing. That's what you get in a zero-trust society. (Watching it, I was thinking that if the pranksters tried this in the US they'd get beaten up, and possibly shot. Now I'm not so sure.)

      A zero-trust society is bad for most people, but it is good if you belong to a small minority that thinks everyone else is out to get them. Atomization of society and destruction of social norms is how aggressive outsiders can gain power.

    2. Your comment makes a ton of sense, thanks!

  5. This one would probably have stepped off the boardwalk at the basin in Yellowstone.
    Bound to happen sometime. City people think the great outdoors is like Disneyland - come to think of it, a few idiots have died there too.

  6. I damn near died at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon 28 years ago. My wife (then girlfriend) and I were taking pictures and I stepped over the little edge and the rocks gave way.

    It wasn't THAT close, but we still laugh about it.

  7. There are no such thing as accidents. There are only incidents.

  8. I'm too old and jaded. I'd be like Jack Nicholson in Mars Attacks. "Whoa".
    There's a reason God invented the telephoto lens, kids.

  9. Speed never hurt anyone, it's the sudden deceleration the does one in.

  10. This social distancing thing is getting out of hand.

    1. That was the first thought i had when i saw this story.
      Of course the next one was another China Flu death


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