
Friday, July 24, 2020

Fucking animals

A group of teens were reportedly caught on camera beating a pregnant woman and kicking her toddler.

The fight was caught on camera and circulated around Twitter on Monday. The fight reportedly took place Friday outside of a home in Brooklyn, according to a report published by the New York Post.


  1. my goodness! Here I am jumping to conclusions and "stereotyping" again.

  2. Guess the race...

  3. Looks like another black gang attack on white people so there's no chance of them being prosecuted.

  4. If you guessed oreo fight, you win.

  5. Looks like black on black for a change.

  6. Quote from the mother: "He didn’t try 2 kick that baby he tried 2 jump over the baby on to her..."

    Because jumping onto a woman who is already being beaten by two other people is such a respectable action...Well done mom.

  7. Teens isn't the word that comes to mind.

  8. Fucking useless heathens. Based on their age they probably will die shortly at the hands of another heathen. Good riddance.

  9. It's not a fight.
    "Fight" implies mutual combat. Which a gang attack on a defenseless individual is NOT.
    This is typical of the deceptive and misleading language used by the newsmedia.

    Not that anyone should be surprised, seeing as the newsmedia are largely owned by people full of resentment and poorly-concealed self loathing that manifests as paranoid aggression.

  10. They aren't going to like it when the Police are no longer around.
    Problems like this will be solved quickly and w/o a trial.

  11. Fucking feral Amish on the scene once more. And nothing will be done about it because the po-lice have been DE-funded!


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