
Monday, July 27, 2020

Her parents should be arrested for child endangerment

On Eddy Binford-Ross's second night reporting on the protests in Portland, Ore., federal officers let off enough tear gas to fill the street in front of the federal courthouse and an entire city park across the street. The smokelike plumes sent her scattering along with the protesters.

"I couldn't see because my eyes were burning," she told The Washington Post. "I couldn't breathe because my throat was burning. I almost threw up because I was coughing so hard."

Like many journalists covering the tense demonstrations, Eddy has faced serious threats: She has been tear-gassed every night, had three flash-bang explosives lobbed in her direction, been shoved against a wall by police, and had a federal officer repeatedly point a gun at her.

But Eddy may be the only front-line reporter regularly risking her safety to write for a high school newspaper.


  1. She sounds like she's one of them

  2. I went to her twit page to research this statement; “ The woman shouted at the officials, and one man ran toward her, baton raised in the air.
    The teenager rushed forward to get a closer angle and raised her camera to photograph the moment the two people collided. As the officer glanced at her, the word "Press" emblazoned on her T-shirt and helmet, he paused and lowered the baton”.

    Soooo... She is there taking photos and videos but there are no pics or vids that proves that statement to be fact. She’s going to make a great new journalism major, because all of her posts are slanted for the protesters.

  3. White liberal elite children should go stand in the middle of a clash between fascists and LEO's. Maybe they'll get their asses kicked and learn something their mommy and teachers were incapable of teaching. Stupid bint.


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