
Thursday, August 06, 2020

Analysis: Rhetoric About a New Civil War Is on the Rise

In June, we counted 23 articles written about the prospect of a new or cold civil war in the United States. In July, that number doubled to 46. That’s no mere “uptick.”

Right or wrong, these prognostications from both Left and Right are significant for what they reveal about the nature of the political division in the United States. Interest in this topic will only increase as we approach the election in November and whatever lies beyond it.


  1. This particular subject has been tossed around quite a bit over the last few years, however one thing about this subject, and more importantly who is publicly commenting on it, got my attention a few months ago - I believe it was Victor Davis Hanson who made mention of it first, although I could be mistaken about that - but when this subject was broached around six years ago, Mr. Hanson said, "I don't think that is ever going to happen. I think that is just wishful thinking on the part of some people who are looking for an excuse to commit mayhem." Then, I believe it was a few months ago, Mr. Hanson penned an article entitled, "Why another civil war is now inevitable." he goes on to say a lot what most of us here know and he provides a sort of timeline as to where it all went sideways. The one thing I would take issue with Mr. Hanson on is the fact that I believe the reason why people like him in the establishment dismissed this idea for so long is the fact that they knew the truth, but weren't prepared psychologically to deal with what it meant. The most telling line from that article is the following, "On the one hand you have a majority of Americans who love their country, who understand that it has some problems, but that those problems can be remedied and they just want to live their lives and be left alone in peace. And on the other hand, you have a group of people who have made it painfully clear that they will never allow that to happen. There's only one way this ends." and that pretty much sums it up.

  2. Much of this can be laid at the feet of the Supreme Court due to its disastrous Reynolds vs Sims decision. When urban areas dominate the politics of any given state over the welfare and well being of the non-urban areas, resentment grows. The non-urban areas rarely have any redress and as a result resentment of the urban elite grows. All the while disdain of the non-urban 'deplorables' by the urban elite increases and are seen as being beneath notice. These divisions exacerbate the already different political ideologies and amplify them.

    Is it any wonder we see movements in some states for the non-urban areas wanting to secede from the urban areas and form their own states?

  3. Both great points, thanks for commenting...
    And I agree, if one side is not willing to be tolerant of the other, its going to mean the end of one side, choose wisely!

  4. One side has 250 million guns and one trillion rounds of ammunition in stock. Plus they have 3-5% former military who still remember their training.
    The other side has what? Unemployed snowflakes armed with fireworks and lasers? Triglepuff on social media?
    There is only the threat of civil war; the other side is not suicidal enough to carry it out.

    1. Probably north of 600 million firearms, but still.

      The other side has over 75% of the newsmedia and Big Tech, about 50% of academia in general (and like 90%+ of "social sciences" and public health(!)), and at least a third of the courts. That's not firepower, but they are the tools for societal control. Oh yeah, also a disturbing proportion of military officers at O7 or higher.

      Shooting our way out of this is going to be neither fast nor straightforward. Also, while YOU can run a rational risk analysis, many on the left are absolutely incapable of doing so. What sounds like idiotic suicide to you and me seems like "a good plan" to them. Crazy people, stupid impulsive people, and high-IQ morons are dangerous because they are unpredictable.

    2. They have the power of the state. They will make an example out of any of us that dares stand up to the left with force. Otherwise we would have put a stop to this shit already.

    3. I agree. I think that the belief that the police and military will refuse to confiscate our guns is a figment. See Saint Louis. The police were apologetic, but took the guns anyway.

  5. Once the killing starts, there will be crazy people who won't stop.


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