
Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Block 'em and shock 'em

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (WREG) – When photos began to surface of Memphis authorities carrying futuristic electrified shields that looked like props right out of the Marvel universe, Twitter users began labeling them “Taser shields” or “stun shields.” We now know a little bit more about how they ended up on the streets of Memphis. 


  1. It's a NOVA sheild. Fun little gadget. I got certified with them when I worked in corrections. I actually borrowed one when I went to Louisville with the Guard. Kind of disappointed I didn't get to use it.

  2. One for every officer would be a good start.

  3. Someone needs to post instructions on how to Electrify your front bumper or for that matter the entire outside of your vehicle. Would come in handy to disperse some Street merchants

    1. Remember the South African after-market item for cars...a flamethrower?

    2. All you need is a fence charger or a Model T coil. One wire dragging the ground, the other connects to the car body. Oh, there is one more thing you'll need, a good lawyer.

  4. "Members of that team displayed the two e-shields that began creating a buzz on social media."
    A BUZZ. Ahahaha!

    NOVA Shield
    Gosh, those won't sell in Mexico! A shield called "no go"? What a dumb marketing department. Derp.
    As some Mexican comic said, mockingly, "Jess, jess, we May-hee-canos muy estupido; we don' buy your car because you call it 'no go'. Maybe we don't buy your cars because they're pieces of shit. Ever think of that?"

  5. If people would keep their hands to themselves they wouldn't get shocked. I have never seen these shields before. They are a great idea.

    Jeremy P.

  6. We had a couple at the regional Prison I worked at. I have never seen a round one though. Kind of looks like the standard round riot shield. I would love to see the video of anyone trying to grab one. Why do we never see Water Cannons here like they do in Europe.

    1. Because it reminds people of the firehoses the Democrats wielded on the marchers in Selma a few decades ago.

  7. Wait a minute, they're apologizing for deploying them and promising to never do it again???

  8. SHERIFF: Yeah, we've got stuff that would make your job easier and give you more protection, but dammit, you gotta understand, it looks dangerous.

  9. They look similar to DeLorean hubcaps


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