
Thursday, September 03, 2020

Some girls you just don't fuck with


  1. Visualise the same girl with a Karambit as per Doug's demo below.
    Sooner be shot any day 😆

  2. Shame on the gun owner.
    No Eye pro?
    Other than that - GREAT!

  3. Got a niece who is like that. Petite gal who hits every time with anything she picks up that sends a projectile down range. When she picks up a gun you can kinda see it in her face...suddenly all business.

  4. Fantastic picture!
    See the shockwave propagating up her arm? It's just below her elbow.
    Or that's her muscle. Girl has about 2% body fat so the muscles really show.
    I'll bet she makes some man very happy, or will someday.
    -Just A Chemist

  5. That pic is making my tinnitus act up something fierce.

  6. 1.Lean in to win!

    2.Nose over toes!

    3.Ears and eyes will vaporize-
    Respect and protect!

    Pet peeves.

    It's great to see a woman shooting.

    (After all, the only way to make women truly safe, is to make them truly dangerous.)

    I just hate to see bad habits perpetuated for a photo shoot.

  7. How do you know she's a lesbian? Or am I misreading the headline?

    Thank you, try the veal.


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