
Friday, October 09, 2020

Well, that really backfired on them, didn't it?

The NBA, amid suffering from record lows in their ratings, has agreed to leave all the recent social justice messages "off the floor" starting with the next season. 

Adam Silver, the commissioner of the NBA, had during past months insisted in promoting a pro Black Lives Matter to support the leagues overwhelmingly African American players. 


After this happening, any intelligent person would come to two conclusions.

1) We don't really care to hear what entertainers/celebrities have to say on today's issues and 2) the BLM movement's support among Americans isn't as much as the MSM would have us believe.


  1. The only way I'd watch either the NBA or NFL is if just after the players stand with their hands over their hearts during the National Anthem they roll in a life-sized statue of a bent over president Trump and each player walk up and kiss his ass!

    1. Or if they play until all members of one team are dead.
      Rollerball rule change #x

  2. Maybe Adam Silver, as a white man (albeit a freaky Bat-Boy looking white man) should resign as NBA Commissioner and let a negro take over to represent the league’s “overwhelmingly African-American players”.

    Also, we need Affirmative Action in the NBA for Asian-Americans, Midget-Americans, quadriplegic-Americans and lardass-Americans. The NBA does not “look like America”.

    1. A (((white))) man. Like the commissioners of the NHL, MLS and the majority of pro team owners. Just a coincidence.

    2. You spelled cohencidence wrong.

    3. i agree Affirmative Action in all sports. THE PBR (Pro Bullriders definitely need more BLM folks and Asians as Bullfighters and Riders.

  3. Looks like the NBA is joining the ranks of Disney and others that have come to realize the biggest truth about all the SJW bullshit...
    Get woke, go broke.

    1. Disney just responded to Newsom's saying he didn't see any need to rush reopening the theme parks. They ain't happy in the Magic Kingdom. Which is perfect because they all supported and voted for him.

    2. "Looks like the NBA is joining the ranks of Disney and others that have come to realize the biggest truth about all the SJW bullshit...
      Get woke, go broke."

      Until the gummint provides them with a nice, fat taxpayer fun bux bailout, that is.

  4. Bar tender turned on NBA. Crowd shouted him down, called him a few less than complimentary names. Bar tender turned off the TV to a resounding round of applause. A little guy, maybe 60, stood up and apologized for calling bar tender a, well, let's just say a derogatory term for an unpopular ghetto resident.

    1. "A little guy, maybe 60, stood up and apologized for calling bar tender a, well, let's just say a derogatory term for an unpopular ghetto resident."

      Judenschwein? Oh...ja, Amerikanische ghetto....
      - Zombie Heinrich Himmler

  5. I don't begrudge anyone their own personal choice in entertainment, but even before all this woke bullshit, I never got why people watched basketball. To me it was just a bunch of mostly Africans running around in shorts trying to get a ball in a basket. It's almost as boring as soccer. I can't boycott something I never took part in.

    1. I'm in total agreement with you

    2. You forgot that they are mostly “sweaty” Africans dropping a piece of rubber on a wooden floor

  6. The end of the NBA is good news for black kids: they no longer have to start dealing drugs to make enough money to buy one pair of LeBron sneakers.

    1. When the NBA goes out of business there will be plenty of jobs available picking cotton.

    2. I was always told that if it wasn't for the NBA America would ave the world's tallest garbage men.

  7. Jbone said it. "Go woke, go broke". No form of politics has any place in any sport.
    Play the game and STFU.

  8. Jbone said it. "Go woke, go broke". No form of politics has any place in any sport.
    Play the game and STFU.

  9. All these sports leagues are finally getting the message loud and clear.

    At no other job in this country would the owners and managers of a company allow this take a knee disrespect for our country to take place at their workplace.

    Not only that, but blacks in this country don't believe that Black Lives Matter. If they did, they wouldn't be killing each other AND THEIR CHILDREN at the rate that they have for decades. No, this isn't a gun problem. It's a black community problem. No other ethnic community ON THE PLANET, kills their own at the rate that blacks kill each other. Until they fix that problem they don't deserve the respect that their race hustlers clamor for on a daily basis.

    Who in the black community or member of ANY sports team or ANY OF THE RACE HUSTLERS is condemning the murder and mayhem visited on the black community by members of their own demographic? No, they'd rather blame white people for all of their problem when 99% of their problems are visited on them by members of their own community.

    Fuck these ingrates. I hope they starve.


    1. I can’t boycott professional sports anymore than I already do. However, I hope everybody else refuses to watch or in anyway support these overpaid idiots. Let them go bankrupt. Completely and entirely.

    2. I'd say that you've some big ones posting such truthful observations...although it's unlikely anyone here is going to complain.

  10. Don't know 'bout you guys, but I'm thinking they already screwed the pooch on this one. Plus all the traitorous "kneeling". If you're not proud of your country go play for the Commie Chinese.


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